Russian bounties to kill Americans in Afghanistan

Russia did it and they will pay, Uncle Sam is gonna fuck mother Russia until she shits out Vlad, the suffering will be massive there. This will be a generational punishment and unprecedented in modern times, if I were Russian I'd be worried, it's gonna be grey there for a long time.
Putin's Bounties, Electronic Payments & Trump's Separate But Unequal Congressional Briefings

The New York Times reports the existence of electronic transfers between a bank account controlled by Russia's military intelligence agency and a Taliban-linked account. Trump holds two separate but unequal briefings - one for the Republicans and one for the Democrats. Some Republicans break with the president and actually criticize Putin. Yet from Donald Trump - crickets.
Russia helped save the Middle East from ISIS... threw a huge wrench into the Zionist game plan to steam roll the whole area.... whats crazy is... Russia used to not give a damn ...they are corrupted to the core with the Dual Citizens of Israel as well just like the USA.... except!!! Edward Snowden shined some light onto the real intentions of the Zionist which is Russia and China to fall ....had Snowden seen the light sooner.... could have saved Libya.. Putin turned a blind eye to that...and now hes there saving the country from Turkey ... Russia Bitched Slapped Turkey right back into Gobble gobble mode..

Russia is a friend of world humanity ... dont let the Zionist owned media Cartel spin it any other way...truth be told... Russian propaganda only scares those of you old enough to remember Gumby and Poki
Facts bro 100% .. sorry your cartel isnt running away with the whole world atm.... Russia isnt the enemy of anyone who isnt evil aka Zionism
Prove one claim in that with verifiable facts
This is just an excuse to stay in Afghanistan.

We made an agreement with the Taliban to pull out of five military bases by July 15th, 2020 (and completely pull out within a year). Our media is just spinning up a random story to give us an excuse to stay in Afghanistan.

More info:
It's too bad that old men and women living in Russia will be the first to feel the affects of US sanctions that President Biden will enact for Russia's actions against the US. I'd prefer we find ways to get directly at Putin but I'm good with sanctions.

President Trump turned to President Putin.

Archived Recording (Donald Trump)
I have President Putin. He just said it’s not Russia. I will say this. I don’t see any reason why it would be. But I really —

Eric Schmitt
He said, I believe him over my intelligence agencies. This has a different feel to it though. So often we’ve seen the past about some of the president’s utterances and judgments and tweets which have kind of fallen into partisan camps, and people can say what he really meant or not. This is something different. This is about soldiers’ lives in Afghanistan. This is about somebody’s brother, somebody’s husband, somebody’s daughter who are on the front lines in Afghanistan. And Trump, as the commander in chief, doesn’t care enough to take the brief? Doesn’t care enough to read the intelligence about this? Or his aides don’t think he will? Something as sacrosanct as the American soldier in harm’s way in the battlefields of Afghanistan, the White House doesn’t have its back? The president doesn’t have their backs? That’s something very, very troubling indeed, if true.

This is where some right wing alternet poster comes back with some quip about "both sides the same".

But, no.

Trump and his 2020 Republican Party are not anything like anything we've seen in the halls of power in the US before.
Well the price put on a US soldier's head was $100,000, the price on the heads of thousands of American civilians is a mean tweet, if they live in a red state. Soldiers are expensive to kill, civilian deaths are real cheap by comparison. 50,000 new cases in the past 24 hours and headed for 100,000 a day.
You know if the script was flipped and we were posting bounties on russian soldiers , we would be probably waking up to a war or large mushroom clouds.

Whatever russia has on the fat fuck “ better “ have been worth it .... for the orange orangutan to ignore any intel that casts russia in a bad light. If it was from a fucking “ pee “ tape or nudes , that fat fuck needs to be entombed in a cell forever . At a minimum there has to be back door dealings , shill contracts , money laundering and typical financial bullshit . He owes china a shit of money personally.
And if he is tangled up with russian mob shit , then he deserves what will come. He is using us as his human shield , to keep russia pulling the strings.