Rookie Canna and Coco Grow. Lsd & Blue Mystic Led Style!


Active Member
Hey Chronic, nice grow so far. I'll be growing a few LSD's pretty soon. As for your nute burn, I would flush first before you start the lower nute regiment. Good luck. I'm sub'd
Jethead thanks for stopping by and for the kind words! I was thinking about flushing. Any suggestions on flushing coco? How long do I flush? Just the one time or a couple times in a week? I have 3gl pots so do I flush with 9gl of a mild nutrient solution? Any help and suggestions from anyone will be greatly appreciated. Thank you!


Active Member
HigH people! Well I just checked in on them and they are looking great! Checked on the LSD's nute burn? Im thinking it's nute burn? Anyway the spots look the same. Looked both plants over and I can't see any other spots like on the LSD. like I said besides the three little spots on the edge of the one LSD leaf, they look awesome! It's been about 22 hours since they were fed. As for flushing I think I'm gonna watch them closely for now. But I do have my water bucket full with the airstone going in case I need to flush. I did mix up some nutes last night. I decided to bring the coco a&b down to 10ml per gallon from 15ml per gallon. I'm thinking that will be fine. Hope so since I already mixed and don't want to waste it! Anyway I took a few pics this morning.
Here is the LSD:

Here is the Blue Mystic:


Thanks for stopping by!


Active Member
Looks like I found my co2 tank. Locally and it'll be about $23 to refill when needed. I gotta wait a week or so before buying. Unfortunately my German Shepherd has been going to the vet and after close to $500 we have found out that he has Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency. He's gonna be ok just has to take expensive enzyme supplements for the rest of his life. It's all good, anything for my boy!!

Couldn't resist throwing up a few pics of my boy. Thanks for stopping by!


Well-Known Member
Its not workin my end mate.........I always mixed enough for 2days when my plant was little so if i noticed burn i'd mix a weeker batch and didnt waste to much, once i was in the 11L pots i was mixin the nutes up fresh every feed witch was every other day at 1st and was takin like 1.5 - 2L to get my 10-20% runoff, once the pots had ruffly lost half there weight, then when she got big i was waterin everyday at the 2L with the 10-20% runoff , the 2L krept up to 3L in the last few weeks of flower,...........when you think your pots have lost half there weight in water mate water 1 of the plants water with like 1.5L and check your runoff if you havent got 150ml-300ml you havent got enough so add 0.5L and check again, do this till you got the right amount then water your others the same and you'll be good with that amount for a while, check again later on and you'l find they will be drinkin more as they get bigger and the amount will raise

Try and sort the vid if you can mate want to see it!!

Didnt no if you missed my post mate while you was tryin to sort the vid out lol......................Its workin my end now the youtube vid lookin good mate
If you water with a good runoff you will be good mate with no flush trust!!


Active Member
Fine dog.

That last pic is wicked.
Thanks Viagro! That's my boy and I love him to death! He's my kid. Lol. He's spoiled and goes everywhere with me. That last pic of the teeth was taken while we were playing tug o war. He's gnawing on that toy. I seen on animal planet that the German Shepherd has the second most powerful bite of a canine behind the Rottweiler. I love watching cops when the break out the K9 unit. Gets me pumped when I see a GSD taking down a criminal!


Active Member
Its not workin my end mate.........I always mixed enough for 2days when my plant was little so if i noticed burn i'd mix a weeker batch and didnt waste to much, once i was in the 11L pots i was mixin the nutes up fresh every feed witch was every other day at 1st and was takin like 1.5 - 2L to get my 10-20% runoff, once the pots had ruffly lost half there weight, then when she got big i was waterin everyday at the 2L with the 10-20% runoff , the 2L krept up to 3L in the last few weeks of flower,...........when you think your pots have lost half there weight in water mate water 1 of the plants water with like 1.5L and check your runoff if you havent got 150ml-300ml you havent got enough so add 0.5L and check again, do this till you got the right amount then water your others the same and you'll be good with that amount for a while, check again later on and you'l find they will be drinkin more as they get bigger and the amount will raise

Try and sort the vid if you can mate want to see it!!

Didnt no if you missed my post mate while you was tryin to sort the vid out lol......................Its workin my end now the youtube vid lookin good mate
If you water with a good runoff you will be good mate with no flush trust!!
Thanks Pukka! I like that suggestion of watering at a lower dose with the runoff. I would much rather do that and use up what I have mixed. I have some nutes mixed using a third less of the coco a&b. Down from 15ml to 10ml each. I'm hoping that's gonna be fine. IMO they are looking good despite those three little spots. Anyway glad you liked the video I'll try and post more throughout the grow!


Active Member
HigH people. Day 20 and looking great! Woke up at the crack of dawn and fed them, took a few pics and another video. Both are at least 6" tall and the Blue Mystic is a little over. As for the nute burn, it has not gotten worse. I see one more tiny spot on another leaf. These spots are only on the LSD plant. The Blue Mystic is still looking fine. Speaking of looking fine my GSD is doing fine with his new enzyme supplements. Since we started the supplements he hasn't been blowing us up with gas and so far no diarrhea. Hells Yeah! I love him like he's my child! Anyway I'm hoping to get my co2 tank probably a week in a half or at the latest two weeks. Gotta get the loot for it! Other than that just waiting for the big UFC PPV this Saturday. Come on Bones! Take that belt! Ok here are a few pics from this morning these first two are of the LSD and the last are of the Blue Mustic. Also got another video up. Thanks for stopping by!

Link to video. Hopefully it's working.

It worked for me.


Well-Known Member
Movies are improving...could use more camera angles, but looks good. Nice plants.

My Blue Widow is sativa dominant, and looks much different. I thought it was a male early on, so it got kicked around for weeks, but it hasn't held it against me. It's throwing buds all over the place.


Active Member
Movies are improving...could use more camera angles, but looks good. Nice plants.

My Blue Widow is sativa dominant, and looks much different. I thought it was a male early on, so it got kicked around for weeks, but it hasn't held it against me. It's throwing buds all over the place.
Lol. I'm working on the cinematography. Probably ain't gonna get any better though since I'm working with an iPhone camera. Funny I was looking at them both this morning thinking these two I got going are definitely indica dominant. Do you have blue mystic or blue widow?


Well-Known Member
Lol. I'm working on the cinematography. Probably ain't gonna get any better though since I'm working with an iPhone camera. Funny I was looking at them both this morning thinking these two I got going are definitely indica dominant. Do you have blue mystic or blue widow?
I have Nirvana's Blue Mystic reg. Are yours Royal Queen or Nirvana?

edit: (I said Blue Widow probably because I was just looking at Blue Widow threads. Ever smoke Blue widow?)


Active Member
I have Nirvana's Blue Mystic reg. Are yours Royal Queen or Nirvana?

edit: (I said Blue Widow probably because I was just looking at Blue Widow threads. Ever smoke Blue widow?)
Never smoked blue widow. I have nirvana blue mystic fem.


Well-Known Member
I guess a better question would be have you ever smoked Blue Mystic?

By the way, what's your dog's name?


Well-Known Member
Shit mate those plants are growin so quick!!!..........glad the burns no worse, i was thinkin mate maybe you could start addin your cal-mag supp soon at a low dose and see if that clears them spots up and leave at the rate through out the grow, maybe raise late in flower............just a suggestion bro, plants are lookin wicked good job!!!!


Well-Known Member
Just seen this in jb's thread bro thought it mite help you gettin used to your meter

Here is an easy guide to ppms....keep in mind that this is a safe scale....some strains can take more........Early veg.....200-400......Mid-late Veg......400-600........Early bloom....600-800.......mid bloom....700-900.....Late bloom....800-1100.......
You really don't need more than that and with these numbers you won't burn


Active Member
Shit mate those plants are growin so quick!!!..........glad the burns no worse, i was thinkin mate maybe you could start addin your cal-mag supp soon at a low dose and see if that clears them spots up and leave at the rate through out the grow, maybe raise late in flower............just a suggestion bro, plants are lookin wicked good job!!!!
Thanks pukka! I swear they look like they've grown since this morning. Thanks for that heads up bout the cal/mag. I think I will add a little and see how that works. That could be the prob. I fed them today at 15ml per gallon of the rhizotonic, and 10ml(down from 15ml) per gallon of the coco a&b. We'll see how that works for them.


Active Member
Just seen this in jb's thread bro thought it mite help you gettin used to your meter

Here is an easy guide to ppms....keep in mind that this is a safe scale....some strains can take more........Early veg.....200-400......Mid-late Veg......400-600........Early bloom....600-800.......mid bloom....700-900.....Late bloom....800-1100.......
You really don't need more than that and with these numbers you won't burn
Thanks for looking out bro! I have been using the ec meter taking a reading each time I mix. So far I have been falling within the the guidelines on back of the canna bottles. Although ive taken a reading each time i Haven't been as concerned about that as I have been about my ph level! So far I've been using ph down to 5.8 each mix. Before adding the ph down it's usually around 6.2-6.5 ph. The dude at the local canna dealer said I needn't worry to much about the ec since I'm drain to waste. Like I said I have been taking a reading with each mix hell I might as well I bought the dam thing lol. Thanks for stopping by with the info! Also when did you start with the Cannazyme?


Active Member
HigH people! Day 21 and still looking outstanding! No new nute burn spots and the ones there have not gotten any bigger. What has gotten bigger is the Blue Mystic! The fan leaves at the bottom are huge. Any suggestions on pruning. Do I need to prune or not? I don't know since I've never pruned before. Is it even necessary? Of course I'm gonna have to do some research on this but would love to hear any experience and suggestions on this. The Blue Mystic is now at 7" tall while the LSD is at 6". I took a bunch of pics this morning out from under the LED to show their natural beauty. Looking nice and green no stretch and my wife wishes she could have them around as a regular house plant. Lol. Anyway here are the HUGE pics. Don't know why they are so big. Must be the iPhone and photobucket. These first pics are of the Blue Mystic and a single shot of one of her leaves:

Here are some pics of the LSD also a close up of the spots I think may be a little nut burn or possibly a calmag deficiency. Not sure but I'm gonna add a little magi cal to the next nute mix. LSD:

Couple pics of both together:

Thanks for stopping by! Any comments and suggestions for a rookie are appreciated! I just got some fuel and screens for my iolite so it's time to clean it and grind up a bunch of medicine. Grinding till I fill that little jar. Later!


Well-Known Member
I wish I'd used Uncle Ben's Topping Technique on mine. I just bent it over and tied it down, once it started to take off.
It's loaded, but I wish I'd snipped it and had 4 main colas now.


Active Member
I wish I'd used Uncle Ben's Topping Technique on mine. I just bent it over and tied it down, once it started to take off.
It's loaded, but I wish I'd snipped it and had 4 main colas now.
Forgot Bout that thread. Just checked it out and a thread on FIM. I'm liking the idea of both methods but I may try the FIM technique. Thinking of doing both plants that way. I'm feeling adventurous and ready to try something new for this my third ever grow. Lol. Would love to hear peoples opinions on FIM and topping! Thanks for any input you can give a rookie!