Santorum: A Frothy Mix of Lube and Fecal Matter Resulting from Anal Sex


Well-Known Member
i may have my disagreements with mccain, but for santorum to state that mccain does not understand "enhanced interrogation" techniques has enraged me.

the more i read, the angrier i get.

fuck this guy. fuck him to hell. what a fucking pussy.

WASHINGTON -- Former Sen. Rick Santorum said Tuesday that Sen. John McCain, who spent 5 1/2 years enduring brutal treatment at the hands of his North Vietnamese captors, doesn't know how effective waterboarding and other harsh interrogation techniques can be. The Republican presidential contender insisted the tactics led the United States to al-Qaida leader Osama bin Laden.

McCain, the top Republican on the Senate Armed Services Committee, said in a speech last week that waterboarding al-Qaida's No. 3 leader, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, did not provide information that led to bin Laden's compound in Pakistan.

McCain said he asked CIA Director Leon Panetta for the facts, and that the hunt for bin Laden did not begin with fresh information from Mohammed. In fact, the name of bin Laden's courier, Abu Ahmed al-Kuwaiti, came from a detainee held in another country.

"Not only did the use of enhanced interrogation techniques on Khalid Sheikh Mohammed not provide us with key leads on bin Laden's courier, Abu Ahmed, it actually produced false and misleading information," McCain said.

In an interview with radio host Hugh Hewitt on Tuesday, Santorum said McCain was wrong.

"Everything I've read shows that we would not have gotten this information as to who this man was if it had not been gotten information from people who were subject to enhanced interrogation," Santorum said. "And so this idea that we didn't ask that question while Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was being waterboarded, he (McCain) doesn't understand how enhanced interrogation works.

"I mean, you break somebody, and after they're broken, they become cooperative. And that's when we got this information. And one thing led to another, and led to another, and that's how we ended up with bin Laden," said Santorum.

He added: "Maybe McCain has better information than I do, but from what I've seen, it seems pretty clear that but for these cooperative witnesses who were cooperative as a result of enhanced interrogations, we would not have gotten bin Laden."

McCain, the 2008 Republican president nominee, said his information came from Panetta. Sen. Dianne Feinstein, D-Calif., the chairwoman of the Senate intelligence committee, backed up McCain's assessment that waterboarding of Mohammed did not produce the tip that led to bin Laden.

Brooke Buchanan, a spokeswoman for McCain, said Tuesday she would not dignify Santorum's comments with a response.

In the House, Rep. Mike Rogers, R-Mich., the chairman of the Intelligence committee, said the Justice Department should stop investigating CIA interrogators for alleged abuse of detainees under the Bush administration because their work was a "vital part of the chain" that led to the successful raid on bin Laden's hideout.

The Justice Department had no comment.
yea I saw this, what a dick! Wasn't Mccain a POW even? lol

Doesn't suprise me this guy is a neocon fuk
I have not like that man for quite some time now. He had some really nasty things to say about the gay community and that's where the frothy mix associated with his name came from (by way of Dan Savage). Never piss off a gaggle of Queens. :D
I already hated this facist way before this crap but this just shows hes a moron. I don't even think he could carry on a normal conversation. Wouldnt be suprised if he is involved in some sex scandal lol
this is where my respect for mccain previously hit an all time high.


despite his recent political swerving to gain re-election, i still have respect for the man based on his views on the wrongness of torture.

the man speaks from experience. the frothy mix of lube and feces speaks out of his ass.

i did not think it was possible to shove your foot in your mouth when your head is lodged deep within your ass.

the frothy mix of lube and feces has proven me wrong.

that fucking asshole.
I don't like some of the things McCain stands for, but he has my respect for what he went against when he was a POW...McCain has the experience to talk about torture...Santorum should be ashamed
Santorum is nothing more than a big government Republican, exactly what the T.E.A. Party voted out last November. Listen to Ron Paul, Herman Cain and Michelle Bachmann, then compare what they say to what Santorum says and you'll see the difference right away. Also, pay attention to body language. Check out how Santorum uses his hands. The guy's been to acting coaching and he's very transparent.