Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

Citing a bunch of entities whose survival depends on continuing the fraud being foisted on us does nothing to support your statements

then why do you and your fellow idiots keep citing the heartland institute and similar organizations?
Take a glass of water and fill it to overflowing with ice.

Fill the rest of the glass to the top with water.

Let sit until the ice has melted.

Now that the level of the water in the glass is lower than the level you started with, please explain to the class how melting ice can create more volume....

Put that in your science pipe and smoke it...

OMFG that has to be one of the most retarded things i have ever seen from you, and i have seen a lot of retarded shit from you.

i honestly had no idea you were capable of that.
If sea levels rose by 15 feet, do you really think that's the only thing that would happen? That the cause for alarm is to avoid drowning?

Are.. are you serious?

80% of the earth is water so yeah, that is the only thing I think would happen.

What happens when the next ice age comes and 1/3rd of the planet is covered in ice? I guess those with beach front property are going to have a much bigger beach... LOL!!!

Why you people allow yourselves to be played so much is beyond me.
80% of the earth is water so yeah, that is the only thing I think would happen.

What happens when the next ice age comes and 1/3rd of the planet is covered in ice? I guess those with beach front property are going to have a much bigger beach... LOL!!!

Why you people allow yourselves to be played so much is beyond me.

Yeah I know right!? We cite science that was specifically designed to weed out the false in favor of the true, you cite politically and financially biased sources designed to keep you ignorant of reality

We're the ones being played... You're a retard

You don't understand how science works
Yeah I know right!? We cite science that was specifically designed to weed out the false in favor of the true, you cite politically and financially biased sources designed to keep you ignorant of reality

We're the ones being played... You're a retard

You don't understand how science works

It's hilarious to go back through this thread and count how many times Pad (who is totally NOT a scientist) types the word science as a declaration of victory. You can tell he's a COMPLETE idiot, yet he throws the word "science" into every post like its a game changer. It's very similar to libs screaming "racist" to get out of an argument they're in the process of losing.

"This IBC root beer is delicious"

"You stupid, uneducated, redneck hillbilly, that's A&W root beer"

"It says IBC right here on the bottle"


UncleBuck, ChesusRice, Padawawnbater2 and 14 other dbags like this
It's hilarious to go back through this thread and count how many times Pad (who is totally NOT a scientist) types the word science as a declaration of victory. You can tell he's a COMPLETE idiot, yet he throws the word "science" into every post like its a game changer. It's very similar to libs screaming "racist" to get out of an argument they're in the process of losing.

"This IBC root beer is delicious"

"You stupid, uneducated, redneck hillbilly, that's A&W root beer"

"It says IBC right here on the bottle"


UncleBuck, ChesusRice, Padawawnbater2 and 14 other dbags like this
Holy Shit!!!! It just keeps getting worse.

This Is What a Holy Shit Moment for Global Warming Looks Like

If you truly understand global warming, then you know it's all about the ice. That's what matters. Planet Earth has not always had great ice sheets at the poles, of the sort that currently exist atop Greenland and Antarctica. In other periods, much of that water has instead been in liquid form, in the oceans—and the oceans have been much higher.

How much? According to the National Academy of Sciences, the globe's great ice sheets contain enough frozen water to raise sea levels worldwide by more than 60 meters. That's about 200 feet. And it makes all the sea level rise that we've seen so far due to global warming appear piddly and insignificant.


Mother Jones. lol
Your scientists couldn't carry our scientists' jockstraps.

"It’s grade school t-ball versus the New York Yankees. Yours is just some tepid off-brand generic cola. What I’m making is Classic Coke."

i'm not doing that, i'm calling you out for doing it in such a dishonest and lying fashion.

if you actually had a case, why do you need to lie to our faces like that, kkkynes?
no, youre "calling me out" because i expect better than 60% "confidence" from a theory that claims wild shit, and proposes doomsday scenarios yet has been repeatedly over-inflated by scaremongers who deliberately wanted to "hide the decline", exclude data from weather stations that dont support their assertions, and deliberately falsify data from russia and india (the only two so far to openly admit their data was falsified by the IPCC's "working group 1") to bolster their political agenda.
Your scientists couldn't carry our scientists' jockstraps.

"It’s grade school t-ball versus the New York Yankees. Yours is just some tepid off-brand generic cola. What I’m making is Classic Coke."

no hysteria in that image at all.

clearly thats the person to make the big decisions on energy policy.
Holy Shit!!!! It just keeps getting worse.

This Is What a Holy Shit Moment for Global Warming Looks Like

If you truly understand global warming, then you know it's all about the ice. That's what matters. Planet Earth has not always had great ice sheets at the poles, of the sort that currently exist atop Greenland and Antarctica. In other periods, much of that water has instead been in liquid form, in the oceans—and the oceans have been much higher.

How much? According to the National Academy of Sciences, the globe's great ice sheets contain enough frozen water to raise sea levels worldwide by more than 60 meters. That's about 200 feet. And it makes all the sea level rise that we've seen so far due to global warming appear piddly and insignificant.

View attachment 3156168

Mother Jones. lol

Like every one of these studies, the devil is in the details.

The simulations indicate that early-stage collapse has begun...

I (science) ran some simulations today and (science) got drastically different results. It appears (science) that the results can be swayed by the motives of (science) the individuals entering the data (science) and parameters.

How much? According to the National Academy of Sciences, the globe's great ice sheets contain enough frozen water to raise sea levels worldwide by more than 60 meters. That's about 200 feet. And it makes all the sea level rise that we've seen so far due to global warming appear piddly and insignificant.

If the moon hit the Earth, sea levels would rise several kilometers, maybe even spray off into space.
Lots of momentum...
Do you know how much CO2 would be released into the atmosphere if everyone around the globe lit their farts at the same time?


I do...and that should be disturbing to some.
I WIN.gif
Take a glass of water and fill it to overflowing with ice.

Fill the rest of the glass to the top with water.

Let sit until the ice has melted.

Now that the level of the water in the glass is lower than the level you started with, please explain to the class how melting ice can create more volume....

Put that in your science pipe and smoke it...
Please tell me the above was a joke...:wall:
Is it your contention then that absolutely no ice is in the water at the poles?? You know, that Icebergs do not actually exist??

What is laughably funny is that the ice at the other pole has grown substantially and the scientists cannot for the life of them figure out why...

What is laughably funny is that you have no idea what an Ice Shelf is.

So, it is quite funny that you have no idea what we are talking about.

Did you even read my explaination of the problem? The other Ice Shelves, etc?