Are we back to harassing people for their political-ness in this forum again?
Looks like it to me.. We don't learn do we?
What has sex with turtles have to do with Ron Paul?
What does this thread contribute except hate and harassment?
They hate Ron Paul because they have nothing positive to post about their Candidates.
All their Hope and Change is gone and they are so bitter.
Obama believes increasing spending and raising taxes leads to prosperity While even the Germans are balking at spending more taxpayers’ money to stimulate the economy or bail out failing members of the Eurozone, the Obama administration seems determined to build up ever greater levels of government debt, with vastly expanded entitlement programmes and government spending. At the same time, Paul Volcker, its chief economic adviser, is dangling the prospect of additional European-style taxes to pay for it all, the surest way to kill economic growth and stifle job creation. As the recent success of countries like Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia and New Zealand attest, economic growth and prosperity is directly linked to limited government intervention, low taxation, and above all, economic freedom.still, when you examine the record, whether you agree with everything he's done or not, you must conclude that Obama inherited the worst problems and has already taken bolder actions than any president since FDR. The facts speak for themselves.
On the economy. With America on the brink of economic collapse, Obama's first act was to push through a $787 billion stimulus package – already credited with saving or creating more than 3 million new jobs, with almost $200 billion still unspent. Obama also propped up banks large and small with the second round of TARP money, of which $194 billion has been repaid, with interest. And he saved GM and Chrysler from bankruptcy with an $86 billion bailout, of which taxpayers are expected to recoup at least $74 billion, if not actually make money on the deal.
On jobs. With unemployment stuck at 9.5 percent, it's hard to celebrate job growth. Yet the fact remains: In January 2009, according to Department of Labor records, America lost 598,000 jobs. In January-June 2010, employers added 982,000 new jobs. Too many Americans are still out of work, but we've turned the corner from monthly job losses to monthly job gains.
On health care. Without a public-plan option, private insurance companies still rule the roost. But they must now operate within tough new guidelines. Thanks to federal subsidies, 32 million Americans who couldn't afford health insurance before can now do so. That means 95 percent of Americans are covered, which is the closest we've ever come to universal health care.
On Wall Street. Obama recently signed into law the toughest regulations on banks and financial institutions since the Great Depression. That bill also creates the first-ever consumer-protection agency for financial transactions.
Oh, and, along the way, Obama also dealt with an H1N1 epidemic, started bringing troops home from Iraq, expanded the war in Afghanistan, named two Supreme Court justices, took 13 foreign trips to 22 countries, met with 93 foreign leaders, signed a nuclear-arms treaty with Russia, hosted 47 nations in a nuclear-proliferation summit in Washington and marshaled federal forces to deal with the worst oil spill in history.
Read more: What has Obama accomplished? http://www.wnd.com/index.php?pageId=185313#ixzz1XRh2Wn34
Obama thinks government-run health care is good for America[/B]
In the face of overwhelming public opposition, Barack Obama’s health care reform legislation represents the biggest expansion of government power in over 70 years
Define Overwhelming
Because your not even close
as it is right now people are more for it than against it
And if you add in the people that dont like it becuase it doesnt go far enough
People are for it
Funny When Obamacare was a REPUBLICAN idea. The right was for it
They hate Ron Paul because they have nothing positive to post about their Candidates.
All their Hope and Change is gone and they are so bitter.
i see a lot of bumper stickers now a days, some say "ron paul 2012" and others "say obama out 2012" sounds like you neeed to listen to the people and not what bill O' faggy tells ya.
i saw a bumper sticker the other day that said 'no fat chicks'.
he might very well have been referring to your out, possibly a baseball reference concerning your last time at bat, and simply failed to complete his thought.*you're
he might very well have been referring to your out, possibly a baseball reference concerning your last time at bat, and simply failed to complete his thought.![]()
it depends on the usage. to say "your out was the last of the inning" would be quite proper. if you really want to try and show me up in such a childish manner, i suggest you do so on a subject you actually know something about. to be honest, i think such subjects are few and far between.It would still be you're
I'm not a grammar nazi
but your a dick for going after me in another thread
Get a fucking job you right wing leeche
. i'd imagine it was an attempt to compare me to a blood-sucking aquatic worm, but even you pathetic tries at insult seem to be falling flat.
it depends on the usage. to say "your out was the last of the inning" would be quite proper. if you really want to try and show me up in such a childish manner, i suggest you do so on a subject you actually know something about. to be honest, i think such subjects are few and far between.
as for "going after you", it's your politics i abhor. i couldn't care less about you as a person. you've made it quite obvious that you are incapable of stringing together a rational argument or, for that matter, an intelligible sentence. you've become one of those "special pets" of the politics forum, fun to play with and never to be taken too seriously. even your skills as a grammar nazi seem to be lacking, as you have succeeded in misusing the very word we were discussing and i have no idea what a "leeche" is. i'd imagine it was an attempt to compare me to a blood-sucking aquatic worm, but even you pathetic tries at insult seem to be falling flat.
it depends on the usage. to say "your out was the last of the inning" would be quite proper. if you really want to try and show me up in such a childish manner, i suggest you do so on a subject you actually know something about. to be honest, i think such subjects are few and far between.
as for "going after you", it's your politics i abhor. i couldn't care less about you as a person. you've made it quite obvious that you are incapable of stringing together a rational argument or, for that matter, an intelligible sentence. you've become one of those "special pets" of the politics forum, fun to play with and never to be taken too seriously. even your skills as a grammar nazi seem to be lacking, as you have succeeded in misusing the very word we were discussing and i have no idea what a "leeche" is. i'd imagine it was an attempt to compare me to a blood-sucking aquatic worm, but even you pathetic tries at insult seem to be falling flat.
froggy, get a clue. all of you grammar nazis and politically correct buffoons are out to lunch on this one. the out was yours. you struck out or, in some cases, you struck, tagged or otherwise forced an out. maybe you never played the game or it could be that the terminology you used differed, but in my neck of the woods you owned that out and it was yours. now i never claimed to be the sharpest pencil in the box, but i spent my childhood playing the game and, unlike in today's emasculated version, you took responsibility for your failures as well as your successes, they were yours. what is funniest about this whole thing, something even buck figured out, is that it was all a joke in the first place. i've been silently correcting the posts of everyone i quote since i started posting here and the entire idea of calling out other people's grammatical errors seems incredibly childish.The sentence should be and only can be..I guess you're out or I guess you are out