Royal Wedding, anyone watching??

My wife and daughter have taken over the tv and are watching it.
I can't help to think of how many starving people in the world could have eaten a decent meal on the money spent on this.
I know people will say so what, but really could not the money be spent in a better way.

Very true but they asked all gifts be sent to charities they picked
because he paid for an elite member ship hahaha.

Something wrong with that? Sorry, I like contributing to a forum that has contributed endless amounts of help to me.

Wow unbelievable...He neg rep'd you...Cause you want to be a princess!!! That's just down right dirty! U have the right to your dream's. Just because he is a frog...Or wart toad...doesn't make it right!!!! I vote .....Give her back her rep's Socata!!!!!!! If u told my daughter's they couldn't be prinesses...I would kick your booty frog butt.

I didn't neg rep her because she wants to be a princess, that's just ignorant... in fact it's quite ignorant to even think that. I negatively repped her because, if you read her comment directed towards me down below:

neither are you lmfao, i don't like you, another person with nothing interesting to say, here's and idea find a thread u like and keep your negative comments to yourself, did anyone ask you to comment in here? no! why do people like Socata think what they say matters, anyways welcome to my ignore list ,ya it's just that easy to make you go away lol

See that? Negativity... so I neg repped her, and like a little princess who doesn't get her way, she got mad... bro.

And again, who gives a fuck about rep? Neg rep me if you want... it won't deflate or inflate my e-penis... only April's sexy ass can do that. ( Still waiting on the PM with your number sweetcheeks :hump: )

It's funny that a member who paid for an ellite membership (a title) has a problem with royalty fluffing their feathers. And if a toad reads this he might feel insulted.

Good thing I'm not feeling insulted then I guess eh?! I would still treat you to a nice date, a little smooch... maybe even take you for a sunset flight!

I hope I've made this clear once again to anyone who's a bit slow... or feel's like being a kindergartner and "picking" on others for the stupidest reasons (Supporting the forum by donations)...


Wow, very interesting. If this is true, then I quess I had things quite wrong when I stated that "they have no right to the wealth".

I still believe that the massive show of wealth in the wedding could have gone to bettering peoples lives though.

But I quess if you look at the amount of money derived from people flocking there to see it, it makes it a different story.
Hopefully the UK uses the money wisely.
It is only relevant if they legally own the land. They do not. It can never be legally owned. It moves from monarchy to monarchy via war and conquest. We tend to ignore this fact though in the preference that we have a fancy royal family, or at least that's what they try and make us accept, but people are slowly changing thier minds and opinions. The contrast between the public opinion of this royal wedding and that last one, well it's all the proof you need. So long as this country's going to the pot and the monarchs don't care the the public opinion is going to continue changing for the worse.