Hey you should post results after your family member gets on the oil. Think about it.thanks guysnice of you guys to give input. sounds like your all right about the explosion risk.
we dont know yet if its a cancer just waiting on the biopsy. I will post results though. I am always looking for other peoples results. Do you have any links to people that tried it?Hey you should post results after your family member gets on the oil. Think about it.
I got a couple subscribed and im waiting for updates on themwe dont know yet if its a cancer just waiting on the biopsy. I will post results though. I am always looking for other peoples results. Do you have any links to people that tried it?
This sounds idiot proof. Thanks so much!!Hey guys. Just so you know. First off... This is just the recipe for the most simple hash to make ever. There are MANY MANY other methods. I've done this A LOT. When I was younger and wanted to make hash, all I could get was alcohol or acetone. Your basically making tea out of the bud, then letting the water dry of so you just have what was inside the tea leaves, but in this case Marijuana leaves.
It makes a VERY harsh, VERY hard to control(handle) oil. I'll give you some MUCH easier methods, if your goal is to do this without being noticed by parents or landlord or something.
So here's some methods:
Get a mason jar and acetone (Never use acetone in plastic, it absorbs it)
Put the weed, the stems, any keif. And if you so choose, any resin. That you want to turn into hash/hash oil.
Let it sit for like 30 mins, longer if you want. And shake it in five minute intervals taking five minute breaks. (Can do less if you want)
Filter it out with a coffee filter. And pour it into a Pyrex dish. Let it sit in the sun, Or put it on a hot plate, or a convection oven and put it at a temprature that won't destory the THC. Or if your just using the sun, let it sit untill it's just goop.
I'm sorry to say, this isn't going to cure cancer any better than the original plant material. But it wont take as much stuff to get way higher. Which is bad ass. It's hard to give it to other people though, because it's SOOOOOOOO goopy. Sticks to bags, foil and everything.
Propane probably would work. But it may leave shit behind. You want EVERYTHING that touches the weed to evaporate eventually.And I don't know what residues propane has, or if that stuff that makes it small bad will be left behind. It could very possibly work though.@maximum: I forgot to say: I'm sorry to hear about your relative's troubles and I wish him the best. Whether it turns out good or bad, these things are very frightening and extremely stressful. Like finshaggy I am very skeptical about cannabis oil being a cure for cancer but what's the worst that could happen from trying it? Get stoned for no reason? Hate when that happensIn any case he's lucky to have you for a friend.
@finshaggy: I never thought about using propane for the extraction solvent? Liquid propane is a very agressive solvent. Why wouldn't it work? Only problem I can think of are the mercaptans they add to give it that skunk smell. They can be very persistent. I have all sorts of fittings for propane. I should put something together. I'm thinking copper pipe with brass fittings and black iron plumbing parts for the main extraction chamber. I'm thinking I'm stoned....
But that could have still been someones opinion. And maybe even someone's opinion who had never tried it before. Which happens A LOT on roll it up. People not trying something, then because the alternative DOES work, bashing the other method without ever have tried it.I thought i read never to use propane..Not for sure but i remember seeing that some were
Don't give up on your relative.Just an update for you guys since I know some people are always trying to follow rick simpsons oil threads to see if it works. Relative is now on chemo and other toxic drugs and refusing to let me give dope for even nausea. She wont even use the vaporizer I bought her. I didnt make the oil yet because my grow isnt done yet. Dispite my best efforts to email her studies and buy the book "marijuana: gateway to health" its gotten me nowhere. Marijuana is bad she thinks and is holding off trying it while she cashes in prescriptions one after the other to treat the painful side effects of chemo. The cancer specialist offered a marijuana license but told her it wont be as affective as the 4 drugs they give to replace dope. Although the 4 drugs have left her with a metallic taste in her mouth, sleeplessness and other nasty side effects. Im just fucken pissed off now. Later guys.
When she comes face to face with her own mortality, she might will listen - after the doctors have given up all hope for her. If she turns to the oil only as a last resort, there may still be enough time for it to cure her. Keep on with your grow; you're a great and wonderful soul for doing this.Just an update for you guys since I know some people are always trying to follow rick simpsons oil threads to see if it works. Relative is now on chemo and other toxic drugs and refusing to let me give dope for even nausea. She wont even use the vaporizer I bought her. I didnt make the oil yet because my grow isnt done yet. Dispite my best efforts to email her studies and buy the book "marijuana: gateway to health" its gotten me nowhere. Marijuana is bad she thinks and is holding off trying it while she cashes in prescriptions one after the other to treat the painful side effects of chemo. The cancer specialist offered a marijuana license but told her it wont be as affective as the 4 drugs they give to replace dope. Although the 4 drugs have left her with a metallic taste in her mouth, sleeplessness and other nasty side effects. Im just fucken pissed off now. Later guys.