rootbound = better buds???

UB, does RM3 still have his site going? Could you pm me a link please if so?

It's still going and the mention of it in a PM is the reason why potroast took away all my enhancements for this site including PM's. They have this Obama NSA software program going. Damn serious. Here's the PM he sent me:

Hi Ben,

Sorry to tell you, but I guess you already know, when you send a link to riddleme in a PM, the spam filter spits out a report. Since Rollitup has gotten several of these about you, your Private Message abilities have been taken away. I doubt that it will bother you much.


Petty stuff, but that's how potroast the administrator rolls.

It's still going and the mention of it in a PM is the reason why potroast took away all my enhancements for this site including PM's. They have this Obama NSA software program going. Damn serious. Here's the PM he sent me:

Petty stuff, but that's how potroast the administrator rolls.

Bad boy UB, NSA indeed, not to mention some civli liberty violations as a reminder of the Bush administration, as if anything has changed since. Potroast where were you when shit hit the fan in Benghazi?
I never said "bigger". :dunce:

The more the root and foliage mass the more the production.

It's obvious you have never grown a pure sativa. Great high, you should "attempt" it sometime rather than sucking up to mutt pollen chuckers who prey on sucker bets.


i've never even bought a seed, i get cuts from fellow growers who have grown the genetics and are happy with them.

not sure why you responded so angrily to me.
Lighten the soil,spread the roots..cloning an extra week helps in my opinion..I also use botanicare blastoff to accelerate growth..I learned that by myself,not on any forum....funny potroast is a mod,not the fact but the name..I got a bagseed named potroast...still waiting on the results tho for the sex...
The more the root and foliage mass the more the production.

i've never even bought a seed, i get cuts from fellow growers who have grown the genetics and are happy with them.

not sure why you responded so angrily to me.

It's his MO. Makes him feel cool. As you inferred, production does not = quality.
ah back again guys finally found the pic of the one i nailed. This was actually my first grow as well. ;-)
and link to the grow :
It's his MO. Makes him feel cool. As you inferred, production does not = quality.

well, if the people that follow him around badmouthing him are any sign, he's probably doing something right.

i think this question comes from something browndirtwarrior has said about rootbound buds finishing quicker, which is desirable outdoors in most climates.

mold, mildew, budworms, and other crop killers threaten plants that need to go too long outdoors. therefore, any little trick that makes them finish earlier is desirable.

i have noticed in my personal, anecdotal experience, a quicker maturing for plants that do not have enough root space. bigger is usually better, but when it starts raining in october, most people would rather have slightly smaller buds than moldy buds.
I don't believe quick maturation = better buds either. we all know there isn't one single factor to = better buds/better production/bigger buds/more frosty/whatever. uncle ben is correct, the most important aspect to increasing potency aside from genetics is maintaining healthy plants. can't argue with that.
I don't believe quick maturation = better buds either. we all know there isn't one single factor to = better buds/better production/bigger buds/more frosty/whatever. uncle ben is correct, the most important aspect to increasing potency aside from genetics is maintaining healthy plants. can't argue with that.

you can't argue with that because it is vacuously true. it's like saying that the best way to make my walls red is to apply a red paint to them.
you can't argue with that because it is vacuously true. it's like saying that the best way to make my walls red is to apply a red paint to them.
haha. so true so true. but you could add a gloss top coat, and some flashing lights couldn't you?
well, if the people that follow him around badmouthing him are any sign, he's probably doing something right.

You can count on this troll to show up when I do.

Wasn't angry, you just hit a nerve as you tried to correct me, incorrectly. Comment was pretty darn flippant and arrogant with some sideways aggression thrown in.
bigger does not mean better, and better was the question posed.

i know i'll take a smaller amount of perfectly finished bugs over some gigantic glop of leafy, airy bud.

OK, let's try this again. Whether your plant is 12" tall or 12' tall at harvest, (genetics and other factors aside), the more foliage and root mass that plant has, the more the yield. Simple science.

If you have problems with bud rot or powdery mildew, then you need to go to an airy type plant, sativa based, or use a fungicide as a preventative applied before impending rains or during high humidity. There are plenty out there. Myclobutanil which is used in many off the shelf and commercial products like the Rally 40WSP that I use. Should be an excellent choice. It's a systemic so you don't have to worry about rains and such.

Bad boy UB, NSA indeed, not to mention some civli liberty violations as a reminder of the Bush administration, as if anything has changed since.

Excuse me, nothing's changed? You need to stop drinking the liberal kool-aid. Civil liberty violations have never been so elevated in the history of ANY presidency. He's violated Amendments 2, 4, bullied and targeted certain groups via the NSA and IRS. One scandal after another - Benghazi, NSA, IRS targeting and millions pissed off on Star Trek shit, seminars, high level security staffers screwing Colombian prostitutes, Holder running guns to the Mexican war lords, bullying the AP press and FOX news Rosen....I could go on. If he doesn't get his way with Congress he just resorts to bully tactics via executive orders. Son of bitch needs to be impeached!

Here's the top 20 Obama scandals for those with blinders on -

There are millions of American who wish Bush was back, including me.

I'm thinking of this in terms of bonsai, you use small pots and the trees become root bound quickly. It is desired in bonsai once the plant is developed in its veggatative state so that it slows down its veg growth and doesnt lose its shape quickly. Given the correct nuets many root bound bonsai have many beautiful flowers.

So in terms of MJ if it becomes root bound you are going to end up with a small plant...which may be what you want if you are tight on space, but small plant = small yeild, when compared to a large matter how many buds you can pack onto your dwarf.
i have 4 white widow. i left two in 3 gallon pots(normal) and put two in 5 gallon geopots. The ones in the smaller pots finished earlier with more dense, smaller nugs... the ones in bigger pots where bigger but more airy. in terms of quality they seemed similar.