San Bernardino

Chief Jarrod Burguan, from the San Bernardino police, said the pair were previously unknown to police. “We have not ruled out terrorism,” he added. Burguan said the shooting spree had clearly been planned in advance and that the suspects left several explosive devices, which appeared to be pipe bombs, at the scene of the massacre.
How many white men have done this exact thing this year alone? Hmm? Versus men who have more Farsi sounding names? Honest question. I know plenty of devout Muslims who are much, much better people than you. Unless, all brown people are alike to you... Just admit that they are and we can all go on our way to ignoring your opinion. This applies to US soil.

Unlike the Op, whose incorrect, rushed assumption was put on full display, I don't want anyone put in camps. I guess having that stupidity thrown in her face was more disturbing than the shit she called for, since you obviously didn't call her out before or after it was proven false.

I like how your honest question is immediately followed with a straw man that you not so sneakily answer for me. Devout Muslims make up about 60% of my business. More often than not, they are kind, friendly folk who spend hours with me selecting their products and opening their homes to me and my assistant. I've never had to chase a payment and we've been been fed by these families more times than I can count. And I'm talking quality eats. They apparently like me as well, as I receive the greatest compliment and show of trust they can bestow upon me, referrals to their friends and families.

Your belief of the above and your ridiculous conclusions about my feelings towards other races are inconsequential to me. You can run with the dullards and liberal bigots on here all you want, maybe it suits you.
He was an American. Born right here in this country, just like your kids.
Assuming the reporting is correct, what exactly is it that you're saying?

It's pretty clear I'm turning her asinine white boys statement around on her.
Be honest.

How many of you are here to share ideas/information/news and how many are here to troll/fight.

This forum could be a powerful tool to spread information and ideas if it wasn't so bogged down with personal prejudices and hate.