Active Member
I don't think sarah palin would be an challenging opponent for anyone running for national office. By and large americans recognize that she is more interested in money and politics than governing anything by the little sideshow she's been putting on with her book tour, fox-news stint and lucrative speaking deals. If she really were interested in national issues and wanted to make a difference, I'm sure she could successfully run for senate in idaho or someplace and actually get some experience on the national level, but she'd rather be a celebrity cheerleader type public figure.
No democrat who has been paying attention thinks that sarah palin is a threat to anyone electorally. We've seen what she's capable of on the campaign trail....she's got no work-ethic, a very limited understanding of policy issues and a tendency to go completely off-message or put her foot in her mouth when asked questions.
But that doesn't mean I'm not bothered by where she and her fans are dragging our politics. She thinks I live in a 'fake' america, for example. And on top of everything else she is too much of a ditz to remember a couple of answers to a few pre-screened questions.
I would like to hear from the tea party crowd here, though. Does it bother you when sarah palin tries to turn your movement into a wing of republican politics?
No democrat who has been paying attention thinks that sarah palin is a threat to anyone electorally. We've seen what she's capable of on the campaign trail....she's got no work-ethic, a very limited understanding of policy issues and a tendency to go completely off-message or put her foot in her mouth when asked questions.
But that doesn't mean I'm not bothered by where she and her fans are dragging our politics. She thinks I live in a 'fake' america, for example. And on top of everything else she is too much of a ditz to remember a couple of answers to a few pre-screened questions.
I would like to hear from the tea party crowd here, though. Does it bother you when sarah palin tries to turn your movement into a wing of republican politics?