First, who said you had to be a hippie to be a pot smoker back in the 1960's and 70's? Sure, hippies are what history tells us about....but even living in S.F. I was never a hippie...not that it's a bad thing to be a hippie!
Just kind of shows my point. You are making guesses, none of what you say about "older" generations is based on your first hand knowledge.
In my experience, yeah...the younger generation knows how to grow some dank shit...but we do too, we just don't brag about it and show it off.....time has taught us to be a little more modest I guess, and safer. We have been playing this game with popo for decades. I knock on wood, but I have never been busted or ripped off.
And who is teaching the "younger" generation? I taught both my son's what they know when they were ready to move in that direction. I am learning from them every day the same as they are learning from me. It is like an apprenticeship

It's a win/win situation.
The magical part of it all for me is.....I have been here throughout the entire "war" and things are starting to change faster than they had for over 30 years....we should all be thankful for that!
I am not trying to say "my shit was better than your shit" I am only saying, you weren't there, you don't know...please stop telling us we don't know what we are talking about. I have some of the best dank in the world in my bowl right now...grown by me as it has been for more years than you are old. And I am not so old that I can't remember what I smoked when I was younger any less than you remember your first bowl.
Strains have been mixed, for good or bad...but they all started as pure strains and if you have never been lucky enough to experience that...I am sorry for you...but please, enough congecture on the subject. Facts and only facts count in my world.
"i guarantee the shit i have will have outstanding flavor and the potency of yesteryear that so, many old heads elude to. it's all about who you know @ the end of the day."
You never had it, so how can you guarantee it? Nothing personal....but I call bullshit.