roots growing through the bottom of solo cups


Active Member
I think my seedling have outgrown their starting pot and are ready to be transplanted. In the pics I posted you can see several roots growing through the bottom of the solo cup. Will they break when i transplant them or should i use sterlized tweezers and straighten out the roots so it can be removed without breaking. If it does break will the plant die?ABF2791E-BB98-41E3-9ADF-6AF2CC20CB3C.jpegE55F6769-D051-4550-B98E-5A4A247908BB.jpeg34D15884-BC75-489C-9A14-6DC0D31320DE.jpeg0378CD12-E63D-4BC4-B957-F495F1F89DE5.jpeg


Smoke and Mirrors
Staff member
They should slide out alright, just remember to gently loosen the medium from the edges so it all slides out in one piece. if a few roots snap it's okay. It might droop a little bit, but will recover.


Smoke and Mirrors
Staff member
All of mine always look a mess on the bottoms, and I am less neat about my drain holes. You'll not hurt it! Just gently loosen the sides of the cup and then you should get one big root mass holding the dirt together when you turn it over. If the little tips break off, it is okay because the rest of the cup should be packed with roots, but they usually dont break.20210101_080115.jpg20210102_075448.jpg


Active Member
Wow nice holes lol. I had the same issue and I just transplanted. All I did was flip her over, squeeze and tap a little and she slipped right out. My first time, did 20 and they all survived perfectly


Active Member
Wow nice holes lol. I had the same issue and I just transplanted. All I did was flip her over, squeeze and tap a little and she slipped right out. My first time, did 20 and they all survived perfectly
Thanks! i drilled them all for efficient drainage. I appreciate the advice thank you very much!


Active Member
All of mine always look a mess on the bottoms, and I am less neat about my drain holes. You'll not hurt it! Just gently loosen the sides of the cup and then you should get one big root mass holding the dirt together when you turn it over. If the little tips break off, it is okay because the rest of the cup should be packed with roots, but they usually dont break.View attachment 4819865View attachment 4819866
wow! nice root mass! i bet you got some healthy girls! Do you water your girls 1-2 days before the transplant? or do you let it dry it out a little bit then transplant?


Active Member
Wow nice holes lol. I had the same issue and I just transplanted. All I did was flip her over, squeeze and tap a little and she slipped right out. My first time, did 20 and they all survived perfectly
do you water them 1-2 days before transplanting or do you let them dry out a little bit?


Smoke and Mirrors
Staff member
wow! nice root mass! i bet you got some healthy girls! Do you water your girls 1-2 days before the transplant? or do you let it dry it out a little bit then transplant?
I water mine just before transplant, and then wet the edges of the hole that Inplace it in. BUT I grow in coco, and find the wetness helps. My soil grows beforehand I waited to water until after it was in the new home


Active Member
I water mine just before transplant, and then wet the edges of the hole that Inplace it in. BUT I grow in coco, and find the wetness helps. My soil grows beforehand I waited to water until after it was in the new home
interesting. thank you!


Active Member
One more question: After i transplant into 3gal fabric pots which will be their final home. I will be using FFOF for the soil and using distilled water to water them because it is the only good water available. How much run off should i have after i transplanted them. I've heard watering in fabric pots can be tricky.


Well-Known Member
One more question: After i transplant into 3gal fabric pots which will be their final home. I will be using FFOF for the soil and using distilled water to water them because it is the only good water available. How much run off should i have after i transplanted them. I've heard watering in fabric pots can be tricky.
I use smart pots...7gallon...and give each plant 1.5gallons every 3-4days...I advise doing something like this so ur plants dont sit in their own runoff


Well-Known Member
One more question: After i transplant into 3gal fabric pots which will be their final home. I will be using FFOF for the soil and using distilled water to water them because it is the only good water available. How much run off should i have after i transplanted them. I've heard watering in fabric pots can be tricky.
It depends on how dry the FFOF is out of the bag. sometimes its bone dry and sometimes its holding water. If its bone dry and runs right through the bottom then you will have to water slowly and just let the roots fill out the pot.
If you water and dont see runoff then cool , leave it be and water when needed. try to get the whole pot moist but not wet. It may take a few waterings to get your desired results.


Active Member
I use smart pots...7gallon...and give each plant 1.5gallons every 3-4days...I advise doing something like this so ur plants dont sit in their own runoff
View attachment 4819925
oh no they won't i bought specialized raised trays so i can catch and empty the run off. These are 10 day old seedlings thought transplanted into 3gal fabric pots. Do you think 1.5 gal would be too much?


Well-Known Member
oh no they won't i bought specialized raised trays so i can catch and empty the run off. These are 10 day old seedlings thought transplanted into 3gal fabric pots. Do you think 1.5 gal would be too much?
Yes too much....that's what I'm watering full sized a 3gallon pot with seedling I'd prolly give em half a gallon


Active Member
It depends on how dry the FFOF is out of the bag. sometimes its bone dry and sometimes its holding water. If its bone dry and runs right through the bottom then you will have to water slowly and just let the roots fill out the pot.
If you water and dont see runoff then cool , leave it be and water when needed. try to get the whole pot moist but not wet. It may take a few waterings to get your desired results.
so water slowly after the transplant and don't over do it. wait until maybe about 10-15% run off and stop. these are 10 day old seedlings if that helps.


Well-Known Member
oh no they won't i bought specialized raised trays so i can catch and empty the run off. These are 10 day old seedlings thought transplanted into 3gal fabric pots. Do you think 1.5 gal would be too much?
Yes , way too much. 1/2 gallon is plenty. (unless your soil is too dry , then it may run all through the bottom of the pot) If you can get the pot to hold about 1/2 gallon or less then you are fine.....