Active Member
Good lord, jeffrey. You've really hit rock-bottom here, buddy. I'm disappointed...after a year of this lying light skinned negro with little to no dialect, why on earth would you listen to what he says?
here are a couple of his recent doozies.
i am not opposed to offshore drilling....lie...he signed the order to hault offshore drilling
you will still be able to see your own doctor....lie...he just admitted that was a lie last week
creating/saving jobs, we are out of the recession, joe biden is smart, national health care will cut the budget, we need to get the deficit under control, and on, and on, and on
i am sick of listening to this pathalogical lying clown. he gives 47 speeches a week because he loves listening to himself, and he says nothing.
i prefer to watch his actions. and his actions seem to be diametrically opposed to what he says.
history will not be kind to this totally overwhelmed douchebag from chicago or kenya or hawaii....or wherever the fuck he is from.
sidenote: limbaugh says,"no matter what room he walks in he is the least experienced person in the room". absolutely true statement.
After a year in office, in which obama has actually performed fairly well overall, this is the best you can come up with...?
You obviously don't listen to what the "lying negro" has to say but prefer to get all your information about him from a nasty old fat man who prefers to spew ignorance and hatred than actually contribute something to society. A year from now when the economy is rolling again, you will still be spewing this same nonsense. It really doesn't matter what he does. Your beyond help or reason at this point, so enjoy your time in crazy paranoid asshole land, friend....
Good luck with the pot plants, also!!