Royal Wedding, anyone watching??

One of my favorite songs!

Damnit, it's a beautiful day outside... I'm going flying.

April, still awaiting the PM with your number in it! We need to work these problems out sweetie, don't you agree?
ANC !! welcome to the party !

Socata, seems like me and you have something in common. Let's have a Play date! Come scoop me up when you get a moment but, you're gonna have to drop me back off to.
Yes i hope they do, she is soo pretty inside and out! But she seems strong and i have a feeling she feels the need to double fill Diana's shoes, i'll be watching her and hoping she makes positive changes, oh to be royalty, i envy the life, I love William i respect all the work he does, brave guy, his mom would be proud, the ginger boy Harry is a ginger, that is all

lol, i bet people look at you every day and think the same thing.. oh that's 'april' the blonde bimbo, thats all.
Never watched it but I would have if they would have shown the servants who were responsible for wiping royal hiney that day.How proud you would be to be on TV knowing the purpose of your existance is wipe another human beings ass LOL....Never watched Diana and the ear fella's either.....That was just so wrong in so many ways...Diana was so beautiful and he is just plain fugly...Shoulda married his current wife first cause she looks more like a horse than some of their actual horses....Alright thats funny right there
neither are you lmfao, i don't like you, another person with nothing interesting to say, here's and idea find a thread u like and keep your negative comments to yourself, did anyone ask you to comment in here? no! why do people like Socata think what they say matters, anyways welcome to my ignore list ,ya it's just that easy to make you go away lol

because he paid for an elite member ship hahaha.
Never watched it but I would have if they would have shown the servants who were responsible for wiping royal hiney that day.How proud you would be to be on TV knowing the purpose of your existance is wipe another human beings ass LOL....Never watched Diana and the ear fella's either.....That was just so wrong in so many ways...Diana was so beautiful and he is just plain fugly...Shoulda married his current wife first cause she looks more like a horse than some of their actual horses....Alright thats funny right there

lol soo true, man she's rough looking, But Kate is very pretty, man at 40 she's gonna be smoking hot.
Oh,,,shit your right,,,I noticed they can't see also,,,They had eye visor's...telepathy visor's. I kinnda Liked it tho',,,was like watching a "Fairy Tail" in real life...I know I'm sad But True...:eyesmoke:
Thanks for the negative rep Socata, your true colours shine so bright in this thread
It's funny how people are proud to be rude and ignorant, and giving me negative rep? lmfao wow

Wow unbelievable...He neg rep'd you...Cause you want to be a princess!!! That's just down right dirty! U have the right to your dream's. Just because he is a frog...Or wart toad...doesn't make it right!!!! I vote .....Give her back her rep's Socata!!!!!!! If u told my daughter's they couldn't be prinesses...I would kick your booty frog butt.
My wife and daughter have taken over the tv and are watching it.
I can't help to think of how many starving people in the world could have eaten a decent meal on the money spent on this.
I know people will say so what, but really could not the money be spent in a better way.
Well I agree it's sad your watching it now,,,I woke up unexpectadly at about 6am my time and it was all Live,,,I sat there for Hours,,,Wondering what's next? It was pretty cool tho'. Damn it man I have a Heart and soul?
Wow unbelievable...He neg rep'd you...Cause you want to be a princess!!! That's just down right dirty! U have the right to your dream's. Just because he is a frog...Or wart toad...doesn't make it right!!!! I vote .....Give her back her rep's Socata!!!!!!! If u told my daughter's they couldn't be prinesses...I would kick your booty frog butt.

It's funny that a member who paid for an ellite membership (a title) has a problem with royalty fluffing their feathers. And if a toad reads this he might feel insulted.