Salvia Is Pretty Close To Being Banned.

Ahaha, 100% legal in UK, you can buy that in garden centres, find it in a field, in peoples gardens, in the woods, whereever it grows everywhere :)

Fuck them, Ive had 20x, it didnt do anything wrong at all, the 5 min trip was really cool, and everything goes funny. You dont get violent, dont have headaches, dont be sick, yeah sure one guy freaks out and wants it banned, but like 10 of us (me and friends) all had three draws each and held it in for 30 secs, not one of us went home that night saying it was bad.

Its like tobbaco, you cant say nobody has ever freaked out after having one.
Ahaha, 100% legal in UK, you can buy that in garden centres, find it in a field, in peoples gardens, in the woods, whereever it grows everywhere :)

Fuck them, Ive had 20x, it didnt do anything wrong at all, the 5 min trip was really cool, and everything goes funny. You dont get violent, dont have headaches, dont be sick, yeah sure one guy freaks out and wants it banned, but like 10 of us (me and friends) all had three draws each and held it in for 30 secs, not one of us went home that night saying it was bad.

Its like tobbaco, you cant say nobody has ever freaked out after having one.

You and quite a few other people are giving out some horrible misinformation (I realize it's unintentional, no worries) on this thread.

Yes, you can buy salvia everywhere. But this is NOT salvia divanorum. This is the common garden sage, Saliva Officinalis. And salvia divinorum rarely, IF EVER, drops seeds. It has been cultivated from clones for at least a few hundred years. Most specimens are incapable of reproducing through seed because of it.

And salvia CAN be very intense to the point of being frightening, but I attribute this primarily to ignorance and the short duration of the trip. Salvinorin-A plateaus (meaning that it reaches a certain level of activity within the brain) very quickly when smoked. Being thrust into an entheogenic world that quickly can be terrifying for some. And as for the ignorance part, that goes hand in hand with what I just said. Many people who try salvia do not realize that it is an extremely potent entheogen, and just use it to "trip" or "get high". People who do not have the mental and emotional maturity to handle a full-blown experience (or even a mild experience), or have no previous experience with psychedelics, are the ones that freak out on this wonderful plant.

When used with set and setting in mind, the experience can be amazing, and even spiritual. For most people, the experience is just like what you describe- dissociative. But it can be very intense for some- make no mistake about it.

Thank you Ethnobotanist for bringing the wisdom.

We can now add Illinois to the list of states where Salvia has been banned. The Illinois General Assembly has passed not one, but two bills outlawing Salvia Divinorum in all forms. The law will not take effect until next year so there is still some time to legally acquire this plant ally.
i think if weed is illegal then so should salvia... not that i think that weed should be illegal.

but salvia is very dangerous when used by the inexperienced and dim witted (which it usually is) do to it's incredible potency.
All I'm going to say is sensible and have a trusted friend sit for you. could just smoke weed. It is oh so much better. :)
All I'm going to say is sensible and have a trusted friend sit for you. could just smoke weed. It is oh so much better. :)

Perhaps my best experience with drugs to date was fairly potent bud, and salvia smoked approx an hour later.

I smoked 2 small bowls of 10x, note SMALL, in a hitter.

The combo was great, the salvia experience was greatly lengthened, with a feeling of euphoria I have never experienced.

Never has the world made as much sense, it was beyond "spiritual" and more "universal" for me... if that makes sense.

Many-worlds interpretation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I understood that entirely, without question... and understood it to be true. I also understood that life truly is what you make it, the future being only what you accept as the future.

The difference in mixing was the comedown was EXTREMELY gradual, and the trip itself was lengthened but not very intensified.

It was something worthy of the vaults of erowid, but I didn't log a bit of it :)
I should have had sitter, but since I have taken many acid trips,back in my teenage days,I figured I could handle it. My wife in the next room and me and my dog in the other, I had about 9 shots of vodka and was felling pretty good, so I took out a small one hitter and put in some 10X, took the hit and held it in for 30 seconds, next thing I know I am glued to the coach looking at the tv, all I see was the persons' face on the screen and the rest seemed to come out in a tube of colors filling the room which looked like a cone to me. This was one of the most intense visuals I have ever seen, everything was so vivid, it lasted about 5 minutes and then it started going back to normal slowly from the bottom of my view, like a screen clearing up from the bottom up. I went to my wife to tell her about this,and she said "all I heard was laughing for 5 minutes straight", but I dont recall laughing. This stuff will be illegal in illinios as of january1 2008, but as of now it is legal, so I am getting a stockpile of this for myself, a few close friends, and my wife once she has our twins(lol). This is a very powerful thing, and does not react the same way with all, I only need a small one hit. No ill effects at all, in fact the other, I did not feel the need to have any more drinks and my mind felt better than ever, not that I would make this an everyday thing, but once in a while would safice.
I should have had sitter, but since I have taken many acid trips,back in my teenage days,I figured I could handle it. My wife in the next room and me and my dog in the other, I had about 9 shots of vodka and was felling pretty good, so I took out a small one hitter and put in some 10X, took the hit and held it in for 30 seconds, next thing I know I am glued to the coach looking at the tv, all I see was the persons' face on the screen and the rest seemed to come out in a tube of colors filling the room which looked like a cone to me. This was one of the most intense visuals I have ever seen, everything was so vivid, it lasted about 5 minutes and then it started going back to normal slowly from the bottom of my view, like a screen clearing up from the bottom up. I went to my wife to tell her about this,and she said "all I heard was laughing for 5 minutes straight", but I dont recall laughing. This stuff will be illegal in illinios as of january1 2008, but as of now it is legal, so I am getting a stockpile of this for myself, a few close friends, and my wife once she has our twins(lol). This is a very powerful thing, and does not react the same way with all, I only need a small one hit. No ill effects at all, in fact the other, I did not feel the need to have any more drinks and my mind felt better than ever, not that I would make this an everyday thing, but once in a while would safice.

A common theme is that almost mindless euphoria... your absolutely ecstatic about something you don't know/understand.

I do suggest trying some with good bud... just be careful! If your sensitive to salvia, don't go overboard... either my tolerance has dropped very significantly or the MJ GREATLY enhances the salvia experience (I vote for the latter). 2 lightly packed bowls not even smoked properly (light not kept on for whole hit etc)... which would normally give no effects at all, had me in the clouds for hours while on MJ too.

I find it to really help stretch the stash out... and give a much more "spiritual" and introspective high that is extremely powerful... not something I'd do at a party. 1 bowl of 75/25 mj/salvia after a nicely packed bowl of just the greenies is all thats required for the rest of the night. I might puff 1 more bowl of MJ 3-4 hours later depending on the situation.

Def the trick for smokin alone... perhaps sub some 6x or something for a more social experience... I've yet to try that.
A common theme is that almost mindless euphoria... your absolutely ecstatic about something you don't know/understand.

I do suggest trying some with good bud... just be careful! If your sensitive to salvia, don't go overboard... either my tolerance has dropped very significantly or the marijuana GREATLY enhances the salvia experience (I vote for the latter). 2 lightly packed bowls not even smoked properly (light not kept on for whole hit etc)... which would normally give no effects at all, had me in the clouds for hours while on MJ too.

I find it to really help stretch the stash out... and give a much more "spiritual" and introspective high that is extremely powerful... not something I'd do at a party. 1 bowl of 75/25 marijuana/salvia after a nicely packed bowl of just the greenies is all thats required for the rest of the night. I might puff 1 more bowl of MJ 3-4 hours later depending on the situation.

Def the trick for smokin alone... perhaps sub some 6x or something for a more social experience... I've yet to try that.
One thing for sure this stuff is not for social situations, more a one on one, with more distractions come more problems, either know what it will do by yourself, and keep it mellow, or ahve a sitter. Be sure you are in a good mood, know what you want from the experiance, and dont take too much.
Ive tried the 20x extract and It was incrediblystrong, and i felt very uncomfortable like my head was half in,half out of the room. Felt very flushed and heart racing
Felt totally drained after the experience.
Put me right off the stuff lol