Roseman's DIY Bubbleponics Tutorial

After the Topping:

There are 6 nodes on that one plant. It is going to be a giant!


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I am becoming slightly hopeful for reviving the dead plant in the back row center. It is starting to show something that looks like a new leaf.

Any Questions about what I have covered so far?
I'm a new hydro grower.I will be starting soon. say i only get 3 females out of a 6 seed planter. I take the 3 males out. now i have 3 empty planters . if i put clones in the empty planters they wont be as big as my females. what do i do? or what should i have done?
Hi Roseman

Wow, massive thanks for all your hard work, I hope to get "bubbling" in the New Year and ill pretty much have this as my bible...CHEERS!

Will be building a bubbleponic system from scratch, i have a question about tank h20 levels. SH tank is 8 gallons, water level should be six, that would mean water level = 75% of tank capacity. Im not in the US so we have litres, and on the 6/8 gallon ratio, if I have a 45 litre tank (approx 12 gallons), my water level should be about 33 litres (approx 8 gallons), does that sound reasonable?

Last question, opinion seems divided about the water tubes once you have a good root mass in the water, some say you can remove them, others say put it on a timer so its only pumping say 10 x 5mins per day, some say leave it going 24/7...what do you say?

Im really sorry if this aint the place or its been answered before...

Good luck & thanks again mate, you da man!
If you have questions about YOUR grow, please invite me to YOUR thread, or go here:
Questions about Bubbleponic Growing Thread
or here:
Roseman and purpdaddys guide for my Bubbleponics setup from Stealth Hydroponic

Posting YOUR grow in someone else's thread is called
Hi-jacking a thread.

I am open for questions about what is posted in this Tutorial here.

I will gladly answer other questions here:
Questions about Bubbleponic Growing Thread
or here:
Roseman and purpdaddys guide for my Bubbleponics setup from Stealth Hydroponic
I'm a new hydro grower.I will be starting soon. say i only get 3 females out of a 6 seed planter. I take the 3 males out. now i have 3 empty planters .

and that leaves plenty of room to grow 3 big plants.
if i put clones in the empty planters they wont be as big as my females. what do i do? or what should i have done?
I'd do the clones separate, or do a SOG.
Hi Roseman

Wow, massive thanks for all your hard work, I hope to get "bubbling" in the New Year and ill pretty much have this as my bible...CHEERS!

Will be building a bubbleponic system from scratch, i have a question about tank h20 levels. SH tank is 8 gallons, water level should be six, that would mean water level = 75% of tank capacity. Im not in the US so we have litres, and on the 6/8 gallon ratio, if I have a 45 litre tank (approx 12 gallons), my water level should be about 33 litres (approx 8 gallons), does that sound reasonable?

Actually, you don't go by 75%, or number of gallons. You go by leaving a two inch air pocket between the bottom of the cups and the top of the water line.

Last question, opinion seems divided about the water tubes once you have a good root mass in the water, some say you can remove them, others say put it on a timer so its only pumping say 10 x 5mins per day, some say leave it going 24/7...what do you say?

Im really sorry if this aint the place or its been answered before...

Good luck & thanks again mate, you da man!
Yep, all growers debate that one. The MFG or Instructional CD says after the roots hit deep water, put the pump on a timer, 3 minutes an hour of pumping. That is OK.
Some growers remove the pump and tubes, but that is very difficult to do, and some just turn it off. Either is OK.

I use my pump to drain the tank, to pump the water out when I Drain and Replinish. I also beleive the pump cools the water slightly by moving it around, by pumping it to the cups and the waer falling back down in the air, it cools it too.
I leave mine in, and run it often after the roots hit the deep water..
Hi Roseman

Im really sorry if this aint the place or its been answered before...

Good luck & thanks again mate, you da man!

I really welcome and invite questions on what I have discussed so far.
Your question was about something I just covered and invited questuions about.
It is the questions about subjects not in the Tutorial that bother me. I am getting questions already answered here too.
I am trying to be as helpful as I can be.
Thanks! your the best ,but with only 3 plants in in a 6 planter, Can i still get as much buds?
and dont wanna sound like an idiot but what is an sob?
Thanks! your the best ,but with only 3 plants in in a 6 planter, Can i still get as much buds?
and dont wanna sound like an idiot but what is an sob?

I grow Indica, Northern Lights, and I average 3 females per tank, and 8 ounces of dried well-manicured buds per tank. I have harvested 7 ounces of dried manicured bud from one plant and the other two plants in the same tank gave me 5.5 ounces more, or 12.5 in one tank is the MAX I ever got. If you scroll back a few pages, where all the pics are, you can
see the tank with the 46 inch tall 7 ounce provider.

SOG = Sea of Green.
Simply, a bunch of plants crowded together, and only VEGGed a short time, like a week or two, to give a rapid HARVEST. Instead of going for a large harvest and taking a long time, you go for a shorter grow time and earlier harvest but get less yield.
I really welcome and invite questions on what I have discussed so far.
Your question was about something I just covered and invited questuions about.
It is the questions about subjects not in the Tutorial that bother me. I am getting questions already answered here too.
I am trying to be as helpful as I can be.

Thanks for the reply RM, thats answered my questions perfectly...seems its your call about the pump issue, if youve got a massive root mass in the bubbling h20 its obviously gonna get enough water, on the other hand a flow of water into the netpot isnt gonna do any harm, hmmmm i plan to scrog 2 plants maybe ill have one with tube and one without and see if theres a noticeable difference...

yeah im a relative newbie, everyday i give myself a question to answer and i really try to exhaust all possibilities before i ask here cos im sure you guys get sick of answering the same questions!

Cheers again, you deserve a medal for all your hard work!
Thanks for the reply RM, thats answered my questions perfectly...seems its your call about the pump issue, if youve got a massive root mass in the bubbling h20 its obviously gonna get enough water, on the other hand a flow of water into the netpot isnt gonna do any harm, hmmmm i plan to scrog 2 plants maybe ill have one with tube and one without and see if theres a noticeable difference...

yeah im a relative newbie, everyday i give myself a question to answer and i really try to exhaust all possibilities before i ask here cos im sure you guys get sick of answering the same questions!

Cheers again, you deserve a medal for all your hard work!

I got to say that my bucket with two feeder tubes to each grow cup is growing much faster and bigger than the grow cups in the tanks with only one feeder tube.

Visit me and the gang here for all your questions:
Questions about Bubbleponic Growing Thread
As I was saying, I got a SMELL or STINK like a skunk peed in the closet.
I'll just let the pics tell you what I do and just say if it did not work well, I would not do it.

Lots of holes.

9 or 10 inch fan, $8.95 at Walmart.

I use ONA and prefer the fresh Linen Scent. I have used Febreeze too and it works good, but does not last as long. You can also use Pine Sol.



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If you grow indoors, it is going to stink. I bought Ionizers, carbon filters, Febreeze filters, and they do not work well at all.
I have tried charcoal and I have tried cheap smelly substitutes, but the ONA really, really works. I sometimes use the solid blocks but I like the chunks or GEL best. I just add a little, like a 1/6 of the big jar, and it lasts for weeks. I can dildute it with water or cat liter, to make it last even longer.

AND, with 6 inches of water in the bottom, it increases the humdiity too.

You can rig a round 9 or ten inch fan in the bucket easily.



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Rose, that a great idea, didnt eventhink of somting like that, can i make that at a smaller scale. Like a 1 gallon bucket and use a 4-5 inch fan and get the same results? Later
Rose, that a great idea, didnt eventhink of somting like that, can i make that at a smaller scale. Like a 1 gallon bucket and use a 4-5 inch fan and get the same results? Later

I 've seen a computer fan on a 3 gallon bucket, but a 5 gallon bucket only cost $4 and the fan is on sale now everywhere, so I 'd do the 5 gallon bucket if I could.
Roseman, how much root mass do you have in the water before turning off the pumps (intermittently)

I don't really go by that, I run my pumps for at least 4 or 5 weeks, until the tubes are clogged up or they appear to not be working.
Everyone does that part different.