Safe way to sell surplus clones/teens?

Lucky tru is cool as hell, I kno some mods would have kicked for less... Like I always say tho, stick and u might meet some cool peeps- welkommenwelkommen
Matter of fact, every time I got drunk someone ended up bussin caps over the balcony into the ocean (back in SD), so fucking stupid. Never messed around when we were just blazed tho. But we always drank so ya. Glad I don't have it anymore. Lucky as hell too.
If you really need a gun then you are not as tough as you think you are..... "I fear no man and I'm unarmed" "Guns are for pussies"
I have never owned a gun, never will and have no fear of being attacked by anyone with a gun, as i am not afraid. Guns are just for the scared.
Hard to imagine. "Hi, here are the 6 clones we talked about." "Stick-em up dude! I'm taking your 6 clones worth less than 40 bucks and pointing this gun at you, which can lead to a loss of everything, including my life, if a cop or another armed citizen, or even you happens to want to exchange gunfire..."

Please chill on the gun stuff. Waving guns around doesn't help. Talking about waving them around doesn't help either. Guns are tools. If you need to shoot someone -fine, just make sure the law is on your side when you pull the trigger or you have just changed your entire life in a very bad way. I see why the lawyers suggested keeping guns and weed separate, because your judgement may not be perfect if your are high and the results could be catastrophic. Never point a gun at anything you do not intend to shoot.

And if the street requires that you be armed, don't go there, go somewhere where you do not need to be armed. If you want to walk around with a gun join the armed forces and deploy to the sandbox or sign on as a mercenary soldier. Or go to Chicago. We have evolved in Colorado to be above this crap. Please evolve with the rest of us. And be aware that there are a LOT of legally armed citizens here.
I am pretty dense and haven't caught on that Trueno can edit my posts. He sure is a great guy that trueno, an asset to the community!
dude your worried in a place where its legal? i think CL will do just fine. be happy you get to pay low rates and not worry about cops.
I have sat by and watched this thread degrade a bit and haven't said anything but alas I just can't be quiet anymore. All this gun talk on a marijuana forum....A WEED FORUM. This isn't the Jack Daniels forum or this is about a friendly and very kind herb. I was in the USMC for a bit, graduated from the 1st Mar Div Scout Sniper school, and spent time in Somalia where I was in more fire fights than I would have cared to be in. I have to say that although I do miss the Marines, hanging out with my family and my little green friends are WAY more fun. Leave the violence and talk of it for other places. Light a blunt, joint, bowl, spliff, pipe, or whatever you do and sit back, listen to some good music, and appreciate that you can have a bit of relative peace in your life.
I have sat by and watched this thread degrade a bit and haven't said anything but alas I just can't be quiet anymore. All this gun talk on a marijuana forum....A WEED FORUM. This isn't the Jack Daniels forum or this is about a friendly and very kind herb. I was in the USMC for a bit, graduated from the 1st Mar Div Scout Sniper school, and spent time in Somalia where I was in more fire fights than I would have cared to be in. I have to say that although I do miss the Marines, hanging out with my family and my little green friends are WAY more fun. Leave the violence and talk of it for other places. Light a blunt, joint, bowl, spliff, pipe, or whatever you do and sit back, listen to some good music, and appreciate that you can have a bit of relative peace in your life.

Thanks for standing a post for us Kramer. I never joined the service, but I appreciate every person that has. Especially those that had to experience combat.

I grew up with guns, but haven't owned one for 15 years or so. Accidentally discharged an old .32 with a hair trigger and said the hell with this, no one was hurt. I sold everything except my hunting guns at my dad's place. Reckon someday I'll have those back, pops is pushing eighty, but I'm in no hurry. The way the world is today though, I think I'll hold on to them when they make their way back.