Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

the entire blog is so rife with inaccuracies, simplifications and dunderheaded appeals to authority it is useless as a source

care to name some then?

it's so rife with them that you should have no problem pointing out a whole bunch for us.

otherwise, your whole TLDR rant is just more "nuh uh! BULLSHIT!".

pathetic stuff, kkkynes.
care to name some then?

it's so rife with them that you should have no problem pointing out a whole bunch for us.

otherwise, your whole TLDR rant is just more "nuh uh! BULLSHIT!".

pathetic stuff, kkkynes.

one page chosen at random, from the "skeptical science" BLOG (which means it's not a scientific journal. it's as pointless as a celebrity's twatter feed.)

yep, thats some heavy hitting science in there, with highly accredited sources like:

James Hoggan, author of Climate Cover-Up and president of DeSmogBlog

Riley E. Dunlap, Regents Professor of Sociology, Oklahoma State University

James Lawrence Powell, author of 2084 and the forthcoming Inquisition of Climate Science

and the unimpeachable source of record for all things scientific...

Hot Topic

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

yes, Hot Topic. the emo-hipster retail joint found in malls across america.
so the IPCC (who are totally not politically motivated or funded by any "Big___________" financiers...) are the source authority on "Anthropogenic Climate Disruption/change/warming/Crisis of the century of the week" despite the well documented shenaingans, and their shameless retconning of their theory from "Almost entirely man made" to "less than 50% man made" and the highly public defections from their ranks over their falsification of data.
8 separate investigations cleared the 4 members of the IPCC in 'climategate', we've been over this yet here you are, again, babbling about it as if it means anything this time

the IPCC is a POLITICAL panel, which has an agenda, and blatantly fakes the data to support their agenda


they still refuse to acknowledge the real question "How Much?", in favour of post-modernist assumptions and useless "solutions" which serve no purpose but to hamper the economic activity of first world nations to support third world shitholes and the despots who run them.
This is one of the dumbest talking points the right argues, for fucks sake it fails on so many levels. Weigh the short term economic benefit over the long term environmental & economic damage just to make a few already outrageously wealthy corporations a little bit more wealthy. You fail to understand that the effects of climate change will have a much greater effect on the global economy in 50-100 years than transitioning to alternative renewable energy sources in the next couple decades, and that's why you deny the credible science that the overwhelming majority of scientists accept

the IPCC is driven by post-modern guilt and a desire for "fairness" and "equal outcomes" for backwards retrograde barbaric dung heaps and the juntas that control them.

The IPCC is driven by peer review and is backed up by 34 national science academies and 97% of the world's leading climate scientists

one page chosen at random, from the "skeptical science" BLOG (which means it's not a scientific journal. it's as pointless as a celebrity's twatter feed.)

yep, thats some heavy hitting science in there, with highly accredited sources like:

James Hoggan, author of Climate Cover-Up and president of DeSmogBlog

Riley E. Dunlap, Regents Professor of Sociology, Oklahoma State University

James Lawrence Powell, author of 2084 and the forthcoming Inquisition of Climate Science

and the unimpeachable source of record for all things scientific...

Hot Topic

ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha

yes, Hot Topic. the emo-hipster retail joint found in malls across america.

what in the heavenly fuck does a book review have to do with the science of AGW?

try again, mama's boy.
What have 34 national science academies simultaneously been wrong about, ever? Can anyone list anything every single national science academy was wrong about simultaneously?

No they can't

Do you know why?

Because science works.

Science works regardless of your personal belief.

Science works regardless of what you want to be reality.

There is nothing the international scientific community has agreed upon only later to be found out to be bullshit, NOTHING.

The world works because of science. You can type your bullshit pseudo scientific rhetoric all you want, you can't prove it.. That's where you fail and we succeed. We have results, you have bullshit.

Your sad attempt at portraying your religion as "science" is amusing.
Your sad attempt at portraying your religion as "science" is amusing.

religion requires faith.

no faith at all is required here, it's all peer reviewed science.

have 34 national science academies ever been simultaneously wrong on anything?
8 separate investigations cleared the 4 members of the IPCC in 'climategate', we've been over this yet here you are, again, babbling about it as if it means anything this time


This is one of the dumbest talking points the right argues, for fucks sake it fails on so many levels. Weigh the short term economic benefit over the long term environmental & economic damage just to make a few already outrageously wealthy corporations a little bit more wealthy. You fail to understand that the effects of climate change will have a much greater effect on the global economy in 50-100 years than transitioning to alternative renewable energy sources in the next couple decades, and that's why you deny the credible science that the overwhelming majority of scientists accept

The IPCC is driven by peer review and is backed up by 34 national science academies and 97% of the world's leading climate scientists

i would argue that "Working Group 1", the alleged scientists, are agenda driven hacks and tools for "Big-Eco"...
but i cant get any information on them.
if only they could get a trust certificate for their webpage...
maybe if they said something trustworthy every now and again they might be able to pull it together.

i dont simply make assertions if i cant examine the data, unlike the IPCC.

look at your own stupid info-grapic, it claims:
39 countries agree with their scheme's "science" which is based on guilt over their own success.
70 countries are slobbering on the UN's cocks trying to get a piece of the "reparations" for the evil success of modern countries
57 countries are clamouring for "mitigation" of the evils of "climate change"

so by their own admission:

39 of 193 member states are on board with their crazy bullshit, that's ~20%
70 countries insist there are "impacts and vulnerabilities" so that's ~49%, but 51% of those agree without agreeing to the "science" (lulz)
but only 33% of countries (57) are willing to do anything about it, but more than half of them are willing to do something about it, despite not agreeing with the "science".

sounds like a religion to me.
Those numbers don't represent "who accepts ACC", it represents who has contributed to the 5th IPPC report

The overwhelming majority of scientists agree with the findings of the IPCC and that anthropogenic climate change is real, 84% of democrats and 61% of republicans agree with the IPCC. The fraction of people who deny anthropogenic climate change either have a political or financial conflict of interest, are ignorant of how it actually works (most of them), or strictly follow party lines regardless of the topic (also a lot of them)
religion requires faith.

no faith at all is required here, it's all peer reviewed science.

have 34 national science academies ever been simultaneously wrong on anything?

the geocentric universe
"crystal spheres"
the dangers of witches
the bubonic plague was "God's Wrath"
the glacial advance in the middle ages was also "God's Wrath"
the glacial retreat was "God's Forgiveness" up till "Global Warming" hysteria has made it "God's Wrath" again...

yeah, you can get a lot of people to agree to a lot of crazy shit if it's the only theory that is allowed.

other shit that all scientists agreed on, but has been shown to be wrong, just off the top of my head:

the crossbow, machine guns, artillery barrages, shrapnel bombs, total war, toxic gas, ballistic missiles and nuclear-deterrence each in turn making war obsolete.
the safety of tetra-ethyl lead
north korea's inability to manufacture and test a nuclear weapon
the deadly Van Allen Radiation Belt which no-one can pass through and survive
Those numbers don't represent "who accepts ACC", it represents who has contributed to the 5th IPPC report

The overwhelming majority of scientists agree with the findings of the IPCC and that anthropogenic climate change is real, 84% of democrats and 61% of republicans agree with the IPCC. The fraction of people who deny anthropogenic climate change either have a political or financial conflict of interest, are ignorant of how it actually works (most of them), or strictly follow party lines regardless of the topic (also a lot of them)
really? you cant back that shit up, since the IPCC's website is untrusted, so for all you know the report from working group 1 might have been penned by L Ron Hubbard.
the geocentric universe
"crystal spheres"
the dangers of witches
the bubonic plague was "God's Wrath"
the glacial advance in the middle ages was also "God's Wrath"
the glacial retreat was "God's Forgiveness" up till "Global Warming" hysteria has made it "God's Wrath" again...

yeah, you can get a lot of people to agree to a lot of crazy shit if it's the only theory that is allowed.

other shit that all scientists agreed on, but has been shown to be wrong, just off the top of my head:

the crossbow, machine guns, artillery barrages, shrapnel bombs, total war, toxic gas, ballistic missiles and nuclear-deterrence each in turn making war obsolete.
the safety of tetra-ethyl lead
north korea's inability to manufacture and test a nuclear weapon
the deadly Van Allen Radiation Belt which no-one can pass through and survive

when did any scientist, much less 34 national academies of science, rule on the science of witches?

do you want to actually answer the question asked, or just pull a palin and answer the strawman you have concocted in that thick racist skull of yours?
when did any scientist, much less 34 national academies of science, rule on the science of witches?

do you want to actually answer the question asked, or just pull a palin and answer the strawman you have concocted in that thick racist skull of yours?

the entire "scientific" community of the middle ages agreed, witches were the number one threat to the world.

the Witch Eradication Program continued into the 1600's in some regions.
i'm not the one posting links to imply veracity which were clearly never examined by the poster (thats you BTW...) since they are demonstrably broken.

The veracity of the IPCC report has been examined by more than 130 countries and 34 national science academies

Epic fail