San Bernardino

I don't think I'm ignorant about guns. I'm not an expert, or near it, but I'm not ignorant about guns. I've shot a lot growing up.
I'm getting to the point that a gun is an inantimate object. It is a tool and extension of the person and their mindset.

It could be used to save, hunt, kill, go to war. Its not the gun itself. Anyone that wants to kill like that has a serious problem. Removing the gun does not remove the mindset or the danger of that person.
I'm getting to the point that a gun is an inantimate object. It is a tool and extension of the person and their mindset.

It could be used to save, hunt, kill, go to war. Its not the gun itself. Anyone that wants to kill like that has a serious problem. Removing the gun does not remove the mindset or the danger of that person.

I don't find anything wrong with what you said. But what you said could be said about machine guns, grenades, tanks. And others. Right?
I don't find anything wrong with what you said. But what you said could be said about machine guns, grenades, tanks. And others. Right?

If someone is trying to harm me or mine, I want to be equally armed or better, more well armed. It the simple theory and training g of 'escalating force'.

Criminals that may come at me don't care about laws.
Scenario, government outlaws ar15 gun sales and ammo sales. What good would it do, terrorists will kill people with whatever means they can, if they can't get guns they will find ways to make bombs. We can't ban all the chemicals used to make bombs or poisons. The mid east has been fighting and killing each other since the beginning of recorded history, they hate americans, the government lets them in and gives them guns, not to mention they get huge government grants to start businesses when veterans get NOTHING! Who's fault is it? It is definately not the fault of law abiding american citizens that purchase assault type weapons legally. Draw your own conclusion but just know this, the terrorists are already in america and they have guns and other weapons at the ready. If you take away red blooded american's rights to bear semi automatic weapons that will fight for their country, then you are in for a much worse bloodbath than what happened in Paris.
I don't find anything wrong with what you said. But what you said could be said about machine guns, grenades, tanks. And others. Right?

I think there is a pretty easy line that can be drawn. A single shot or semi-automatic weapon is not typically a weapon of mass destruction.

An assault rifle on full auto is used mostly to suppress fire, not to accurately hit people. Grenades, tanks, mortars, etc... All weapons of mass destruction and those are illegal for personal ownership and/or use.

We already have common sense weapons laws.
Passing thought from reading and thinking about the gun control threads over the last few days.

For a pot website, we sure have a lot of members who trust their government.

They trust their government more than their neighbor. That's what we get from decades of public education.
2A does not mean you get to have missile silo in your backyard.
You'd need permissions.

Partially for it being a destructive device (covered already under federal law) and secondly because its a long range missile (like those launched from a silo, cos it's a fixed position) you'd probably need permission from the FAA.
So is a nuclear weapon.
Thank you for informing me of that.

What is your point? People don't have access to nukes.

I make a good point a show that being scared of a pistol grip is silly so now let's compare it to nukes. Really.

I'm not using my argument to justify owning nukes.

I get your point. We have to regulate something.

The line of legal and illegal should fall somewhere between a musket and a nuke. I say assault weapons are OK. You say no. It is an arbitrary line.

Fuck it. OK they are banned. Illegal. That's it. Its done and over with.

NO! It didn't work with booze or drugs, why would it work with guns?
You going to collect them? You going to be the first to k ock on doors to take them.

You need to understand the type of people in this argument.

People like you- anti gun crusaders.
People that say hell yea let's owns nukes.

Then, you have people that are sane and capable of owning guns safely.
So is a nuclear weapon.

No, it take multiple people to use one. Anything else is criminal and will get you World recognition right away or after you get hit with theirs.

Not a toy, some assemble required and extremely heavy, with constant maintenance. They are in their own league. You can`t have one either.
No, it take multiple people to use one. Anything else is criminal and will get you World recognition right away or after you get hit with theirs.

Not a toy, some assemble required and extremely heavy, with constant maintenance. They are in their own league. You can`t have one either.

WELL, technically, they can be built by lay people. So can nuclear reactors. A kid did that a few years ago. Yes, a kid. It could be done, I guess. But I doubt you'll find an 80% kit for one ;)
WELL, technically, they can be built by lay people. So can nuclear reactors. A kid did that a few years ago. Yes, a kid. It could be done, I guess. But I doubt you'll find an 80% kit for one ;)
Realistically; it's essentially a big fancy boiler with an extreme coolant system, radiation shielding and electric turbines.

Most people don't understand a reactor's entire job is to heat water...