In addition to collecting a soil sample to test, growers can collect leachate from container grown plants using the Pour Thru method. One of the major advantages to leachate pour thru is that there is no media sampling or preparation. Unlike SME and 1:2 methods, plants do not have to be sacrificed or disturbed for testing because the extract is the leachate collected from the container during routine irrigation. The leachate can be analyzed on-site using the pH and EC pens or it can be sent to a commercial laboratory for a complete nutrient analysis. In the reference section there is a fact sheet from North Carolina State University which provides detailed information on the leachate pour thru method or see:
http://www.ces.ncsu.edu/depts/hort/floriculture/Florex/PourThru Handout 123s.pdf
Leachate pour thru is best used for continuous monitoring and graphical tracking of pH and soluble salts. To make this method work best an irrigation and leachate protocol must be established and carefully followed when sampling takes place. Leachate pour thru is not a good choice for casual checks (use 1:2 method for this). Unfortunately, with casual use, the "numbers" are often quite variable, inconclusive, and probably unreliable. "
Quick Link: Greenhouse Media; Saturated Media Extract Submittal Form to be completed and sent with soil sample to the UMass Extension Soil and Plant Nutrient Testing Laboratory. More info below. Soil Testing A soil test is important for several reasons: to optimize crop production, to protect...