Well-Known Member
Indole-3 Butyric Acid stimulates general cell division ,hence growth, wherever absorbed. It does not have any specific effect on rooting ability (outside the obvious implication of increased growth rates.) My guess is the large dose gave it a massive kick in the ass towards growth right at the point when the plant was focusing its resources on budding.
My thoughts exactly,from what ive been learning of Indole-3 it does just what you said,from some of the other things ive read it's pretty unpredictable as far as effect.
I kept a pretty decent log of things i did to different plants & at what stage of the grow these things were done,next round i plan on giving half of them the exact doseage at the exact same time into their flowering cycle.
I think the stuff works wonders but being that im not a botanist or master gardner anything i think is pure speculation.