Roseman's Closet-Grow Tutorial

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I noticed that in the picture where the pump is running through the manifold, the water appears to be flowing in a constant stream. Can you please clarify the ammount of water coming out of the 1/4" tubes? My understanding was that it should be somewhere around 1.5gph (4l/h for me) but it looks a lot more.

Good Question, Knickers, good point! I 'll go back and add that info.
It is a lot more, more than needed, more than wanted, more than desired and safe, because the water pump is only sucking up water.
AFTER the water pump is in a sea of bubbles, and those air stones are going full steam, the water pump will gargle and gurgle and suck up half water and half air bubbles, slowing up that stream to a bubbley trickle.
In the pics showing the water pump pumping water out of the Irrigation Hub, you do not want that much of a stream in the reservoir tank.
It is a lot more, more than needed, more than wanted, more than desired and safe, because the water pump is only sucking up water.
AFTER the water pump is in a sea of bubbles, and those air stones are going full steam, the water pump will gargle and gurgle and suck up half water and half air bubbles, slowing up that stream to a bubbley slight trickle.

Now and only now that I feel confident that I have a good LOCATION, and have done my PREPARATION, and will not have to run to Walmart, the Aquarium Fish Store, Hardware Store, or order some more supplies off of the Internet, I am ready to soak some seeds today.

I 'll let them sit a while in a dark kitchen cabinet.

I am throwing a dozen Northern Light seeds and 5 of a strain I only know as SKUNK in coffee cups, in an inch of luke warm water, to be soaking, while I prepare my hydroton and rockwool.

(I only had 5 of the Skunk seeds)



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Time to start soaking the Rockwool Cubes in some pH balanced water.
First I take up one gallon of water. My faucet water averages 7.2 to 7.5, depending on the temperature and how long the water was running. I have a deep well for my water source.

I am using an extra clean water jug that I save and re-use often.

I poured a small amount in a glass, and tested it. I got 7.03 pH

I'd like to get it to 5. something to 6.0, to soak my rockwool cubes in. 5.0 would be better.
My pH powder says to add .2 (two-tenth) gram, to make a change of .1 (one-tenth) pH. I want a change of 1.0 to get it to 6.0, so I need ten times .2 gram of pH DOWN. I estimate that to be 2/3 of a fluffy teaspoon of pH Down. (NOT PACKED DOWN) I'll use 2/3 teaspoon and get it to 5.0. I am shooting for anything betwen 5.0 and 6.0. I 'll pour some of my water in a quart jar, adjust it, and pour it back into the jug.
I'll guess at an eye-balled 2/3 teaspoon, and see what I get.

Back in the jug it goes. A good cheap funnel really helps.



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So now I pour some in my glass again, and test it again.

5.01 is slightly lower than I wanted, but I'll take it, it will work fine. The books say shoot for 5.0, so I did good. The purpose is soaking the rockwool cubes in some low pH to lower the pH of the cubes, and 5.01 is low enough.

I'll pour that into a bowl with my cubes to soak them a short while. Books suggest 4 hours to 24 hours.

I think an hour is long enough to soak the cubes, but I will follow the books and soak them overnight. Airstones need to soak 4 to 8 hours.

Let me say here, I test for the pH in a small glass, and never in my tank.
I always let my pH meter sit at least 30 seconds, to read it. I let my TEST STRIPS only sit in the sample water for 5 seconds.


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I have been collecting info on rockwool cubes a long time. Let me share what I have learned.

Rockwool comes with a warning label, like abestos, to not handle it dry, because it has carcegens in it, or can cause cancer IF you breathe in enough of it's dust.
SO, you do need to really soak it A LONG TIME to handle it, but it will only take a minute to soak it and make it safe from DUST flying around. It will take a few hours or more to soak it to adjust it's pH.

The instructions on rockwool sent with the SH BB kit says to leave the plastic on. That is because they fear for our safety and do not wnat us exposed to carcegens. I remove the plastic but I do soak it. I butt the tube into the side of it when I prepare my cups.

Rockwool is probably the most popular growing medium on earth. Rockwool was originally used as insulation and was called "Mineral Insulation". It was developed for gardening in Hydroponics in Denmark and is used extensively around the world for "Drip-Style" hydroponic systems.

Rockwool is made by melting a combination of rock and sand and then spinning the mixture to make fibers which are formed into different shapes and sizes. The process is very similar to making cotton candy. The shapes vary from 1"x1"x1" starter cubes up to 3"x12"x36" slabs, with many sizes in between, which makes rockwool one of the most versatile growing mediums.
The advantages to rockwool are many, however there are several disadvantages to this type of growing medium as well. The pros and cons are listed below.

Advantages of Rockwool

RETAINS WATER - Rockwool holds an incredible amount of water which gives you a "buffer" against power outages and pump (or timer) failure. You want your rock wool saturated and it saturates well, plus it holds air too.

HOLDS AIR - Rockwool holds at least 18 % air at all times (unless it is sitting directly in water), which supplies the root zone with plenty of oxygen. This means that it is practically impossible to over-water rockwool.

COMES IN A VARIETY OF SIZES AND SHAPES - From 1" cubes designed for use in propagation, to 3"x12"x36" slabs capable of holding the root systems of huge plants, rockwool comes in dozens of shapes and sizes making it a versatile growing medium. Rockwool also comes "Loose" so you can fill pots or containers of any size.

CLEAN AND CONVENIENT - Rockwool holds together very well so it can't spill. Rockwool also comes wrapped in plastic, which makes it easy to handle and keeps evaporation to a minimum.

Disadvantages to Rockwool

NOT ENVIRONMENTALLY FRIENDLY - Rockwool is hard to dispose of, if buried it will last indefinitely.

DUST AND FIBERS ARE A HEALTH RISK - The fibers and dust from the rockwool are bad for your lungs. Wear a dust mask when handling it dry, to prevent problems. Soaked and Saturated, it is safe.

pH PROBLEMS - Rockwool has a high pH which means you have to adjust your nutrient solution low so that the root zone is neutral. Pre-Soaking it in 4.5 to 5.0 water is advised.

Getting Started with Rockwool

Before you use rockwool you must first soak it in water adjusted to a pH of 4.5 to 5.0. To soak rockwool cubes use a bucket or other water tight container, just put the cubes in the water and let them float around. To soak the rockwool slabs cut a hole in the bag around the slab and pour in pH adjusted water until the slab is totally saturated, let soak for up to 8 hours to be safe. Then cut drainage slits in the bottom.

Using Cubes
Rockwool cubes come in many different sizes. There are two sizes of "starter cubes" that are designed for propagation. The 1" x 1" x 1 1/2" and the 2" x 2" x 1 1/2" cubes are not wrapped in plastic and are normally used for starting seeds. The 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" x 1 1/2" cubes are wrapped on four sides with plastic to slow evaporation and are used primarily for taking cuttings.
The 3" and 4" cubes can be used as the primary growing medium or in conjunction with other growing mediums. For small plants a large cube may be all the growing medium that you need. For larger plants these cubes are used as an intermediate medium that gets transplanted into a different type of growing medium as the plants grow.
The larger cubes come with or without a hole that is designed to fit the 1" cube. With the hole you can easily transplant the 1" starter cube into the larger cube simply by inserting it into the hole.
Man roseman, this is the best forum you could of done. I only wish i had this much info and details as you are giving out now when i started mine. It would of made thing alot easier for me.
Newbies follow what this man is telling you, he saved my plants at least twice and i owe it all to him.
Mostly crazy for persident 09
AHHHHH....2 Ph meters would drive me crazy!i had the lil red one but that screw turning is very sensative and you gotta adjust it real real easy.I got the oakton one that calibrates with the hold of a button..i love it.Cause Ph isnt sumthing that you should have to worry about..With these CANNA nutes i just set the ph before i put the nutes in and it STAYS at that ph the entire week.
I've received a few PMs about my typos and errors and I do appreciate them very very much. If you catch a typo or big mistake, let me know.
R M. I noticed that you use well water. Question - If the well water is filtered thru a Culiggan system and the result is PPM=190 , Ph=7.1 ;

is this water usable in the bubbleponics systems. The 190PPM comes from NaCl (salt). ( My soil plants like this water)

Thanks for your answer >
R M. I noticed that you use well water. Question - If the well water is filtered thru a Culiggan system and the result is PPM=190 , Ph=7.1 ;

is this water usable in the bubbleponics systems. The 190PPM comes from NaCl (salt). ( My soil plants like this water)

Thanks for your answer >

One of my next topics here is Water. I just dread the rebuttals and arguements, because I take a different stand on water.

Yes that water, and even CITY water and WELL Water are much better than RO water or Distilled water, in my humble opinion.
I use 350-400ppm city water with good success. Just have to make a few adjustments as you grow. Now I have rainwater to play with!
I use 350-400ppm city water with good success. Just have to make a few adjustments as you grow. Now I have rainwater to play with!

What are the adjustments that you make?

Plants in DWC do not like NaCl, what do you do to get rid of it? as you will always be adding this salt water to the reservoir.
Rockwool comes with a warning label, like abestos, to not handle it dry, because it has carcegens in it, or can cause cancer IF you breathe in enough of it's dust. SO, you do need to really soak it A LONG TIME to handle it, but it will only take a minute to soak it and make it safe from DUST flying around. It will take a few hours or more to soak it to adjust it's pH.

Woah, WTF!?! I had no idea. I bought some rockwool from someone on eBay who had a lot of it, so it didn't come in its own individual wrapping and there was no warning. I seriously had no idea, but Roseman you may have just saved my life man! Thanks for this warning, I bet a lot of others here had no idea about this! I'm quoting you to reiterate this warning!!

One of my next topics here is Water. I just dread the rebuttals and arguements, because I take a different stand on water.

Yes that water, and even CITY water and WELL Water are much better than RO water or Distilled water, in my humble opinion.

Why do you say that roseman?
Tonight, I hope to discuss water, and starting my germination. I got my seeds started now.

It takes me 4 hours to do what ought to take ten mintues, because of the picture taking, RESEARCH, PROOF, UPLOADING PICS, and trying to be so accurate and then documenting and adding the text to this thread. But the water is in the tanks and bucket, and the pumps are running,
and yesterday is DAY ONE! 90 more days to go CHOP CHOP!!
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