Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics Tutorial

i just need to design a more commericial type of bubbleponics to hold more, and for a HID grow

When you do, please post back up. I share many of the same feelings as you. I went with this kit to get started, and "get my fingers wet" with hydro. I have more space and larger HID lights I would like to use.

So far, I am leaning towards an ebb and flow system. One called the ebb and grow. But if you can think of a way to do large DWC setups, I'd be interested. :peace:
you're the man roseman... I'm using ur tutorials front to back and I just had my seedlings crack and pop up, im about 4 weeks behind you on this tutorial. I've been watching you for a while, good stuff, keep it up!
could we talk about the hooking together of multiple tanks or buckets for a minute, thanks for addressing this issue. youve hit on some good points. i was just thinking of all the time itll take to do 6 more buckets for the flower room, to support the 2..3 site buckets in veg. alot of draining of ea..6 more manifolds, 6 more pumps, 3 more massive air pumps, would be nice if supported of 1 rez tank.

i love the feeder tubes dumping constant oxygen and the way the roots intially hang in the air until they submerge . .. .
i just need to design a more commericial type of bubbleponics to hold more, and for a HID grow

Home > Catalog > Hydroponics Systems > The Three Bucketeers

The Three Bucketeers


Bubbleponics™ Pro II - 24 Planter

Nice stealth setup that you have going there, and two thumbs up (RIP Siskel) on the vegging production! In all of the hydro/aero threads that I've been searching through, it seems that most roads lead back to the Roseman. Allbeit that I'm a "stranger", I feel that I could speak for any of your current or former readers and say many thanks for the wealth of knowledge that you have been passing on.

I have a 2 quick questions about your lighting... 1. I see that your current setup is running off CFL's, but in any prior grows, have you ever used T5's, if so what's your opinion of them? ... and ...
2. Since I'm too chicken to post my current grow pics, thus negating a link... I wanted to see if you might be able to shoot me a PM about an interesting lighting/training concept that I ran by my local hydro rep. **I understand that threadjacking is irritating, that's why I suggested a quick PM to keep the audience attention on your grow**

Experiment small to get Big Results.

I get a bunch of Retail Hydro Catalogs and have got them for many years. They always pushed HID lights or gave HID lights the priority spot in thier catalogs, but just this summer, they are all pushing and promioting T-5s as the way to grow.

I'll PM you.
When you do, please post back up. I share many of the same feelings as you. I went with this kit to get started, and "get my fingers wet" with hydro. I have more space and larger HID lights I would like to use.

So far, I am leaning towards an ebb and flow system. One called the ebb and grow. But if you can think of a way to do large DWC setups, I'd be interested. :peace:

Allow me to say here, the SH Bubbleponics Kit is a STARTER KIT and an excellent way to learn to grow with hydroponics. I believe the very best way to learn and the fastest way to grow.
After you do a grow or two with it, almost all growers EVOLVE on to something bigger and better.

There is a new Ebb and Flow Kit being sold for about $600 for large grows and a dude here on RIU named Filthy Fletch started a nice Tutorial on it yesterday here, on a DIY one for about $170 total. He is a stright up dude, and I call him friend, he is sharp and very knowledgable, but he sort of has a harsh personality. Look for his Tutorial.
you're the man roseman... I'm using ur tutorials front to back and I just had my seedlings crack and pop up, im about 4 weeks behind you on this tutorial. I've been watching you for a while, good stuff, keep it up!

Welcome to RIU, I am proud for you, and I hope you join the BubbleHeads.
roseman, i have a three part question about your grow. 1. do you use as much nutes on the bucket as you do the sh kit. 2. when you mesure out a sixth of the nutes to top of your tanks, do you have a wayy to mesure it out, or do you just eyeball it. 3.when do you switch to your flower nutes.
roseman, i have a three part question about your grow. 1. do you use as much nutes on the bucket as you do the sh kit.

A few pages back, I explained the bucket was 5 gallons with 4 gallons of water, so I use 2/3 (4/6) in the bucket of what I use in the tank.

2. when you mesure out a sixth of the nutes to top of your tanks, do you have a wayy to mesure it out, or do you just eyeball it.

I'm a fanatic about trying to be articulate and precise. I have a yellow scoop that I use, and I figured the little bags of nutes hold 6 scoops of nutes. I know how much of a scoop, or how many scoops of pH Down to use on one gallon, and 1/2 gallon and one quart.

3.when do you switch to your flower nutes.

I VEG over 5 and less than 6 weeks, until my plants are mature. Pot plants are mature when they start making new leaves that do not have a perfect opposite leaf across from it, called an opposing leaf. In other words the first 4 weeks, all you see is a node (2 leaves) one leaf directly across from the other leaf, a pair. After about 4 weeks, on Indica, you will find a new leaf without one directly across from it and that tells you the plant is a grown up now, and ready to reproduce, or start sexing and making seeds.
I VEG over 5 and less than 6 weeks, until my plants are mature. Pot plants are mature when they start making new leaves that do not have a perfect opposite leaf across from it, called an opposing leaf. In other words the first 4 weeks, all you see is a node (2 leaves) one leaf directly across from the other leaf, a pair. After about 4 weeks, on Indica, you will find a new leaf without one directly across from it and that tells you the plant is a grown up now, and ready to reproduce, or start sexing and making seeds.
thanx +rep
thanks for the info roseman, ill have to check filthys diy system for sure. either way couldnt be happier with the new 3 site bucket i buit. 3 clones went directly in, and next moring roots sticking out everywhere from the bottom of the netpots and hydroton.

good luck and ill be watching...

Thanks for the great comment you left on my grow. Made a novice grower feel pretty good! You are a gentlemen and a scholar! Can't wait to see your next set of pictures!
OK, so I have some giant fan leaves, also called shade leaves, that appear to be blocking the light from entering down deep into the plant. Maybe if I cut the fan leaves away and remove them, the light can penetrate deeper.
What should I do? What should you do?


Get some paperclips and hold them pulled back or tucked away, if you insist on doing anything, but DO NOT CUT THE FAN LEAVES OFF.

When a large FAN leaf starts yellowing, say it is half yellow, that means in the photosynthesis process, that leaf has eaten nutrients, taken in some LIGHT and made food for the plant and buds and NOW, half of that is gone, or used or consumed. That is the yellow part. Well, what about the other half? The still green part? Can not it's energy still be used or consumed? Of course it can, it is still doing its job.
AND when it is ALL consumed or used, that leaf will naturally just fall off.

AND you say it is blocking LIGHT?
GREAT and GOOD, that means it is getting the LIGHT it needs and deserves more than the other leaves do, to do it's job.

Years ago I tried removing lower fan leaves to allow more Light to penetrate in. I cut a down of them off. When I did, the plant went into a slight shock for a day or two, and quit eating or only ate half as much, and just went on "stand by" mode. Then, after a day or two, suddenly, I saw that big fan leaf replaced by a new leaf, and I saw my plant use the energy to replace that leaf, more than it used the energy to grow bigger and make more buds or bigger buds.

I now believe that removing fan leaves is pointless, and that a leaf has a purpose and will serve that purpose until it is dead. Then it will yellow, dry, crisp and fall off.

Don't ever remove fan leaves before harvest for several reasons.

1. The fan leaves MAKE AND STORE energy for the plant. The fan leaves are doing a process called photosynthsis, and it is the most important part or task or job the plant does, to make it grow. The Fan leaves make the FOOD, the sugars and carbs needed to grow.

2. If you remove a FAN leaf, the plant will stop growing taller until it can replace that removed fan leaf.

3. Removing a healthy fan leaf is a big waste of time; they are rapided replaced unless you are in the last few weeks of flowering.

4. Even if the fan leaves are yellowing in late bloom I do not remove them until they are almost ready to fall off. The yellowing in the fan leaves at late harvest is the plants metabolism at work. She is transferring all stored energy from the fan leaf to bud production. It is the easiest source of energy the plant has late in life.

Daily I do very gently tug at wilting yellowing leaves. If it wants to hold on, I let it hold on and stay. If the leaf comes off very easily because of my gentle pull, it was dead anyway and ready to remove.

From the Growers Bible by Jorge Cervantes:
Leave leaves alone! Removal of healthy leave hacks up a healthy plant. Removing large or shade leaves DOES NOT make plants more productive. This practice DOES NOT supply more light to smaller leaves and growing tips. Plants need all their leaves to produce the maximum amount of chlorophyll and food. Removing leaves slows chlorophyll production, stresses the plant, and stunts its growth. Stress is a growth inhibitor. Remove only dead leaves or leaves that are more than 50 percent damaged.
If it's an accident, it's an accident. Rose is talking more of a purposeful consistant culling of the fan leaves to get "more light" to the bud. It's counter productive. I tuck a leaf here and there but never cut a leaf.