Safe way to sell surplus clones/teens?

Hello Everyone,

What is the proper/safe way to sell plants?

I have excess clones and 12" teens Im going to sell but afraid to post on CL.

I am a red card holder.

Any help is much appreciated.
Dude dont post on Craigslist that will be a bad choice. If u Live in Colorado I saw somethin on the news the other day. They have under overs on Craigslist catching "red card" holders for selling weed. Just cause u have a red card doesn't mean u can sell. They are charging these people with felonys. It's not worth it!!

Also I use to sell buds on Craigslist and I got robbed by some black dude with dreads they tased me and pulled a gun out. I was out 6 ounces. $1200! This was last October! Craigslist is not a good place for mmj business. Take my word bro!
Dude dont post on Craigslist that will be a bad choice. If u Live in Colorado I saw somethin on the news the other day. They have under overs on Craigslist catching "red card" holders for selling weed. Just cause u have a red card doesn't mean u can sell. They are charging these people with felonys. It's not worth it!!

Also I use to sell buds on Craigslist and I got robbed by some black dude with dreads they tased me and pulled a gun out. I was out 6 ounces. $1200! This was last October! Craigslist is not a good place for mmj business. Take my word bro!

Thanks for confirming that for me, Im new from cali and it def sounds like everyone is a hardliner when it come to laws out here. Seems pretty harsh still even though 64 passed...
Thanks for confirming that for me, Im new from cali and it def sounds like everyone is a hardliner when it come to laws out here. Seems pretty harsh still even though 64 passed...

Yeah they are getting harsher and catching people on Craigslist cause the surrounding states are complaining about the excess amount of medical marijuana in their states. All those states have a 0 tolerance for marijuana it's pretty much like coke to those dumbasses. They know that most people from those states come here and buy lbs for 2500 and go sell them in for 5000-7500 in states like Nebraska and Kansas. I use to know a girl from Kansas and a dude from Nebraska they use to come out to me. One of them has had their home raided in Kansas. They are cracking down.
It's still legal if your 21. You can also "gift" your friend marijuana it says in amendment 64. So I guess cool to "gift" a friend for a "donation" but I still wouldn't advertise on Craigslist cause they have the undercover s on there tryin to find people sending shit out of states.
plants and actual buds are two separate issues guys. He is trying to offload some extra plants.
Dude dont post on Craigslist that will be a bad choice. If u Live in Colorado I saw somethin on the news the other day. They have under overs on Craigslist catching "red card" holders for selling weed. Just cause u have a red card doesn't mean u can sell. They are charging these people with felonys. It's not worth it!!

Also I use to sell buds on Craigslist and I got robbed by some black dude with dreads they tased me and pulled a gun out. I was out 6 ounces. $1200! This was last October! Craigslist is not a good place for mmj business. Take my word bro!
Really? Dude, if you can't back yourself up, you should not have even tried! Sorry for your dumb luck! Not to be a dick.. It's just common sense!
wouldn't most of the problem/charges have something to do with not paying taxes, no sales tax, no income tax paid . I did a lot of business on craigs,wax and clones, I was always the buyer of course. one dude ran a ad for months and months , he kept a couple elite strains and charged pretty much top dollar . he told me he went through 80 clones a week at 25 bux a pop, you do the math. suddenly he dropped from craigs though, wonder why.
wouldn't most of the problem/charges have something to do with not paying taxes, no sales tax, no income tax paid . I did a lot of business on craigs,wax and clones, I was always the buyer of course. one dude ran a ad for months and months , he kept a couple elite strains and charged pretty much top dollar . he told me he went through 80 clones a week at 25 bux a pop, you do the math. suddenly he dropped from craigs though, wonder why.

Thats pricey! I was hoping to offload them for HALF that to get the bills paid.

Hope I can find a way to get the word out. ;)
The safest way is to open a mmc. If you're making your living off cl you should be fine. Just use common sense. ten dollar pots free clone of choice. Its how cigar bars make money letting you drink without liquor license.
As I was trimming buds and wondering what can happen if my 2 ounce limit gets passed by some enthusiastic plants, it occurs that there is no legal way to dispose of the excess buds. Guess I'll need a bigger pipe. And I feel for you with the extra clones, my veg unit has some ancient plants that are desperate to get under the flowering lights but there is no space and it would exceed the limit. Sucks to be so successful growing this weed.:roll:
Mt buddy works in the bail bond business and says that his company and the local cops watch CL every day and get a lot of business. He didn't mention mmj, and neither did I, but they do pick up hookers and their customers all the time. I look forward to the day when CL can be used for what it was intended for, a great place to buy and sell weed!
Really? Dude, if you can't back yourself up, you should not have even tried! Sorry for your dumb luck! Not to be a dick.. It's just common sense!
Haha dude I can back myself up who r u to tell me. U dont even know me. U talking all that shit ur karma will come to u. Watch when someone does a invasion or robbs u. Just shut ur lip guy quit acting like a prick.
Dude! I'll totally take those off of your hands for any price you like! Meet me at 1331 cherokee street, denver.
:fire: muahahaha

If you need protection, I'll take a sniper position down the block on the corner of Cherokee and Delaware.. 750 USD an hr, non-negotiable.

Edit: I am joking, before someone tries to no-knock me and gets their shit splattered all over my porch