Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

as Heckler's video demonstrates, the theory you so vehemently support does NOT fit with the observations, so the theory is flawed.

retrenching your position, and calling others heretics for disagreeing wont stem the tide, and will not preserve your Pretty Lies from their ultimate fate.

your position is doomed.


Ninety-seven percent of climate scientists agree that climate-warming trends over the past century are very likely due to human activities,1and most of the leading scientific organizations worldwide have issued public statements endorsing this position. The following is a partial list of these organizations, along with links to their published statements and a selection of related resources.


Statement on climate change from 18 scientific associations

"Observations throughout the world make it clear that climate change is occurring, and rigorous scientific research demonstrates that the greenhouse gases emitted by human activities are the primary driver." (2009)


American Association for the Advancement of Science
"The scientific evidence is clear: global climate change caused by human activities is occurring now, and it is a growing threat to society." (2006)


American Chemical Society
"Comprehensive scientific assessments of our current and potential future climates clearly indicate that climate change is real, largely attributable to emissions from human activities, and potentially a very serious problem." (2004)


American Geophysical Union
"Human‐induced climate change requires urgent action. Humanity is the major influence on the global climate change observed over the past 50 years. Rapid societal responses can significantly lessen negative outcomes." (Adopted 2003, revised and reaffirmed 2007, 2012, 2013)


American Medical Association
"Our AMA ... supports the findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s fourth assessment report and concurs with the scientific consensus that the Earth is undergoing adverse global climate change and that anthropogenic contributions are significant." (2013)


American Meteorological Society
"It is clear from extensive scientific evidence that the dominant cause of the rapid change in climate of the past half century is human-induced increases in the amount of atmospheric greenhouse gases, including carbon dioxide (CO2), chlorofluorocarbons, methane, and nitrous oxide." (2012)


American Physical Society
"The evidence is incontrovertible: Global warming is occurring. If no mitigating actions are taken, significant disruptions in the Earth’s physical and ecological systems, social systems, security and human health are likely to occur. We must reduce emissions of greenhouse gases beginning now." (2007)


The Geological Society of America
"The Geological Society of America (GSA) concurs with assessments by the National Academies of Science (2005), the National Research Council (2006), and the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC, 2007) that global climate has warmed and that human activities (mainly greenhouse‐gas emissions) account for most of the warming since the middle 1900s." (2006; revised 2010)


International academies: Joint statement

"Climate change is real. There will always be uncertainty in understanding a system as complex as the world’s climate. However there is now strong evidence that significant global warming is occurring. The evidence comes from direct measurements of rising surface air temperatures and subsurface ocean temperatures and from phenomena such as increases in average global sea levels, retreating glaciers, and changes to many physical and biological systems. It is likely that most of the warming in recent decades can be attributed to human activities (IPCC 2001)." (2005, 11 international science academies)



U.S. Global Change Research Program
"The global warming of the past 50 years is due primarily to human-induced increases in heat-trapping gases. Human 'fingerprints' also have been identified in many other aspects of the climate system, including changes in ocean heat content, precipitation, atmospheric moisture, and Arctic sea ice." (2009, 13 U.S. government departments and agencies)



Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
“Warming of the climate system is unequivocal, as is now evident from observations of increases in global average air and ocean temperatures, widespread melting of snow and ice, and rising global average sea level.”13

“Most of the observed increase in global average temperatures since the mid-20th century is very likely* due to the observed increase in anthropogenic greenhouse gas concentrations.”14

*IPCC defines ‘very likely’ as greater than 90 percent probability of occurrence.
List of Worldwide Scientific Organizations

(Scientific Organizations That Hold the Position That Climate Change Has Been Caused by Human Action)
  1. Academia Chilena de Ciencias, Chile
  2. Academia das Ciencias de Lisboa, Portugal
  3. Academia de Ciencias de la República Dominicana
  4. Academia de Ciencias Físicas, Matemáticas y Naturales de Venezuela
  5. Academia de Ciencias Medicas, Fisicas y Naturales de Guatemala
  6. Academia Mexicana de Ciencias,Mexico
  7. Academia Nacional de Ciencias de Bolivia
  8. Academia Nacional de Ciencias del Peru
  9. Académie des Sciences et Techniques du Sénégal
  10. Académie des Sciences, France
  11. Academies of Arts, Humanities and Sciences of Canada
  12. Academy of Athens
  13. Academy of Science of Mozambique
  14. Academy of Science of South Africa
  15. Academy of Sciences for the Developing World (TWAS)
  16. Academy of Sciences Malaysia
  17. Academy of Sciences of Moldova
  18. Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
  19. Academy of Sciences of the Islamic Republic of Iran
  20. Academy of Scientific Research and Technology, Egypt
  21. Academy of the Royal Society of New Zealand
  22. Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei, Italy
  23. Africa Centre for Climate and Earth Systems Science
  24. African Academy of Sciences
  25. Albanian Academy of Sciences
  26. Amazon Environmental Research Institute
  27. American Academy of Pediatrics
  28. American Anthropological Association
  29. American Association for the Advancement of Science
  30. American Association of State Climatologists (AASC)
  31. American Association of Wildlife Veterinarians
  32. American Astronomical Society
  33. American Chemical Society
  34. American College of Preventive Medicine
  35. American Fisheries Society
  36. American Geophysical Union
  37. American Institute of Biological Sciences
  38. American Institute of Physics
  39. American Meteorological Society
  40. American Physical Society
  41. American Public Health Association
  42. American Quaternary Association
  43. American Society for Microbiology
  44. American Society of Agronomy
  45. American Society of Civil Engineers
  46. American Society of Plant Biologists
  47. American Statistical Association
  48. Association of Ecosystem Research Centers
  49. Australian Academy of Science
  50. Australian Bureau of Meteorology
  51. Australian Coral Reef Society
  52. Australian Institute of Marine Science
  53. Australian Institute of Physics
  54. Australian Marine Sciences Association
  55. Australian Medical Association
  56. Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
  57. Bangladesh Academy of Sciences
  58. Botanical Society of America
  59. Brazilian Academy of Sciences
  60. British Antarctic Survey
  61. Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
  62. California Academy of Sciences
  63. Cameroon Academy of Sciences
  64. Canadian Association of Physicists
  65. Canadian Foundation for Climate and Atmospheric Sciences
  66. Canadian Geophysical Union
  67. Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
  68. Canadian Society of Soil Science
  69. Canadian Society of Zoologists
  70. Caribbean Academy of Sciences views
  71. Center for International Forestry Research
  72. Chinese Academy of Sciences
  73. Colombian Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences
  74. Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (CSIRO) (Australia)
  75. Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research
  76. Croatian Academy of Arts and Sciences
  77. Crop Science Society of America
  78. Cuban Academy of Sciences
  79. Delegation of the Finnish Academies of Science and Letters
  80. Ecological Society of America
  81. Ecological Society of Australia
  82. Environmental Protection Agency
  83. European Academy of Sciences and Arts
  84. European Federation of Geologists
  85. European Geosciences Union
  86. European Physical Society
  87. European Science Foundation
  88. Federation of American Scientists
  89. French Academy of Sciences
  90. Geological Society of America
  91. Geological Society of Australia
  92. Geological Society of London
  93. Georgian Academy of Sciences
  94. German Academy of Natural Scientists Leopoldina
  95. Ghana Academy of Arts and Sciences
  96. Indian National Science Academy
  97. Indonesian Academy of Sciences
  98. Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management
  99. Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology
  100. Institute of Professional Engineers New Zealand
  1. Institution of Mechanical Engineers, UK
  2. InterAcademy Council
  3. International Alliance of Research Universities
  4. International Arctic Science Committee
  5. International Association for Great Lakes Research
  6. International Council for Science
  7. International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences
  8. International Research Institute for Climate and Society
  9. International Union for Quaternary Research
  10. International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
  11. International Union of Pure and Applied Physics
  12. Islamic World Academy of Sciences
  13. Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities
  14. Kenya National Academy of Sciences
  15. Korean Academy of Science and Technology
  16. Kosovo Academy of Sciences and Arts
  17. l'Académie des Sciences et Techniques du Sénégal
  18. Latin American Academy of Sciences
  19. Latvian Academy of Sciences
  20. Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
  21. Madagascar National Academy of Arts, Letters, and Sciences
  22. Mauritius Academy of Science and Technology
  23. Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts
  24. National Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences, Argentina
  25. National Academy of Sciences of Armenia
  26. National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic
  27. National Academy of Sciences, Sri Lanka
  28. National Academy of Sciences, United States of America
  29. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  30. National Association of Geoscience Teachers
  31. National Association of State Foresters
  32. National Center for Atmospheric Research
  33. National Council of Engineers Australia
  34. National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand
  35. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  36. National Research Council
  37. National Science Foundation
  38. Natural England
  39. Natural Environment Research Council, UK
  40. Natural Science Collections Alliance
  41. Network of African Science Academies
  42. New York Academy of Sciences
  43. Nicaraguan Academy of Sciences
  44. Nigerian Academy of Sciences
  45. Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters
  46. Oklahoma Climatological Survey
  47. Organization of Biological Field Stations
  48. Pakistan Academy of Sciences
  49. Palestine Academy for Science and Technology
  50. Pew Center on Global Climate Change
  51. Polish Academy of Sciences
  52. Romanian Academy
  53. Royal Academies for Science and the Arts of Belgium
  54. Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences of Spain
  55. Royal Astronomical Society, UK
  56. Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters
  57. Royal Irish Academy
  58. Royal Meteorological Society (UK)
  59. Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
  60. Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
  61. Royal Scientific Society of Jordan
  62. Royal Society of Canada
  63. Royal Society of Chemistry, UK
  64. Royal Society of the United Kingdom
  65. Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
  66. Russian Academy of Sciences
  67. Science and Technology, Australia
  68. Science Council of Japan
  69. Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
  70. Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics
  71. Scripps Institution of Oceanography
  72. Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
  73. Slovak Academy of Sciences
  74. Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
  75. Society for Ecological Restoration International
  76. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
  77. Society of American Foresters
  78. Society of Biology (UK)
  79. Society of Systematic Biologists
  80. Soil Science Society of America
  81. Sudan Academy of Sciences
  82. Sudanese National Academy of Science
  83. Tanzania Academy of Sciences
  84. The Wildlife Society (international)
  85. Turkish Academy of Sciences
  86. Uganda National Academy of Sciences
  87. Union of German Academies of Sciences and Humanities
  88. United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
  89. University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
  90. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
  91. World Association of Zoos and Aquariums
  92. World Federation of Public Health Associations
  93. World Forestry Congress
  94. World Health Organization
  95. World Meteorological Organization
  96. Zambia Academy of Sciences
  97. Zimbabwe Academy of Sciences

And to sheskunk, here's what you can do;

I'm sure you're much smarter than all these different international organizations and governing bodies, Kynes, it's tough to understand why nobody takes you or your crackpot position seriously..
he confined his rebuttal solely to the issue of AGW. notice how he says nothing about sabertooth tigers or whatever else the fuck you were rambling on about. it is not surprising that he didn't chase your distraction bunnies down to dummy town (population: you and the 8-12 other family members inhabiting your domicile).

No, they didn't, and you can't produce a single credible scientific report, study, journal, publication, anything.. that says they did.

All you have are politically and financially biased individuals and organizations who are compensated to disperse misinformation and propaganda to advance their goals

Anything that goes against what you believe is dismissed. You are the exact definition of a climate change denialist. There is literally nothing you would accept as evidence of anthropogenic climate change.

You and the fraction of a percentage of the population like you are an embarrassment to the rest of us
cant deal with the facts?

have a tantrum!
  1. Institution of Mechanical Engineers, UK
  2. InterAcademy Council
  3. International Alliance of Research Universities
  4. International Arctic Science Committee
  5. International Association for Great Lakes Research
  6. International Council for Science
  7. International Council of Academies of Engineering and Technological Sciences
  8. International Research Institute for Climate and Society
  9. International Union for Quaternary Research
  10. International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics
  11. International Union of Pure and Applied Physics
  12. Islamic World Academy of Sciences
  13. Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities
  14. Kenya National Academy of Sciences
  15. Korean Academy of Science and Technology
  16. Kosovo Academy of Sciences and Arts
  17. l'Académie des Sciences et Techniques du Sénégal
  18. Latin American Academy of Sciences
  19. Latvian Academy of Sciences
  20. Lithuanian Academy of Sciences
  21. Madagascar National Academy of Arts, Letters, and Sciences
  22. Mauritius Academy of Science and Technology
  23. Montenegrin Academy of Sciences and Arts
  24. National Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences, Argentina
  25. National Academy of Sciences of Armenia
  26. National Academy of Sciences of the Kyrgyz Republic
  27. National Academy of Sciences, Sri Lanka
  28. National Academy of Sciences, United States of America
  29. National Aeronautics and Space Administration
  30. National Association of Geoscience Teachers
  31. National Association of State Foresters
  32. National Center for Atmospheric Research
  33. National Council of Engineers Australia
  34. National Institute of Water & Atmospheric Research, New Zealand
  35. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  36. National Research Council
  37. National Science Foundation
  38. Natural England
  39. Natural Environment Research Council, UK
  40. Natural Science Collections Alliance
  41. Network of African Science Academies
  42. New York Academy of Sciences
  43. Nicaraguan Academy of Sciences
  44. Nigerian Academy of Sciences
  45. Norwegian Academy of Sciences and Letters
  46. Oklahoma Climatological Survey
  47. Organization of Biological Field Stations
  48. Pakistan Academy of Sciences
  49. Palestine Academy for Science and Technology
  50. Pew Center on Global Climate Change
  51. Polish Academy of Sciences
  52. Romanian Academy
  53. Royal Academies for Science and the Arts of Belgium
  54. Royal Academy of Exact, Physical and Natural Sciences of Spain
  55. Royal Astronomical Society, UK
  56. Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Letters
  57. Royal Irish Academy
  58. Royal Meteorological Society (UK)
  59. Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences
  60. Royal Netherlands Institute for Sea Research
  61. Royal Scientific Society of Jordan
  62. Royal Society of Canada
  63. Royal Society of Chemistry, UK
  64. Royal Society of the United Kingdom
  65. Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences
  66. Russian Academy of Sciences
  67. Science and Technology, Australia
  68. Science Council of Japan
  69. Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research
  70. Scientific Committee on Solar-Terrestrial Physics
  71. Scripps Institution of Oceanography
  72. Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts
  73. Slovak Academy of Sciences
  74. Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts
  75. Society for Ecological Restoration International
  76. Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics
  77. Society of American Foresters
  78. Society of Biology (UK)
  79. Society of Systematic Biologists
  80. Soil Science Society of America
  81. Sudan Academy of Sciences
  82. Sudanese National Academy of Science
  83. Tanzania Academy of Sciences
  84. The Wildlife Society (international)
  85. Turkish Academy of Sciences
  86. Uganda National Academy of Sciences
  87. Union of German Academies of Sciences and Humanities
  88. United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
  89. University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
  90. Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution
  91. World Association of Zoos and Aquariums
  92. World Federation of Public Health Associations
  93. World Forestry Congress
  94. World Health Organization
  95. World Meteorological Organization
  96. Zambia Academy of Sciences
  97. Zimbabwe Academy of Sciences

And to sheskunk, here's what you can do;

I'm sure you're much smarter than all these different international organizations and governing bodies, Kynes, it's tough to understand why nobody takes you or your crackpot position seriously..
argumentum ad populum

your bandwagon fallacy may convince some, but as previously demonstrated, various scientific theories have been advanced, supported, and eventually rejected throughout history.

this theory may be popular, but that doesnt mean it conforms to the observations, the established facts or logic.

since none of the climate models can account for previous warming trends which were NOT anthropogenic, nor can they accurately predict future trends, the theory is unsound.
argumentum ad populum

your bandwagon fallacy may convince some, but as previously demonstrated, various scientific theories have been advanced, supported, and eventually rejected throughout history.

this theory may be popular, but that doesnt mean it conforms to the observations, the established facts or logic.

since none of the climate models can account for previous warming trends which were NOT anthropogenic, nor can they accurately predict future trends, the theory is unsound.

Retard, I just told you how and why your bullshit "argumentum ad populum" doesn't work in this context;

"In argumentation theory, an argumentum ad populum (Latin for "appeal to the people") is a fallacious argument that concludes a proposition to be true because many or most people believe it. In other words, the basic idea of the argument is: "If many believe so, it is so."

The proposition of anthropogenic climate change does not conclude to be true because many or most people believe in it. It's true regardless of if people believe in it. So that's only like the exact opposite of a what you said..

You highlight your illiteracy of science with every post
Retard, I just told you how and why your bullshit "argumentum ad populum" doesn't work in this context;

You highlight your illiteracy of science with every post
so, all "Scientific Consenae" are immutable, eternal and infallible.

i'll just jot that down in the holy texts you are compiling.

200-300 years from now, when the Holocene Epoch ends and a new Glaciation inevitably begins, you can glibly blame THAT "Climate Change" on the humans of that era.

Protip: the Holocene Epoch (that's now BTW) is just a relativley short span of time between the much longer and much more extreme climate the earth habitually experiences.
argumentum ad populum

your bandwagon fallacy may convince some, but as previously demonstrated, various scientific theories have been advanced, supported, and eventually rejected throughout history.

can you name one scientific theory support by 34 national academies of sciences which was proven false?

(hint: witches does not pass muster)

this theory may be popular, but that doesnt mean it conforms to the observations, the established facts or logic.

since none of the climate models can account for previous warming trends which were NOT anthropogenic, nor can they accurately predict future trends, the theory is unsound.

do i need to repost the predictions versus reality?

also, we have addressed already the fact that previous warming trends have no bearing in proving or disproving the fact that human activities are indeed contributing to the current warming trend.
so, all "Scientific Consenae" are immutable, eternal and infallible.

i'll just jot that down in the holy texts you are compiling.

200-300 years from now, when the Holocene Epoch ends and a new Glaciation inevitably begins, you can glibly blame THAT "Climate Change" on the humans of that era.

Protip: the Holocene Epoch (that's now BTW) is just a relativley short span of time between the much longer and much more extreme climate the earth habitually experiences.


200-300 years from now, when the Holocene Epoch ends and a new Glaciation inevitably begins, you can glibly blame THAT "Climate Change" on the humans of that era.

Protip: the Holocene Epoch (that's now BTW) is just a relativley short span of time between the much longer and much more extreme climate the earth habitually experiences.

ok, so a prediction (a la waffles) and yet another restating of the same inapplicable argument.

if red1966 burns down 2 families in his 20s, but only burns down 1 family in his 60s, that has no bearing on whether or not redq966 burning down his family was a "natural event" or caused by human activities.
post all the trite cartoons you like, that still doesnt change the Established Fact that the Holocene Epoch is just a breif reprieve from the extended glacial epochs which have dominated earth's history, and this epoch will inevitably end.

for 12000 years the earth has been fairly consistently warming, with a few brief setbacks in the trend, but eventually it will start getting Fucking Cold again.

12000 years of warmer weather, but only the last 100 years matter.

thats whats called "Normalcy Bias".

google it.
post all the trite cartoons you like, that still doesnt change the Established Fact that the Holocene Epoch is just a breif reprieve from the extended glacial epochs which have dominated earth's history, and this epoch will inevitably end.

for 12000 years the earth has been fairly consistently warming, with a few brief setbacks in the trend, but eventually it will start getting Fucking Cold again.

12000 years of warmer weather, but only the last 100 years matter.

thats whats called "Normalcy Bias".

google it.

Yeah, I guess the worlds scientists just forgot to factor that in when they came up with those models everyone agrees with..

Idk man, I just don't know..

You ever thought of becoming an expert on climate change? The shit you know!? You should be advising the IPCC, damn!
post all the trite cartoons you like, that still doesnt change the Established Fact that the Holocene Epoch is just a breif reprieve from the extended glacial epochs which have dominated earth's history, and this epoch will inevitably end.

for 12000 years the earth has been fairly consistently warming, with a few brief setbacks in the trend, but eventually it will start getting Fucking Cold again.

12000 years of warmer weather, but only the last 100 years matter.

thats whats called "Normalcy Bias".

google it.

no one is disputing that the climate does change on its own.

the question seems to be whether or not you believe that human activities contribute to the rise in temperatures we are seeing.

you have already affirmed that human activities do contribute. you probably also agree that we should (need to, eventually) switch to renewable energies.

so i'm not sure why you are trying to aggressive-passively argue against the validity of a notion that you have already said you support personally, which is that human activities contribute to our current warming.

can you tell me why you feel so compelled to spread confusion, deception, and disinformation about the topic? do you feel that tax credits for solar energy to make it more competitive with fossil fuels is some sort of marxist leftist commie deception upon REAL AMERICA?