Sannies versus Attitude

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not that serious bk, this is easy. i know what kind of person this is in real life hiding behind an m&m saying dumb shit like that. i wouldn't gain any respect fighting someone like that.
lol that's why i come to this site. to help those who don't know and to strictly to get a kick out people like you. you know what's even funnier people see you do a weak ass grow and their amazed by the fact the marijuana grows so, they rep you. someone who doesn't know any better would think your credible lol. what a hypocrite!!! a, i ain't even mad @ you. people log on to the internet and become whoever they wanna be lol. i see it far to often lol
Yeah i know i must have 7000 sorry rep points then you right.I do a weak ass grow all the time lmao....
not that serious bk, this is easy. i know what kind of person this is in real life hiding behind an m&m saying dumb shit like that. i wouldn't gain any respect fighting someone like that.
Yes i know you wont get no respect points fighting a dude like me because you wont win..
so f#cking what? its my money, geez get a life, dont take everything so godam personal, you will log back on within 5 minutes,gotya, lmao
so f#cking what? its my money, geez get a life, dont take everything so godam personal, you will log back on within 5 minutes,gotya, lmao

I never logged off and why you so godamn hostile..Because i said youll lose your money betting on the steering wheel lmao
I got a life a great one at that..I do it real big everything big...
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