Root rot elimination for 100% recovery - Confirmation needed!


Well-Known Member
I have read that when you get root rot, there's no way back - in other words, you can minimize activity of infection, but it doesn't go away 100% and partly for this reason those who get root rot, won't get rid of it. Here's a good reason why not get it in a first place, right?

I'm one of those stupid noobs who let the roots rot off his plants, but I'm not one of those who gets discouraged that easily.

I don't think I have failed yet, because I quit my job today for the sake of this grow. I want to make nothing but a success out of it.

Starting today, from this point onward I will have ALL the time in the world to invest into this grow project. It will be good example for what happens if you make something a priority nr 1 in your life.

We sure do learn a lot by doing mistakes, but from this point forward I can not go on with a mentality of trial & error. I will need to apply a mentality of success instead.

It means I will think twice before I do anything and it means YOU WILL HELP ME TO MAKE IT HAPPEN. FUCK YES!


So here's the big question: What about cutting off the roots entirely and treat them as clones?

Do you see anything wrong with the idea or would you give me a green light?


Well-Known Member
There very young..if they really are infected you'll be lucky if they make it..look into microbial teas and beneficial bacteria..


Well-Known Member
Number one i'd probably try to get my job back, as you will have a lot of free time once you figure out this growing hobby.

second i'd change my profile pic to something not from the 19th century and no mustache. Pic is creepy. But i digress...

go back to either of your last threads. You've been told exactly how to clean the roots, and what to do after to keep the water healthy. After that if you're still not satisfied, read the 300pages of the top sticky in this forum. Breeding beneficial microbes. Not joking.. 300pages that changed the way i think about growing. Should be a mandatory read before trying dwc.

Good luck bud


Well-Known Member
Ok, listen.. I drove around my town yesterday and found 3 different shops - 3 different "Beneficial bacteria" products.

Please help me to choose the best one out of these three:

(1) Power Zyme by Hesi (bought from the only hydro shop in town)
Enzyme extract for plants. Decomposes cellulose residues in plant substrates.
Keeps the plant substrate clean, while decomposing plant residues into dextrose.
Dextrose serves as nutrition for roots and ground vegetation. Provides an oxygen-rich plant substrate by avoiding decay.
Improves the ecological balance.
Extract of cellulase from Trichoderma.

(2) Algol by JBL (bought from one of the two aquarium shops in town)
Algicide. Solves green, brown, web, slime and floating algae problems. Without copper. Will not damage fish.

(3) Bio Nitrivec by Sera (bought from the other aquarium shop in town)
For aquarium maintenence. Decomposes ammoniac and nitrit and is a special mix of cleaning bacteria.

Which one would you use based on the product information???



Well-Known Member
Stay away from the fish stores and find a landscape store or one that sells pond supplies. Please tell me your job was at a drivethrough and you can get it back.


Well-Known Member
Drive yes, through no. I was a taxi driver. Not going back till at least I finish this project. My best bet of these three products is on Powerzyme atm, but I'll go look at pond supplies before I use it and I'll be back with a hour! Thank you for chiming in, Megastoner.


Well-Known Member
either go beneficial tea or go sterile. A lot of people attest to dutch master zone for sterile, and for beneficial look up the thread "cure to root rot aka how to breed beneficial microbes" (or something like that)
you're cutting corners with beneficial bottled products; to get real beneficial results you need to make your own AACT


Well-Known Member
Stay away from the fish stores and find a landscape store or one that sells pond supplies.
I did what you said. The first store didn't have anything, but in the second one I found this. I hope I got the right thing. It cost me 43 dollars. Do you think it's the right thing finally?


Well-Known Member
Anyway.. I hope it helps. Poured it in the water 12 hours ago. This far plants haven't chenged much. Hopefully there will be good signs in next few days. Will keep you updated.

Maybe I should order some Podzyme too. I looked in ebay, it's in the USA, so it would be delivered to me between 11. and 22. February. Not sure if it's necessary... but probably better to have some of these products that are known to work well by you. Doesn't matter if I'm on the other side of the planet really :)


Active Member
Binds minerals? I have no idea how that will react with your nutes.

Order pond zyme or some other product confirmed to go well with DWC. Also check the topic about brewing microbal tea. Some had problems with it, some love it. Might be worth a try.


Well-Known Member
I'm still reeling about what happen with mine I cut it at the top of r/w threw it in a 5gl bucket with 10mg of rapid start 2or3 weeks later I poured some weak left over nutes in it,couple more weeks I changed out to reg nutes had 2 roots,I'm going to try to get it to hermie.Peace


Well-Known Member
It's definitely recoverable and quite easy. I've been battling temperatures and root rot since I changed grow locations. Get a water chiller installed saves tons of hassle. Until then use frozen water bottles to keep the res below 68 F. I've found that if I screw up and let the res temps go above 72 for any length of time I get rot. It's happened a number of times to me in the past year, but I've found that if I lower the temperature to the lower 60s (60-65) for a few days the roots bounce back and the plants pick to growth back up and with no permanent harm done. Just my 2 cents, your mileage may vary.


Active Member
This is not a 100% guarantee to get root rot outta there, but a buddy of mine in Michigan will let his plants set in distilled water with pH set to 5.8 and then uses a spray bottle at full jet with a 2%H2O2/98% distilled water solution to spray down the roots to deal with the root slime he gets from using products like Silica Blast and Roots Exelurator. He says it clears em right up. You may have to do this a few times or just go at it for an hour or so, but you may be able to recover your plants.
Best of luck brother.
Also, keep your system really clean when you reintroduce them to nutes. Run at a slightly lower ppm and monitor any changes in ppm, change your reservoir out weekly (possibly run some clean water through it and then empty it and add your nutrient solution). Also, continue to spray them down with pure distilled water after you change them back into the nutrient solution.