Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

No, they didn't, and you can't produce a single credible scientific report, study, journal, publication, anything.. that says they did.

All you have are politically and financially biased individuals and organizations who are compensated to dispel misinformation and propaganda to advance their goals

Anything that goes against what you believe is dismissed. You are the exact definition of a climate change denialist. There is literally nothing you would accept as evidence of anthropogenic climate change.

You and the fraction of a percentage of the population like you are an embarrassment to the rest of us
ya know what, Fuck It.

Imma make you look like a fool.

tropical antarctica:

canadian dinosaurs:

sabertooth cats roaming the los angeles basin:

the glacial cycles:

the Roman Warm Period: (do some reading, it was real)

the Medieval Warm Period(even better documented, thanks to many written records:,5&as_vis=1&q=medieval+climate+optimum

the Little Ice Age (yep, it's a fact):,5&as_vis=1

the end of the Little Ice Age spawning the Enlightenment Era:,5&as_vis=1

but i guess the Koch Brothers made it all up, the earth really is 5000 years old, and jesus put all these evidences in the fossil record to test the faithful.
The only thing keeping your bullshit side alive is money. Unfortunately for you, that money will run out eventually, and guess what'll remain?

You can kick and scream as long as you like, Kynes, progress happens whether you like it or not

as Heckler's video demonstrates, the theory you so vehemently support does NOT fit with the observations, so the theory is flawed.

retrenching your position, and calling others heretics for disagreeing wont stem the tide, and will not preserve your Pretty Lies from their ultimate fate.

your position is doomed.
ya know what, Fuck It.

Imma make you look like a fool.

tropical antarctica:

canadian dinosaurs:

sabertooth cats roaming the los angeles basin:

the glacial cycles:

the Roman Warm Period: (do some reading, it was real) climate optimum&hl=en&as_sdt=0&as_vis=1&oi=scholart&sa=X&ei=fOF2U5_iK9HioASt0YDIAg&ved=0CCQQgQMwAA

the Medieval Warm Period(even better documented, thanks to many written records:,5&as_vis=1&q=medieval climate optimum

the Little Ice Age (yep, it's a fact): ice age&btnG=&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5&as_vis=1

the end of the Little Ice Age spawning the Enlightenment Era: of little ice age, the enlightenment&btnG=&hl=en&as_sdt=0,5&as_vis=1

but i guess the Koch Brothers made it all up, the earth really is 5000 years old, and jesus put all these evidences in the fossil record to test the faithful.

I was just going to do the same thing. I had some links on Wooly Mammoths and what not. Then I started thinking about how to phrase my post. Then I realized that if someone is so ignorant not to alreay know this than there is really nothing I could say to help them understand.
I was just going to do the same thing. I had some links on Wooly Mammoths and what not. Then I started thinking about how to phrase my post. Then I realized that if someone is so ignorant not to alreay know this than there is really nothing I could say to help them understand.
he aint ignorant, he is self-deluded.

he has wrapped up so much of his own self-worth in the global warming hysteria that when it fails (as it must) he will be psychologically and emotionally crushed.

it's rather like the Helsinki Syndrome, or Battered Wife Syndrome.
the Medieval Warm Period(even better documented, thanks to many written records:,5&as_vis=1&q=medieval climate optimum

are you even aware that those written records only came from certain parts of the planet and do not reflect the entire global temperature record in any way whatsoever?

or do you know this and are just hoping that other people don't detect your obvious deception?

by the way, pad never said any of those things didn't exist. he just called you out for the crackpot which you are.
I was just going to do the same thing. I had some links on Wooly Mammoths and what not. Then I started thinking about how to phrase my post. Then I realized that if someone is so ignorant not to alreay know this than there is really nothing I could say to help them understand.

it really shows how much you totally don't care about this topic.

and i'm sure by "links on wooly mammoths" you really mean to say "some family records".
are you even aware that those written records only came from certain parts of the planet and do not reflect the entire global temperature record in any way whatsoever?
uneven distribution of land masses causes global temps to be dominated by the Northern Hemisphere.
if land mass distribution was equal, gaciations and glacial retreats would be equal and opposite, but they aint.
plate tectonics must be racist.
or do you know this and are just hoping that other people don't detect your obvious deception?
milancovic explained it all better than i can. google that shit.
by the way, pad never said any of those things didn't exist. he just called you out for the crackpot which you are.

i said "So all that shit never happened?"

to which he responded:
No, they didn't, and you can't produce a single credible scientific report, study, journal, publication, anything.. that says they did.

so yes, he denied the existence of ALL that shit.
he aint ignorant, he is self-deluded.

he has wrapped up so much of his own self-worth in the global warming hysteria that when it fails (as it must) he will be psychologically and emotionally crushed.

it's rather like the Helsinki Syndrome, or Battered Wife Syndrome.

I'm always amazed at the amount of people on this forum who have a hard time admitting they don't know something. Or who are willing to admit that their opinion may be wrong.
uneven distribution of land masses causes global temps to be dominated by the Northern Hemisphere.
if land mass distribution was equal, gaciations and glacial retreats would be equal and opposite, but they aint.
plate tectonics must be racist.

milancovic explained it all better than i can. google that shit.

i said "So all that shit never happened?"

to which he responded:

so yes, he denied the existence of ALL that shit.

He's got to be trolling.
I'm always amazed at the amount of people on this forum who have a hard time admitting they don't know something. Or who are willing to admit that their opinion may be wrong.
if paddie can come up with a "Anthropogenic Global Climate Change" theory that accounts for previous, demonstrably NON-Anthropogenic Climate Change, and answers the question "How Much?" i'll be stunned.

even the much vaunted IPCC has been forced to revise their position that "Almost All" of the 1 Degree Celsius (ZOMG!!) increase in the 20th century was "Anthropogenic" to "Less than 50%"

so, according to their latest assertions, ~0.5 Degree C increase over 100 years was "natural" and ~0.5 Degree C was "manmade", yet they still have not addressed previous dramatic and fast moving "Climate Change" which has happened many times over the geologic history of the earth.

their glove does not fit, so we must acquit.

uneven distribution of land masses causes global temps to be dominated by the Northern Hemisphere.
if land mass distribution was equal, gaciations and glacial retreats would be equal and opposite, but they aint.
plate tectonics must be racist.

so i assume you have ice cores and other records (besides isolated and sporadic written records) that support your assertion that WORLDWIDE and GLOBAL TEMPS were warmer back then than they are today, right?


let's see them!
unsourced authoritarian declarations of fact.

well played.

you "win" because you cant cite the source for your claims, and because you deny irrefutable facts.

anyone who managed to stay awake in 6th grade knows that:
100 million years ago, canada was a tropical jungle inhabited by dinosaurs
antarctica was also a tropical paradise

up till around 12000 years ago north america was home to "Megafauna" of which only the polar bear survives today

12000 years ago to present: ZOMG!! Glacial retreat!! Global Warming!! Extinction of Sabertooth Cats, Dire Wolves, Cave Bears and Mammoths Oh My!!

~1600 years ago, "The Roman Warm Period" which was MUCH hotter than it is now, including sea level rises that flooded the "Low Countires" prompting mass migration of Germanics into southern europe.

~1200 years ago, "The Medieval Warm period" which resulted in frenchmen crying into their wine glasses over the superiority of english vintages (still warmer than current temps)

~800 years ago "The Little Ice Age" froze the ass off of europe

~300 years ago it started getting warmer resulting in "The Enlightenment"

what part of these "Climate Changes" were part of "Anthropogenic Climate Change"?

Yep, crackpot.

here is the exchange.

anything he said beyond that he confined solely to the issue of AGW, which he was absolutely right about.

there is ZERO evidence that global temps were warmer back during other warm periods than they are now.
if paddie can come up with a "Anthropogenic Global Climate Change" theory that accounts for previous, demonstrably NON-Anthropogenic Climate Change, and answers the question "How Much?" i'll be stunned.

so because it got less warm previously than it has now, that means that all the human activities now are not contributing to the greater warming we are witnessing?

can't you find some way to work witches into this to make it more credible?
sadly, no.

he has maintained his obstinate dedication to the "Global Warming" hysteria through all of it's name changes and retconning.

He won't even be alive in 100 years so he'll never get to find out how wrong he is. Poor little guy. :(

he'll never get to find out how wrong he is.

if it's so obvious that even a heavyset contrarian like you can figure it out, theen why do ~98.2% of all publishing climatologists not come to that conclusion?

i would count on a publishing climatologist before i would count on a heavyset racist.

edit: CONTrarian, not CUNTrarian. freudian slip.

edit two: COUNT, not CUNT. double freudian.
here is the exchange.

anything he said beyond that he confined solely to the issue of AGW, which he was absolutely right about.

there is ZERO evidence that global temps were warmer back during other warm periods than they are now.
as usual, you failed to follow the "Conversation"* and are "Challenged"** by your limited Reading Compensation***

i asserted many things which everyone knows are factual, to which he responded that i "cant prove those things ever happened" despite the ease with which i demonstrated his inadequacy****

*now-traditional lefty Newspeak designed to eliminate the perception of conflict, without eliminating the conflict itself.
** the "classy" way to call somebody a dolt.
*** a RUI classic
**** Translation: Pwned.
i asserted many things which everyone knows are factual, to which he responded that i "cant prove those things ever happened" despite the ease with which i demonstrated his inadequacy****

he confined his rebuttal solely to the issue of AGW. notice how he says nothing about sabertooth tigers or whatever else the fuck you were rambling on about. it is not surprising that he didn't chase your distraction bunnies down to dummy town (population: you and the 8-12 other family members inhabiting your domicile).

No, they didn't, and you can't produce a single credible scientific report, study, journal, publication, anything.. that says they did.

All you have are politically and financially biased individuals and organizations who are compensated to disperse misinformation and propaganda to advance their goals

Anything that goes against what you believe is dismissed. You are the exact definition of a climate change denialist. There is literally nothing you would accept as evidence of anthropogenic climate change.

You and the fraction of a percentage of the population like you are an embarrassment to the rest of us
i did change pada's post slightly. i assume he meant "disperse" rather than "dispel", since he was addressing the litany of misinformation coming from groups (like the birchers, perhaps) who stand to profit from creating doubt about AGW (and otherwise doing anything they can to at least slow down the transition to renewables which we all agree is the best course of action anyway, regardless of the overwhelming evidence for AGW).