Russians running yearslong Trolling operation to project their blame onto Ukraine.


Well-Known Member
NY Times:

Charges of Ukrainian Meddling? A Russian Operation, U.S. Intelligence Says Moscow has run a yearslong operation to blame Ukraine for its own 2016 election interference. Republicans have used similar talking points to defend President Trump in impeachment proceedings.

...Mr. Putin began publicly pushing false theories of Ukrainian interference in the early months of 2017 to deflect responsibility from Russia, said Senator Angus King, independent of Maine and a member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, who declined to answer questions about the briefing.

“These people are pros at this,” said Mr. King, who caucuses with the Democrats. “The Soviet Union used disinformation for 70 years. This is nothing new. Vladimir Putin is a former K.G.B. agent. He is trained in deception. This is his stock and trade and he is doing it well.”

During a news conference in February 2017, Mr. Putin accused the Ukrainian government of supporting Hillary Clinton during the previous American election and funding her candidacy with friendly oligarchs.

It is not clear when American intelligence agencies learned about Moscow’s campaign or when precisely it began. .... New York Times.

When Comey came out in 2016 right before the elections I figured at the time, it sucked but he had to. The way Trump was acting, it seemed likely that if he didn't come out, and Trump lost, it would be used as a way to troll Comey and Clinton about swaying the election for Trump by burying evidence about... emails.

And now they are just going back to the Troll of when caught, have someone ready to blame in hopes that the take the fall, or at least create a shadow of a doubt in court. It makes a lot of sense that they would have been using the foundation of trolling they had done in Ukraine from the start to use in their updated conspiracies. When facts don't matter/can be ignored, they can evolve the story any way they would like to suit their needs.
Rep Senator John Kennedy seems to have lost all credibility.
Do ya wonder why I call Trump, the GOP and those who support them racist traitors?
More Americans need to call these assholes what they are, traitors, and do it right over the dining room table.
Look them in the eye and ask them straight up, who attacked America's election in 2016, Russia or the Ukraine?
Ask them why they hate America enough to betray it by supporting Trump, the GOP and the Russians.
No battlefields this time around, the voting booths, the streets and the dining room tables, is where the soul of the nation will be decided.
Skipping the first 2:30 of Joe droning on, the rest of the episode gets into how the Republicans have been pushing this lie. It is going to be a very interesting watching how this all shakes out. My bet is that the 17 intelligence agencies concluding definitively that Russia was the nation behind attacking our democracy in 2016 will provide better evidence of events than Trump's ability to keep any story strait.
Trump and the Republicans are using the Russian set up to place blame on Ukraine by having some of their agents in that country to do things like getting the data on our voting citizens from Paul Manafort as cover for Trump's illegal acts.
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GOP has gone full Putin following dear leader Trump
Vote out all Republicans !

If the left wins then afterwards will the dems have it in them to arrest and prosecute all of the traitors? In most cases we just see the new "regimes" accept the pardons given by crooked presidents and move on. I hope not.
Do ya wonder why I call Trump, the GOP and those who support them racist traitors?
More Americans need to call these assholes what they are, traitors, and do it right over the dining room table.
Look them in the eye and ask them straight up, who attacked America's election in 2016, Russia or the Ukraine?
Ask them why they hate America enough to betray it by supporting Trump, the GOP and the Russians.
No battlefields this time around, the voting booths, the streets and the dining room tables, is where the soul of the nation will be decided.
Boy I bet Thanksgiving dinner at your house was a real hoot, comrade.
Boy I bet Thanksgiving dinner at your house was a real hoot, comrade.
You put Putin and Russia before your family and country, I would not sup with a traitor or suffer to allow one under my roof. You put your fear, hate and personal issues ahead of your country and are Trump's puppet and he is Putin's puppet. It looks like Hilary was right about Trump and you too, you are deplorable and your arguments are as idiotic as Trump's non existent defense against impeachment. Trump is a traitor and it has been repeatedly proven, any court in the land would convict the lot of them for conspiracy and will.

Thanksgiving comes earlier here in Canada and is not that big a deal in the great white north, though the grass is still green where I live.
You put Putin and Russia before your family and country, I would not sup with a traitor or suffer to allow one under my roof. You put your fear, hate and personal issues ahead of your country and are Trump's puppet and he is Putin's puppet. It looks like Hilary was right about Trump and you too, you are deplorable and your arguments are as idiotic as Trump's non existent defense against impeachment.
No, seriously ... how to you really feel about me? \*__*/

Oh, and ... keep your nose and concerns north of the 49th parallel - don't worry we got your back. I figure sometime during Trumps fourth term, we'll just annex you and you'll be the 51st state.
That'll be sweet, eh?
No, seriously ... how to you really feel about me? \*__*/

Oh, and ... keep your nose and concerns north of the 49th parallel - don't worry we got your back. I figure sometime during Trumps fourth term, we'll just annex you and you'll be the 51st state.
That'll be sweet, eh?
You aren't trying to deny that you are a traitor, It wasn't even a good try at a deflection. You should study harder about Republican propaganda tactics and come back when you are ready to try again.
No, seriously ... how to you really feel about me? \*__*/

Oh, and ... keep your nose and concerns north of the 49th parallel - don't worry we got your back. I figure sometime during Trumps fourth term, we'll just annex you and you'll be the 51st state.
That'll be sweet, eh?
The weird thing is, when Obama was in I really did think he would make for a great leader of a US, Canada union, now not so much. The respect for your fucked up country worldwide is completely in the toilet, sweet eh?
No, seriously ... how to you really feel about me? \*__*/

Oh, and ... keep your nose and concerns north of the 49th parallel - don't worry we got your back. I figure sometime during Trumps fourth term, we'll just annex you and you'll be the 51st state.
That'll be sweet, eh?
You're just a racist traitor to your own country and of no account. I'd say 35 million more democrats is just what America needs right now, but I'd rather be Canadian and so would you.