Russian bounties to kill Americans in Afghanistan

concrete shoes and put them in the sand at low tide.

set up a camera to capture it all

autistic barron is exempt. so is tiffany. melania gets the shoes along with eric and ivanka and retard junior.
This would make for a great thread (best way to rid the earth of the oxygen wasting bunch) but I’m assuming it’s quite dangerous right now to threaten the Munster family :(. Not that I give a fuck ..... kicked out a long time ago lol. Kudos for the cameras ..... nice touch! Can we have so it’s a progressive tide and takes 4-5 days to hit max? Can we each have one vote for one RIU member as well? You know like a village where all decisions are made by the whole of the village in a harmonious way. The winner is the first loser so to speak.
Attacking everyone except Putin, that's strange isn't it?

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A more obvious lie than most, looks like a job for congress, this is easily disproved and most likely will be done so by the press. This is as close to treason as you can get without there actually being in a declared war, it is literal treason if not legal. He had to have gotten the information, he is responsible for reading the contents of his daily intelligence briefings, I'm sure this particular item was explained to him in child like detail several times. Mark Meadows wasn't on the job until recently and Pence is in as deep as Donald.
Attacking everyone except Putin, that's strange isn't it?

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As I recall about a year or so ago American forces in Northern Iraq slaughtered about 200 Russian "mercenaries" financed by an oligarch. Not long after that American forces suddenly betrayed the Kurds and withdrew on Trump's orders, after that is when the bounties on US troops started, someone might wanna check my timeline here...
The Europeans have confirmed this.
Russia offered cash rewards to Taliban fighters to kill US troops in Afghanistan

Russian intelligence officers for the military intelligence GRU recently offered money to Taliban militants in Afghanistan as rewards if they killed US or UK troops there, a European intelligence official told CNN.

The official was unclear as to the precise Russian motivation, but said the incentives had, in their assessment, led to coalition casualties. The official did not specify as to the date of the casualties, their number or nationality, or whether these were fatalities or injuries.
And just like that, Trump's executive order allowing him to fill the federal governments with unqualified cultists is buried.
I love how Americans get all bent out of shape when they find out other people are doing to them what they've done to others. Priceless.

Like election meddling, when that story first broke years ago, the irony of people complaining how their Democratic rights were affected, meanwhile America has meddled and sabotaged more elections in modern history than her enemies combined.

I often wonder if it's cognitive dissonance or just ignorance.
concrete shoes and put them in the sand at low tide.

One of Hitler's methods to combat what he saw was treason (ie. perceived attempts on his life) was hanging by piano string (or similar small diameter wire). Perhaps those who routinely support such dictators should die by their methods when they have been found guilty of treason.
I love how Americans get all bent out of shape when they find out other people are doing to them what they've done to others. Priceless.

Like election meddling, when that story first broke years ago, the irony of people complaining how their Democratic rights were affected, meanwhile America has meddled and sabotaged more elections in modern history than her enemies combined.

I often wonder if it's cognitive dissonance or just ignorance.
So we should just show our bellies to the Russian attack on our democracy? Their breaking our laws in our country cat fishing vulnerable people to get them all worked up and cause violence here?


Putin needs to back off his attack on our worlds democracies for his own people's sake. The Russian people don't need anymore hurt put on them because of their dictator stupid selfish decisions.
I love how Americans get all bent out of shape when they find out other people are doing to them what they've done to others. Priceless.

Like election meddling, when that story first broke years ago, the irony of people complaining how their Democratic rights were affected, meanwhile America has meddled and sabotaged more elections in modern history than her enemies combined.

I often wonder if it's cognitive dissonance or just ignorance.
Did you felch that argument from Putin's trump hole?

Your feeble minded "wonder" no one gaf, JA.
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As I recall about a year or so ago American forces in Northern Iraq slaughtered about 200 Russian "mercenaries" financed by an oligarch. Not long after that American forces suddenly betrayed the Kurds and withdrew on Trump's orders, after that is when the bounties on US troops started, someone might wanna check my timeline here...
So after trump gifted the Syria/Russia military an air base they sent out the hit squad. The Art of the Deal
I love how Americans get all bent out of shape when they find out other people are doing to them what they've done to others. Priceless.

Like election meddling, when that story first broke years ago, the irony of people complaining how their Democratic rights were affected, meanwhile America has meddled and sabotaged more elections in modern history than her enemies combined.

I often wonder if it's cognitive dissonance or just ignorance.
You're leaving out the context and over generalising, you seem to forget there was a cold war raging at the time and since the end of the cold war America has scaled way back on such activities, they started doing it before the end of the cold war too. Meanwhile Russia is the biggest offender today in interfering with democratic elections for nefarious purposes.

What country are you from? Have the Russians interfered in your democratic process? If you are living in a NATO country they have and they interfere in other countries too. Point to some recent examples where the Americans have interfered, say in the last decade, since Obama, excluding Trump who is a traitor. Russia recently invaded and seized Ukrainian territory and meneces it neighbors, likewise China, Mexico publicly tells Trump to fuck off.

Also there is the matter of 120,000 dead Americans, thus far, that Putin bears some responsibility for too, how much is yet to be determined.
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This is really OUT THERE. I mean we all know members here smoke a lot but sometimes you got put down what your smoking and clear the senses. I think that time is now for you captain..
You Trumpers hate it when the propaganda is pointed at your guy.

Good propaganda is based upon facts. What that bit of political advertising claims is true. The links between Putin, Trump and paid Taliban assassins is fact. So, why are you defending Trump, the guy who supports assassination of members of the military that he orders into the fields of Afghanistan?

The following is facts based reporting on the aformentioned assassins that Putin offered bounties for the deaths US troops. It might have been posted earlier but your kind keep denying the facts, so I figure the facts need to be repeated when you do that.

Russian intelligence officers offered to pay Taliban militants to kill American troops in Afghanistan over the past year, amid peace talks to end the 18-year war there, a military official confirmed to ABC News on Sunday.

U.S. intelligence agencies linked the effort to a Russian intelligence unit suspected of covert action and assassination attempts in Europe, according to The New York Times, which first reported the intelligence findings said to have been presented to President Donald Trump in March.
I love how Americans get all bent out of shape when they find out other people are doing to them what they've done to others. Priceless.

Like election meddling, when that story first broke years ago, the irony of people complaining how their Democratic rights were affected, meanwhile America has meddled and sabotaged more elections in modern history than her enemies combined.

I often wonder if it's cognitive dissonance or just ignorance.
Ya' love that, do ye'? Well, stay tuned. Yep, we have a lot to be ashamed of, and you, are you innocent? If you haven't been paying attention, there's a movement to get better.