Roots on Docs OG not dropping into res?


Very curious on way my Roots seem to be wanting to stay around the net pot? I've had no issues with the last four runs I've done in spring and summer. It's weird because this is my best run so far with the hydro, plants are strong and don't show any signs of shock or stunting. For some reason though the roots won't drop into the res, could it be water temp? It bounces from 58-60f,
Could that slow their root production this much? 2nd week of flower and they seem to cluster up and barely poke through the net.


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What's your water level?

Have you checked for root aphids or fungus gnat larva?

Drop water down an inch below pot. They will drop. Roots seek out water. If they have it, they generally don't seek as much.
Thank you! Yes I've checked for any sign of aphids or fungal. Aside from the algae their is no sign of Root aphids or larva nor fungal. My water level is a bit on the low side, I will raise it more and see if this helps. I appreciate the input!
Are you using beneficial tea? After looking at the photos..I was driving before, they look pretty brown.

Two things can cause that, high ppm and the fungal or bacterial infection. In the future I would let then get all the way into the water before you flip them. Dwc doesn't really explode until the roots are thoroughly in the water.
Ya im using a b vitamin and liquid seaweed that are pretty dark in color. Thank you for the input I'll look into it!
Ya im using a b vitamin and liquid seaweed that are pretty dark in color. Thank you for the input I'll look into it!
It's root rot (pythium), and it's in your water system. When the roots touch the water, they get infected, that's why they are not growing into the water. I experienced the same thing. It sounds like you are not using a chiller or a sterilizing agent or beneficial bacterias right now. Personally, I would inoculate the system with h2o2 for a couple of days and then stick to a regiment of sterilization (bleach, h2o2, zone) or beneficial bacterias (ewc tea, hydroguard, etc.) Otherwise you are practically guaranteed to get infected. So what worked for me is that I was running zone, trying a sterile system, I noticed the same thing that roots were not growing out of the pot into the water. I added h2o2 to the system (twice), drained it, added fresh change out and went back to hydroguard and used some roots excel too. Within a week, roots exploded out of the net pots. I have not had a problem since then, but I am using a chiller keeping water at 65. Of course I could be wrong, but your symptoms are so similar to mine, I had to chime in. h2o2 that sucker and I can almost guarantee those roots will start growing in a couple days. If they do, then you know for sure it was pythium / bad bacteria. Good Luck!

This was 1 week after I inoculated the system and added hydroguard. Before, the roots were still in the net pot.
The tips of the roots look to be infected, I would suggest cleaning out the system as blackforest has said..

Pythium from what I've read starts at the root tips.

Keep us updated please
I had that on one of my plants. The root tip broke easily if you touched it. I took it as root rot. Once temps got cooler it went away.
Here's some more photos, I added more water, we will see if they shoot down. Waters 62 right now, in mean time I'll pick some h202 And stop adding the beneficials till after im done running the h202.


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Your plant is in rockwool and is retaining too much water all the time (hence algae problems). Plants need a desire for water to encourage root masses to expand outward.

Yes, this is the answer right here. You'll kill your plant too if the rockwool remains soaked 24/7. Think ebb/flow setups. If you're using rockwool, you need to drop that water level significantly enough so that it stops soaking up water and give the roots a reason to grow.
Here's some more photos, I added more water, we will see if they shoot down. Waters 62 right now, in mean time I'll pick some h202 And stop adding the beneficials till after im done running the h202.

And you're top feeding - slow down the feed or turn it off completely. The roots will seek food then.
Next time skip the h2o2 and just start with a huge dose of beneficials.

The reason being that h2o2 is very difficult to work with in terms of knowing.. how much h2o2 is left? 1/2? , 1/4?, none?

Impossible to tell. Once it releases the oxygen molecule its effectively inert. Same thing with clorine.. pretty much all sanitizers really except maybe a copper based one.

I had a pretty bad case of the slime, added benies, wasn't helping (I gave it like a day) adied bleach, came back 4 hours later... it was staggering how much the slime blew up... it was a TOTAL shit show.

You have great temps so stay the course.

1. RunBeneficial tea once a week.
2. Water level one inch below pots
3. Low ppm
4. Don't top feed unless they are wilting.

Boom... you will be shocked how they take off.

Thanks every one for the input!! You are all very knowledgable and I apperciate the great answers. I've been running beneficials since day one, have never had to use h202 before as most of my last grow did very well and roots balled up gnarly. The top feeds go on twice a day for one minute, is that still to much water? My res water is about an inch in a half from net pots and ppm is 1100. I'll keep updated, hoping for fish bones!
Yes, this is the answer right here. You'll kill your plant too if the rockwool remains soaked 24/7. Think ebb/flow setups. If you're using rockwool, you need to drop that water level significantly enough so that it stops soaking up water and give the roots a reason to grow.
Rockwool drys out pretty fast for me, I got 800 watts coming down on them and usually by the time water feeder kicks on it is relatively pretty dry. I will stop using the top feeders though and see if these roots wanna start searching! Thank you
Is that ppm number including your base level.. ergo.. the ppm of your tap water?

Just as a reference.. DWC needs very low ppm amounts. 1100 is WAY too high. This is what we run (we mix our own nutes).

1. Rooting clones.. water only till yellowing then 200.
2. Transplants into net pots 300.
3. Actively vegging... 400-700.
4. Huge monster veg plants (like 4 feet tall) 8-900.
5. Beginning flower... veg mix 1k
6. Week two.. flower mix 1100
7. Week 4-5 1400
8. Week 6 900
9. Week 7 700
After week 7 till finish 3-400.

Obviously a little strain dependant but that is VERY close to where you should be at.

Pro tip... use proteck silica instead of ph up. Gots to have some silica.. usually about 80 ppm.
Rockwool drys out pretty fast for me, I got 800 watts coming down on them and usually by the time water feeder kicks on it is relatively pretty dry. I will stop using the top feeders though and see if these roots wanna start searching! Thank you

They looked absolutely soaked in the photos, perhaps that was just after a feeding. I didnt realize they dried up so fast. Either way, your bubbles from your airstones should be keeping the bottom of the rockwool moist and keeping the roots searching for more.
i see one problem that you can fix next grow. put about an inch or two of hydroton in the bottom of the netpots and then put the rockwool cube on top.

i never liked rockwool and dwc. i used to get clones in rockwool and i would carefully cut them out and just put them in all hydroton in the netpots.