Dr Kynes
Well-Known Member
ya know what, Fuck It.No, they didn't, and you can't produce a single credible scientific report, study, journal, publication, anything.. that says they did.
All you have are politically and financially biased individuals and organizations who are compensated to dispel misinformation and propaganda to advance their goals
Anything that goes against what you believe is dismissed. You are the exact definition of a climate change denialist. There is literally nothing you would accept as evidence of anthropogenic climate change.
You and the fraction of a percentage of the population like you are an embarrassment to the rest of us
Imma make you look like a fool.
tropical antarctica:
canadian dinosaurs:
sabertooth cats roaming the los angeles basin:
the glacial cycles:
the Roman Warm Period: (do some reading, it was real)
the Medieval Warm Period(even better documented, thanks to many written records:
the Little Ice Age (yep, it's a fact):
the end of the Little Ice Age spawning the Enlightenment Era:
but i guess the Koch Brothers made it all up, the earth really is 5000 years old, and jesus put all these evidences in the fossil record to test the faithful.