Ron Paul, The only one We can trust.


Active Member
Nice Deprave. I also, am a Paul supporter. As long as the politically controlled medias keep all the little lemmings (the people) at bay, with distorted and manipulated big political machine BS. It will be tough for Ron Paul. But like the video says, a grass roots movement cannot be anyone! I was laid off by a major corporation, i was replaced by someone who took 25% less pay ( i can't blame the worker), than I was making. I'm a 55 yr old caucasion, that NO ONE will HIRE. The same banks that were bailed out for their greed.....foreclosed on my home in March. While their CEO's were high fiving each other and dishing out ridiculous bonuses and incentives to themselves. Shame on my Gov't! Shame...Shame...Shame!!! So now, I generate my own income..:weed:


Well-Known Member
Yep, he's the man. I supported him last time, too. WE need to do all we can to keep the underground movement strong as long as the MSM boot-licks their masters. Ask every voting age person you can "What do you think about RP?" Should they say somethng like "He doesn't stand a chance" Ask them are you happy with our economy, or the way we are hated around the world? Hopefully, they say say "No!" Then say "Well, the last 4 presidents have been supported by the MSM. Don't you think it's time you think for yourself? Then say something like 'Did you know RP wants to end the Fed, bring our troops home, stop the needless conflicts and wars..."


Well-Known Member
it sucks about all the negative shit Dr. Paul has to deal with. I see him gaining popularity as well..One good thing is I can go on the weed forum and see a bunch of Dr. Paul supporters, and then I can go on a crazy bigot infested right wing gun forum, and see a bunch of Dr. Paul supporters too..So that means to me he is reaching out to both sides of the spectrum and getting a positive response..I just hope it can snowball into something bigger where he actually stands a chance, because Romney and Perry look like assholes.


New Member
it sucks about all the negative shit Dr. Paul has to deal with. I see him gaining popularity as well..One good thing is I can go on the weed forum and see a bunch of Dr. Paul supporters, and then I can go on a crazy bigot infested right wing gun forum, and see a bunch of Dr. Paul supporters too..So that means to me he is reaching out to both sides of the spectrum and getting a positive response..I just hope it can snowball into something bigger where he actually stands a chance, because Romney and Perry look like assholes.
your right, Dr paul has the most diverse group of supporters out there, its because liberty is a humanitarian cause.


Well-Known Member
I thought this was a pretty good video..It show the bullshit the media puts out about Dr. Paul.

Cali chronic

Well-Known Member
I tell my Butcher and anyone I strike a conversation with about the state of the Nation. I tell them that 4 more years of this status quo and I will be in Latin America. I tell them to check out RP and not to listen to sound bites and spend 4 hours learning about who wants what. It may be the last choice they get or make the difference between being a slave or their kids being one.


New Member
it sucks about all the negative shit Dr. Paul has to deal with. I see him gaining popularity as well..One good thing is I can go on the weed forum and see a bunch of Dr. Paul supporters, and then I can go on a crazy bigot infested right wing gun forum, and see a bunch of Dr. Paul supporters too..So that means to me he is reaching out to both sides of the spectrum and getting a positive response..I just hope it can snowball into something bigger where he actually stands a chance, because Romney and Perry look like assholes.
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