Satellite data proves Earth has not been warming the past 18 years - it's stable

So far, all you guys do is post twaddle and call those who point that out stupid, racist, faggot (while at the same time accusing them of homophobia), kiddy diddlers, or what ever. Padawandater2 calling anyone stupid is just hilarious. Your leader posting racist comments on Stormfront using my name just shows what kind of dirtbags you are
So far, all you guys do is post twaddle and call those who point that out stupid, racist, faggot (while at the same time accusing them of homophobia), kiddy diddlers, or what ever. Padawandater2 calling anyone stupid is just hilarious. Your leader posting racist comments on Stormfront using my name just shows what kind of dirtbags you are


Because we are stuck in a rut. Something of this magnitude would create thousands of new jobs. Which is exactly what we need right now. It's not like we have a whole lot going for us at the moment. Other than Green cars and the latest version of Smart phones.

Maybe it's not the question that is dumb. ;)

you're right, it is you that is dumb.

we have plenty of infrastructure in need of repair and improvement as is.

maybe we can start blasting holes in oil pipelines. the repair and cleanup would create tons of jobs, eh?

back to the rocky road doused in hot chocoalte and whipped cream for you.
Take a glass of water and fill it to overflowing with ice.

Fill the rest of the glass to the top with water.

Let sit until the ice has melted.

Now that the level of the water in the glass is lower than the level you started with, please explain to the class how melting ice can create more volume....

Put that in your science pipe and smoke it...
That you think it is a joke speaks to your lack of education.

I tell you what go ahead and fill a glass to the rim with ice then add water to said glass to the rim...NOW add two scoops of what ever your favorite ice cream is ( I say use vanilla to represent the ice caps). You should have something looking like a glass ice cream cone. Next take you favorite most expensive suit and place the glass under it. Wait about two hours for ice cream to melt and let me know what happened to the suit
I tell you what go ahead and fill a glass to the rim with ice then add water to said glass to the rim...NOW add two scoops of what ever your favorite ice cream is ( I say use vanilla to represent the ice caps). You should have something looking like a glass ice cream cone. Next take you favorite most expensive suit and place the glass under it. Wait about two hours for ice cream to melt and let me know what happened to the suit
It all depends on if the ice cream is freely floating or not.
I tell you what go ahead and fill a glass to the rim with ice then add water to said glass to the rim...NOW add two scoops of what ever your favorite ice cream is ( I say use vanilla to represent the ice caps). You should have something looking like a glass ice cream cone. Next take you favorite most expensive suit and place the glass under it. Wait about two hours for ice cream to melt and let me know what happened to the suit
Wait..The north pole is made of ice cream?
I tell you what go ahead and fill a glass to the rim with ice then add water to said glass to the rim...NOW add two scoops of what ever your favorite ice cream is ( I say use vanilla to represent the ice caps). You should have something looking like a glass ice cream cone. Next take you favorite most expensive suit and place the glass under it. Wait about two hours for ice cream to melt and let me know what happened to the suit
I don't have any ice cream and I don't drink water cuz of the fluoride. but here is the experiment replacing water with pabst and the ice cream with cheese and a suit with my best pair of dickies.
success_with_wordZ (1).jpg
polyester suits don't actual count how many ties you have.
Don't you have a number of "tie hangers" to hold your ties?

They hold twelve each, its not extremely difficult to count how many hangers you have and deduct the free spots...

Why everyone hating on ties these days?
Don't you have a number of "tie hangers" to hold your ties?

They hold twelve each, its not extremely difficult to count how many hangers you have and deduct the free spots...

Why everyone hating on ties these days?
Guy I have ties on top of ties hanging. I even have ties boxed up for my son when he wants them. I have favorite ties that I wear and keep up front and I have ties I don't even remember. I have no idea nor will I count them. I can and will send you some if you want.