Rookie Canna and Coco Grow. Lsd & Blue Mystic Led Style!


Well-Known Member
Nice mate nice!!...........i wouldnt do any prunin yet the more big healthy leafs at this stage the better bro, i did some about 2nd week of flower my plant was real bushy, light spread was bad at the center and bottom of the plant so did some prunin for better light spread, did it over about a week till was complete then left it to it for the rest of the grow theres some pics in my thread, but its your call mate a lot of people prune at all different stages some do it all the way through, do some research like you said bro and see what you like lol!!!
Good job so for mate keep it up!!


Well-Known Member
Folks seem to shy away from cutting off the plant from the fifth node to the second. But the yield is phenomenal and keeps strong growth contained. Plus, you can clone what's cut off. I used the trusty FIM on mine and then tied it down, and it's growing like crazy, but I won't get anything like 4 main colas.


Active Member
Nice mate nice!!...........i wouldnt do any prunin yet the more big healthy leafs at this stage the better bro, i did some about 2nd week of flower my plant was real bushy, light spread was bad at the center and bottom of the plant so did some prunin for better light spread, did it over about a week till was complete then left it to it for the rest of the grow theres some pics in my thread, but its your call mate a lot of people prune at all different stages some do it all the way through, do some research like you said bro and see what you like lol!!!
Good job so for mate keep it up!!
Thanks pukka! Yeah they sure look nice. I'll go back and look thru your thread and check out what you pruned. Yeah gotta do some more research. Thanks for stopping by!


Active Member
Folks seem to shy away from cutting off the plant from the fifth node to the second. But the yield is phenomenal and keeps strong growth contained. Plus, you can clone what's cut off. I used the trusty FIM on mine and then tied it down, and it's growing like crazy, but I won't get anything like 4 main colas.
Yeah cutting off that much scares my rookie ass. Was thinking maybe I can try both techniques. With the FIM I was thinking along your lines and LST it also. Not sure though if I'm gonna pull the trigger. Here is a pic of the blue mystic. Now please correct me if I'm wrong. My wifes bottom finger is holding back leaves from the first node right? And my top finger on the left is at the fourth node right? And my bottom finger on the left is at the second node where you would top it at right? Trying to make sure so any help would be appreciated! Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Actually, that's the 2nd, but I like your counting...I'd probably cut above the next node.

You won't do it wrong, just cut 1/4-1/2 inch above the node. The little side branches will become big colas.

edit: mine has too many smaller buds...I shoulda snipped it.


Active Member
Actually, that's the 2nd, but I like your counting...I'd probably cut above the next node.

You won't do it wrong, just cut 1/4-1/2 inch above the node. The little side branches will become big colas.

edit: mine has too many smaller buds...I shoulda snipped it.
Which is the second node? Where my wifes finger is? Looks like the cotelydon right below then first set of true leaves. Right? Would be a nice side by side comparison. I'm thinking of doing it. Guess I need to learn how to count my nodes! Lol. Thanks for any help!


Active Member
Been grinding away this afternoon and finally filled up my lil jar. Got close to an oz. in there. 25.1 grams and there was 3.7 grams in stemmage. Also might have a little hustle going tomorrow and may have my co2 tank by weekends end. Hope I can get my hustle on! Thanks for stopping by!


Well-Known Member
Yeah, you're right, I didn't see the finger on the right LOL...I'm going blind, I think. Sorry.

Doesn't grinding so much, so early, lessen the potency?


Active Member
Yeah, you're right, I didn't see the finger on the right LOL...I'm going blind, I think. Sorry.

Doesn't grinding so much, so early, lessen the potency?
Hmm not sure. Trust me it ain't gonna be around to long! Lol all this sitting around the house healing from surgery I'm smoking like a chimney. But I've never heard of that before. Maybe it does lose some potency. Maybe someone can chime in on the subject. So where would you top it at V? Thanks!


Well-Known Member
Nobody used to ever break-up a bud very long before smoking it. But, the way you burn down the fields, it might not matter much.

I bet the end of that jar is different than the beginning, though.

How's the foot? And the farting pooch?


Well-Known Member
I get nervous cutting above the second node, but if you read Uncle Ben's article, it explains why it is ideal.

Personally, I think the third node might do as well, but Uncle Ben knows more than me.

You might get 6 colas, cutting above the third node (but they'd all be smaller, I reckon).


Originally Posted by winkdogg420
cut above the third get 8 colas???????????
Uncle Ben>>Yeah, but you'll get small colas and not necessarily dominant ones, just bushy as hell. Your typical main cola on the typical plant is the dominant branch or leader, just as a dominant leader (trunk) on a pecan or oak tree would be. Top (pinch out the top of that leader) and you have just redistributed the ho moans to points (dormant foliar buds) below the cut, which makes for multiple leaders.



Active Member
Nobody used to ever break-up a bud very long before smoking it. But, the way you burn down the fields, it might not matter much.

I bet the end of that jar is different than the beginning, though.

How's the foot? And the farting pooch?
Lol. Yeah I've been burning it up! Part of the reason for grinding all that was to see what I could get in there. And also to have if prepped cause I hate sitting there grinding it up. I may roll some fatties with it also instead of vaping all of it. As for the foot and pooch they are both doing great! And thanks for asking! I actually am putting some weight on the ankle and I even vacuumed up today. As for Blitz he's doing fine with his enzyme supplements. Farting is gone and he's dropping logs instead of the diarrhea. Now we got get his weight back to around 100lbs. That enzyme deficiency ain't no joke it can mess an animal up. It prevents them from absorbing the nutrition and they can eat and eat without gaining weight. They actually lose the weight. Az for the topping and fimming I'm thinking I'm gonna top the LSD and fim the blue mystic. So after you fim or top do you continue on the same nute regiment as before the fim or top os do you lower the dosage for a lil bit? Thanks for any help people!!


Active Member
HigH people. Finally pulled the trigger and topped both plants above the second node as per uncle ben's topping tech. Was kinda hard to do it since I've never done it and my plants were looking killa. Today is day 25 and the LSD was at seven and a half inches and the blue mystic was nine and a half inces tall. I got my hustle on and was able to buy a 20lb co2 tank to complete my co2 system. Hope to have it all setup in a few days at the most. Had ankle surgery 3 weeks ago and some major dental work yesterday. Got feel good so I can make some mods to the medicine cabinet to accommodate the co2 system. Hopefully that will speed up the growth. One question I have is do I need to trim off any other foliage or leave as is after topping above the second node? Anyway I did take a few pics and videos on the iPhone. Please give some feedback if I missed anything! Hoping I didn't screw anything up to bad. Thanks for stopping by!
Here is the link for the pre top vid:

Here is the post top vid:

Before the top pic:

After the top pic:


Well-Known Member
No guts, no glory... You took the plunge, good work! Leave them be to get their mojo working before you mutilate them further. Once they find a new gear, they will make you proud and glad you topped them. In two weeks you will have well formed plants. Much better than plan B. And your cinematography is improving, too. Interesting to hear you narrate the gory details.

Did you switch to 12/12 today? Are you going to wait a bit? I think Uncle Ben switches when he snips, no? Seems like a little recovery time would be a good idea before switching, but what the plant needs isn't always what it seems. I like the way Uncle Ben talks plant hormones and gets into the botany, instead of just relying on voodoo and assumed bs.

You have good grower's intincts, but I can't feature the need for CO2 in such a small grow. That stuff makes me twitchy.


Active Member
No guts, no glory... You took the plunge, good work! Leave them be to get their mojo working before you mutilate them further. Once they find a new gear, they will make you proud and glad you topped them. In two weeks you will have well formed plants. Much better than plan B. And your cinematography is improving, too. Interesting to hear you narrate the gory details.

Did you switch to 12/12 today? Are you going to wait a bit? I think Uncle Ben switches when he snips, no? Seems like a little recovery time would be a good idea before switching, but what the plant needs isn't always what it seems. I like the way Uncle Ben talks plant hormones and gets into the botany, instead of just relying on voodoo and assumed bs.

You have good grower's intincts, but I can't feature the need for CO2 in such a small grow. That stuff makes me twitchy.
Lol you got that right! No guts no glory! No I didn't switch the light yet. I wold assume that I need to veg a little and let them recover from me playing axemen on their ass! I did post the ? In UBTT sticky though. But I'd think ya gotta let em have some recovery time. But hey I'm a rookie and maybe someone can comment on it! Yeah it is a small grow but eventually I will be in a grow room instead of the medicine cab. So I'm interested in using co2 and gaining some experience while in the cab still. Trying to be safe about using it also! I do have a co2 monitor/controller. I am gonna buy a co2 alarm for my room and I'm also gonna buy an atmospheric controller to help maintain the right environment inside the medicine cab. Can't wait to get it but gonna be a week or two. Anyone have any experience using greenair or CAP controllers? Any suggestions on a controller? I found a nice greenair controller for about $180 normally $230. I found a similar CAP controller for about the same price. Like I said just curious about using co2 and if it turns out to be to much for the medicine cab then I at least have some experience and the equipment for when I do move into a grow room(approx. 12-18mos.). So it's all good either way! Thanks for stopping by!


Well-Known Member
When you expand, things are going to get real interesting. You are going about it right, and the CO2 will probably prove a wise investment in the long run.

Whose army are you planning to supply?


Active Member
When you expand, things are going to get real interesting. You are going about it right, and the CO2 will probably prove a wise investment in the long run.

Whose army are you planning to supply?
Yeah I can't wait to move out of the medicine cabinet and into the Grow Cave! Yeah just trying to piece it together till then picking up equipment and knowledge along the way. Growing on the small scale till I can move up to medium scale. Gonna be supplying the DooM CreW! Lol. I just want to be able to grow my own medicine and have a big supply on hand so I never run out! Would like to have a shit load of jars curing in the Bud Cellar. My version of the wine cellar. Would be cool having a shit load of jars all labeled with the appropriate info for the strain and when grown and all that good stuff. That's what I'm talking about a little Bud Curing cellar. That's my dream for now! Until then I'm trying to gain all the knowledge and experience I can and RIU is the best place to achieve that IMO! It's cool as hell that we all have the same goal and help each other out to achieve that goal. Thanks for stopping by V!


Well-Known Member
Hi bro once youve topped you veg them till you get to your hight you want so say your strain tripples and you want 3ft plant you want to veg the topped plant to 12" if you flower stight after chop you will end up with short plant plus the more veg now means more bud sights!! how many nodes was you on? uncle ben says 5-6 then top did you have more it looked like it?? so some veg will help to get back to size. i would chop nothin else till you start seein bud formation then tidy everthin up s light spread is good bro just my 2 pence but hope it helps!!

Lookin amazin though bro as usaul!!