Sativa Photo's in ProMix HP and Mega Crop one part


Well-Known Member
Greetings !

I've narrowed it down to ;) Durban Poison, Lambs Bread, Double Chocolate, Green Crack and an Amnesia auto (sativa dominate freebee) just to see how an auto fairs under 12/12.

All Canuk seeds from True North except the Green Crack from Crop Kings. Only had two seeds of the Green Crack so I decided to germinate both and clear my inventory from that seller :mrgreen:

My intention is to top/train and try to keep these under four feet. This will challenge my trimming skills, I Hate cutting off healthy growth and a 2' x 2' footprint per plant isn't a lot for a sativa.

Three gallon fabric pots with ProMix HP with Mychorrhizae, their version of Dynomyco :cool:

Fourteen inch saucers and thirteen inch plant elevators.

Nutrients are Mega Crop one part with Bud Explosion later in flower.

Well water with a ppm of ~500 and ph of ~7.5. I will not be using ph down !

The ProMix HP is ph buffered and the MC is chelated (?) and worked well in my last grow !

My grow room or enclosure is a number of 4' high moveable panels with roughly a 4' x 4' footprint. Inside a 10' x 10' x 8' high room inside a 26' x 36' x 10' room. The panels are 1/4" hollow core plastic lined with tin foil and sit 3/4" above the floor.

With two Honeywell 7" fans at 30 degrees, the idea is they draw air from the bottom and direct it up to the light. Then there is another fan exhausting the room. I normally don't have any problem keeping the temps in the mid 70's.

The light weight panels make it easy to move them out of the way to train/water/etc. I've also got some 2" casters coming so I won't have any excuses...

Plants in the image are Autos ;)

Grow enclosure 27 Apr.jpg

I don't do anything special for humidity. Evaporation from the fabric pots and the plants will usually help keep the RH a little above ambient for the rest of the larger room, 40-50% depending on the season.

The light is a 600w MH/HPS bulb in a 42" parabolic reflector. This combination of reflector and tin foil worked so well on my last grow I would forget to turn the plants !

For germinating seeds I've settled on placing each seed in a shot glass with about 1/2" of distilled water. They are then placed inside a plastic contain and set on my kitchen table.

Last grow, five seeds, five seedlings. This grow six seeds, six seedlings...

In water 5 Jul.jpg

Thirty six hours in the water and all had cracked or had a tap root. I let them go 48 hours before planting them in yogurt containers and under a 85W CFL bulb.

My half bale of ProMix HP is likely a year old and dry so I wet it to run off with .7g of MC in 2.5L of water. Half of their recommended dose for seedlings.

I'm going to call this Day 1 ;)

All seeds were above ground this morning but I waited until this evening (four full days from in water) before taking a picture.

A couple are hanging on to their helmet head but all six are roughly the same size.

Totally forgot about my usual procedure, pock a hole with your index finger the depth of your fingernail !

Place seed in the bottom and gently fill with soil. I used a toothpick to make a cone shaped hole and had some trouble getting a few seeds in without undue handling, sigh.... Senior moment, eh ?

As I understand it, the depth helps the seedling shed it's shell easier...

9 July Day 1.jpg

Day 4, all six girls at roughly the same stage !

Couldn't help myself, first watering 1/2 cup each ;)

This is the Lambs Bread...

Lambs bread Day 4 12 July.jpg

Green Crack @ Day 7.

All of the girls are praying and working on their third set of leaves !

Couple things of note.

On my last seedlings start, I made a box of white foam core to maximize the light from the bulb.

This time I made a cylinder of cardboard 12" high. As expected I noticed the first signs of green mold.

No problem, scuffed up the surface of the soil. Gone.

Then after their first watering I noticed the start of a white mold. Oh oh ;)

Not surprising since they weren't getting any air movement in the cylinder !

Removed the cylinder, scuffed the surface of the soil and installed a 50 cfm fan about 20" away.

Disaster avoided :cool:

I should know better, air movement is important at all stages of growth, just another senior moment :eyesmoke:

BTW > this is the Green Crack in a single serving yogurt container, I watered it from the bottom today. The rest of the girls should be ready for water tomorrow. I plan on giving them a feed from the bottom also...

GC 15 July Day 7.jpg

Day 10

The Girls 18 July Day 10.jpg

The girls containers were feeling light enough for a watering late yesterday.

So I forced myself to wait till this morning ;)

First one I watered from the bottom. Just placed the container in a small saucer and added water.

Great idea, took too long :mrgreen:

A tray would have worked for all of them at the same time but I wanted to limit them to a healthy 1/2 cup each.

So I watered around the outside of the containers from the top !

Just enough to moisten the soil with no run off....

That seems to be the happy spot !

Day 15 Update !

Had another "Oh Shyt" moment, sigh...

About midnight day before last I checked the girls before lights out and they Needed water.

They all got +1/2 cup and sure enough, the Amnesia auto fell over, again, darn..

Moved some soil to prop her up a bit and put them to bed.

In the morning she wasn't looking happy so I added some soil (to all) and built a mound around the stems. Then I used a syringe to wet the mount and gently tamped it.

I also added about a 1/4 tsp of aloe vera gel to the litre or so of left over premixed feed.

It contains plant hormones that help stimulate new root growth and can ease or prevent transplant shock. Figured it couldn't hurt....

The Amnesia auto is at the back right, this is just after adding the mound @ 12:30 Pm yesterday....

The Girls 1230 PM 22 July Day 14.jpg

And @ 9:30 PM. Amazingly enough she is back to praying ! That is one tough cookie ;)

The Girls 930 PM Day 14.jpg

This afternoon @ 2:30 PM, Day 15. After the excessive stretch and falling over, twice, she is the largest of the bunch !

The Girls 230 PM Day 15.jpg

I can see it is already time to up the nutrients, normally my Cotyledon leaves stay green much longer !

And I should be able to get these girls under a proper light in the next few days :cool:

Cheers, eh ?
Day 17

The Girls each received a 1/2 cup of a solution of 1g of MC in 4L's of water in preparation for (hopefully) up potting later today !

The Girls 1230 PM 25 July Day 17.jpg

A little p*ssed at Amazon, Again.

Picked up my 5 pk of 3 gallon grow bags this afternoon.

NOT Even close, sigh... The description says they are 40D x 30W x 30H centimeters, isn't that an oval ? :confused:

Assume the 30cm is the diameter and 40cm is the height, that works out to 6.22 Imperial gallons or 15.7" H x 11.8" in diameter, same rip off as the last time I ordered a different brand of 3 gallon bags from them, sigh....

In reality they are 9" w x 9" H for 2.06 Imperial Gallons !

Oh well, what do you expect for 5 bags @ $11, including shipping :mrgreen:

Now I have to figure out what to do with two of my girls for the time being.

I am ordering two more sets of saucers and plant elevators in a couple of days. At least a week to get here...

Also darn curiosity has bit me in the arse again, he, he...

Going to add GH MaxGrow and MaxBloom to the order !

Will use that on the Amnesia auto and one of the Green Cracks...

Image is Amazon/Flamor brand 3 gallon bag sitting inside a true 3 Imperial gallon bag.

Flarmor grow bag.jpg

Cheers, eh ?
Day 18 and four of the girls have been transplanted into my 3 gallon fabric bags ! (11"W x 9"H)

Decided it's worth a trip to town tomorrow to see if I can source bags locally. The two Green Cracks are still under the 85w CFL bulb.

No pictures but the roots were already circling the bottom !

Can't remember where I read it but the shelf life of ProMix HP is said to be one year. Didn't really need another bale but I layered the old soilless with the new... BTW > a bale here is $37.

Mixed up a solution of 2g of Mega Crop in 4L of water and gave them ~ a litre each, just enough to wet the top couple of inches.

Lights are @50% and 30" from the tops.

Will see how they like that tomorrow, too pooped to measure par/lux right now and just put a pork roast in the oven ;)

Transplanted 26 July Day 18.jpg

Day 19

The two Green Cracks were transplanted into new 3 gallon fabric bags this evening.

How appropriate the bags are also Green 8)

Three bucks each at Dollarama, they are 11" high instead of wide. Don't think the girls will notice !

The handles suck but I will deal with it...

Saucers and elevators for them in the mail.

And just because I was curious I used only the old soilless !

I'm planning to do unspeakable things to at least one of these girls, he, he...

I'd like to try the ponytail thingee in lieu of topping !

At least a little more management of the upper canopy than I normally do. Maybe having more plants than I planned on is a good thing !

Having a good well water day, ph after adding 2g of MC to 4 L of water is 6.0 !

Ppm's were 650, I checked the waters ppm's a couple of days ago with no nutrients and it was 450 .

Both readings shift a bit with the seasons.

Gave them 2 L of feed each. I feed at every watering but I've been know to overfeed and need a flush :mrgreen:

But that is the beauty of ProMix HP, very easy to flush.

I put a couple of pieces of wood across a 5 gallon pail, put the pot on them and flush away. 4L x 2 of just water and then another 4L with feed.

At next watering I'll likely increase to 3 L and then the next maybe the full 4 L.

Depends on how long it takes for the bags to feel dry (by weight).

I don't like to see them go more than three or four days to dry at this stage.

Temperature currently is 28.5C (83F) and rh is 41%.

Lights are now @75% and phone app gives me a par reading of 360.

BTW > the girls didn't skip a beat after their transplant, even the girl I fumbled and lost part of the medium before I could upend it and get it into it's prepared hole, sigh...

About an hour ago...

The Girls 27 July Transplant Day 19.jpg

This is my pot set up.

The plan is to rotate them 180 degrees and one spot to the right at every watering.

And increase my area to 4' x 5' soonish and to 5' x 5' in the next few weeks. The flat panels will go from 14" wide to 24" wide.

Likely pick up a sheet of 3/4" rigid insulation for $18 and just put it on top of the existing panels. Description says it has a reflective side so maybe I won't even have to add tin foil !

Castors 27 July Day 19.jpg

Day 21

The pots were relatively dry this morning. I attribute that to the addition of old soilless which was completely dry and relatively high temperatures of ~35C.

Gave them all 2L and moved the panels apart a few inches and turned up the extraction fan.

I'm now thinking I will leave the panels apart instead of making the flat ones wider. Temps are usually a little higher until the parabolic reflector is raised above the level of the side panels.

The Girls 29 July Day 21.jpg

Some fun with the camera and set a reference point for Day 22.

Double Chocolate photo @ 8 1/2", second is the Amnesia Auto @ 7 1/2".

The Green Crack that was in a single serving yogurt container is 5", she's got some root growing to do !

Rest of the girls range from 5" to 6".

It is all coming back to me now why I prefer to wait for fall/winter grows :mrgreen:

On a whim, I turned up the lights to 100% two days ago. Internodal spacing went from inches to fractions of an inch on the new growth ! Not really an issue but...

No matter how I arranged my fans/panels the temperature was + 35C, sigh..

The larger room temperature remained around 22C with A/C. Crazy hot here the last couple of days, 40C in the shade north side of the house.

So back to 50% power for now, temperature now @ 29C and slowly dropping !

With this heat the top surfaces of the pots looked Really dry. And in my pictures there seemed to be a slight green cast to the soilless. So I fluffed up the top and sure enough, just under the surface is slightly moist.

That means we are still on track for a 3-4 day watering.

Double Chocolate photo

Double Chocolate 30 July Day 22.jpg

Amnesia auto

Amnesia auto 30 July Day 22.jpg

Day 24, one week from transplant !

Before I forget, again, I should mention.

Due to circumstances both of my two auto grows with a total of six plants started with the seedlings under an 85w CFL bulb with a color temperature of 5500K for roughly 21 days before transplanting into ProMix HP.

Then under a 600w Metal Halide with a color temperature of 4200K.

One went five weeks before the move to the bigger light and yielded 13.2oz. in a 2g plastic pot with AN M/G/B nutrients !

The Ladies ranged from 3' to 4' and finished between 90 to 120 days.

Yields ranged from 6oz. to 11g short of a pound !

Last grow, 3g fabric pots with ProMix HP, MC one part. A few additions of Bud Explosion.


Looks like this is turning into a plug for ProMix HP :mrgreen:

Blame it on the Gellato bongsmilie

It is buffered so if your water isn't too much out of wack, there is no need to ph.

It contains Mycorrhizae which >
  • Improves fertilizer uptake; reduces fertilizer costs
  • Increases the resistance of plant to stresses; reduces maintenance costs
  • Optimizes results without changing growing practices
  • Increased root mass, flower production, plant size, yield
  • Improved water uptake and increased drought resistance

The porosity is such that you can't overwater. It only holds so much before running off.

And it's a breeze to flush if you have to,

You CAN water too often, I leave the pots to feel DRY before watering again.

Best to judge by picking the pot up.

I don't fully water until the plants are able to drink what they've been given in three or four days. Right now that's 2L.

It contains no nutrients so you have Total control over the feed !

And $37 for a bale here.... 107L/60#. about 8 x 3gallon pots. $5/pot.

As I said, Day 24, seven days from transplant.

Amnesia auto.

Amnesia 1 Aug Day 24.jpg

Feeble attempt at femming a Double Chocolate photo. Should have put on the Big Glasses ;)

Double Chocolate 1 Aug Day 24.jpg

All the Girls...

The Girls 1 Aug Day 24.jpg

Day 27.

Always a good day when the postman comes :mrgreen:

Maxi Nutrients 4 Aug Day 27.jpg

I lost patience with my attempt at femming, this is yesterday. Two days after the cut...

Double Chocolate fem.jpg

I'm sorry now I didn't at least give it enough time to see what would have happened, sigh... It is a photo after all, lots of time for training.

Anywho, I cut it off this morning, so a normal topping.

But, what happened even in that short of a time is the next two lower sets took over upward growth !

And just enough to start training ! With the nodes so close together I will still get the effect of a successful fem.

I also topped all the rest of the Girls !

This is roughly ten hours later...

Double Chocolate top 4 Aug Day 27.jpg

On to the food :weed:

They all received 2L each two days ago. And felt ready at the time by the pick it up method, he, he..

This evening they weren't quite dry, close but not close enough.

But a perfect opportunity to give the top feeder roots a boost. While the tap root is growing down to take advantage of the last remaining water, this gives the top roots a chance to develop sideways before we start full watering.

BTW > most of the girls leaves have almost reached the outside of the pots.

Four of the girls received a litre each of 1.5g/4L of MC.

Watered from the outside of the bag and just enough to moisten the first couple/three inches of medium. Feed was increased from 1.4g/4L to 1.5g/4L

I do not recommend this more than a couple times at this stage. Aim for a wet/dry watering cycle going forward.

At present all the girls are as perfectly green as I could ask for !

The smaller Green Crack and the Amnesia auto received a litre each of 1.5g/4L of MaxiGrow, half of their Indoor medium feed veg suggested amount. They are my test subjects for this new to me nutrient system !

This is just watered and not rotated yet. The Lambs Bread top left was very close to needing water but she will have to wait with just a little drink for now !

The Girls 4 Aug Day 27.jpg

And a cautionary note. Keep an eye on your timers on and off settings for a full week.

This darn dohicky almost got the better of me. I blame my eyesight, the symbols for days of the week are so small I didn't notice my on time was only set for six days of the week.

Checked one morning at half an hour past and the lights were off.

They are still @100%, I see some minor canoeing but tomorrow it will get raised another six inches or so. Temps are just under 30C @ ~ 40% rh.

The Double Chocolate and Amnesia auto are about 11", the rest are 7-8".

And the Amnesia auto showed her first pistils yesterday @ day 26.

I will have to revisit the choice to start early with a lesser light. The photos won't mind but the Amnesia Auto is going to be challenged with a slower start And see a lesser amount of light in a couple of weeks.

A bit early to judge but I'm not seeing the Sativa trait of growing through the roof yet ;)

I plan to flip at around 24"...

Day 29

To recap, they all received 2L of water four days ago.

Two days ago they received an additional 1L.

Early today some of them were starting to droop a little but I waited until this evening to water.

Somewhat trying to force the girls into a regular watering schedule !

Not that it matters much, I'm in there a dozen times a day :weed:

Might need to actually make a better list to keep track, I'd like to pay extra attention to wet/dry water through the whole grow now that bags are so much easier to get at...

Just now gave them all 2L's and rotated. Next watering I will increase to 3L each. No more teasing !

Right after. And 12 days since transplant...

The Girls 6 Aug Day 29.jpg

For comparison, this is my last auto grow @ Day 28. Again, started under the 85w CFL.

The middle Purple Silverback auto still managed to produce 6oz.

The Girls 5 Feb 2022 Day 28.jpg

I need to put this out of mind moving forward so I will say this.

If possible, start your seedlings under your actual grow light ;)

I started early because my room wasn't available yet and I Just Needed To Grow :weed:

This is the Double Chocolate, eight days after the fumbled femming and two days since a normal topping. Now @12".

Double Chocolate tops 6 Aug Day 29.jpg

So it is 21 days until my planned flip @ day 50 and is looking doable. Growth is very roughly an inch a day now.

Day 31

Only two of the girls were ready for water tonight.

The Double Chocolate received 1.2g of MC in 3L of water. One topping...

Day 31 Double Chocolate 8 Aug.jpg

The Amnesia Auto is now @ 14" and flowering. One topping, LST to commence !

Day 31  Amnesia Auto 8 Aug.jpg

The landrace Sativa Durban Poison isn't what I expected, shortish and Big leaves. Light is @ 100% and ~ 30".

Day 31 Durban Poison 8 Aug.jpg

Same with the Lambs Bread, 95% Sativa.

Day 31 Lambs Bread 8 Aug.jpg

Green Crack is coming along !

Day 31 Green Crack 8 Aug.jpg

All three of the above were topped a little early ;)

Day 33

The Lambs Bread and Durban Poison both graduated to 3L each yesterday but the Green Cracks were only ready for 2L today !

The Green Crack started in a single serving yogurt container is on MaxiGro and a full shade greener.

She's kind of my test subject so she got 1.5g/2L. A bit of a push to see how much is enough !

Amnesia auto training is going well. Eight tops is the goal and we are there. Two more branches are Reaching and at least half way up to the canopy. Will have to decide whether to leave them be...

Thinking I will.

Next stage of training is four bamboo stakes with a net of sorts with wire. Any tops that get too far ahead can be pulled down and the lower two branches should be able to catch up. Depending on how much stretch is left I may do it anyway...

She's already at the stage where this would make training easier. Hmmm, going to town tomorrow anyway ;)

The two branches below them were trimmed off yesterday. Next watering will be with MaxiBloom.

Day 33 The Girls 10 Aug.jpg

Day 18 and four of the girls have been transplanted into my 3 gallon fabric bags ! (11"W x 9"H)

Decided it's worth a trip to town tomorrow to see if I can source bags locally. The two Green Cracks are still under the 85w CFL bulb.

No pictures but the roots were already circling the bottom !

Can't remember where I read it but the shelf life of ProMix HP is said to be one year. Didn't really need another bale but I layered the old soilless with the new... BTW > a bale here is $37.

Mixed up a solution of 2g of Mega Crop in 4L of water and gave them ~ a litre each, just enough to wet the top couple of inches.

Lights are @50% and 30" from the tops.

Will see how they like that tomorrow, too pooped to measure par/lux right now and just put a pork roast in the oven ;)

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Just a "side note" @chuckeye, I've gotten away from using the expensive grow shop Pro Mix, and have been using the "Inexpensive" Pro Mix from Menards, its only $14 a bale, and my plants don't have any issues with it. 1/2 of my Swamp Boxes are running last years soil, and plants are chugging along without a problem.
Your plants are looking good, hope the Harvest is a bountiful one for you this run!!!!!!!!!


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