Saw this in a public park. Is this worthless weed or good stuff?

Honestly are you retarded? You said it yourself, it's a different story if it's in the situation I used as my example.. So you're saying you would allow someone to walk away with your plant? Well then, please give me your address and I'll go over and grab a couple ounces lol. My point is, I'm being real. As you can see, I did NOT say I would shot them, I just stated how I don't think it's irrational. I did however say I would whoop some ass on there way out, which in reality, who wouldn't? You're potentially taking up to 1k from me.. No doubt I'm going to be PISSED.

But hey, I guess that's why you have a GUN right? Because you don't like to use your hands lol. And you won't use the gun over a ''plant'' so what are your alternatives? You go head and watch someone walk off with your babies, I won't lol.

I have a gun because I'm a disabled Veteran and while I have the right to defend myself, I don't always have the physical ability. Feel free to talk shit about that, I don't mind.

See you around, kid
No I didn't plant it. it is at a public park (big open field). The post is a frisbee golf hole, which made me think it was the good stuff considering the people who play frisbee golf lol. The plant is only about 15'' tall. If I wanted to go back there and try to snag it how long should I wait? I looks awfully young.

A habit like this tends to get people mia. true story!
I have a gun because I'm a disabled Veteran and while I have the right to defend myself, I don't always have the physical ability. Feel free to talk shit about that, I don't mind.

See you around, kid

that's funny, do you throw that around often? am I supposed to pitty you or something? or is it respect is the word right? Sorry, it's given when it's received.

My whole point was, I do indeed have the physical ability to handle the situation and that is exaclty what I said. You keep talking about a gun, like I have one or something? You keep speaking
like I said I would shoot someone.. Sounds to me like you're a little biased against kids these days and the ''gangster'' life lol. Just because we all don't join the military doesn't mean we're all bad kids.

Sorry for acting SO gangster with you, grandpa!
that's funny, do you throw that around often? am I supposed to pitty you or something? or is it respect is the word right? Sorry, it's given when it's received.

My whole point was, I do indeed have the physical ability to handle the situation and that is exaclty what I said. You keep talking about a gun, like I have one or something? You keep speaking
like I said I would shoot someone.. Sounds to me like you're a little biased against kids these days and the ''gangster'' life lol. Just because we all don't join the military doesn't mean we're all bad kids.

Sorry for acting SO gangster with you, grandpa!

Hey e you can be as gangster as you like, the truth is some gardeners protect there gardens with protections that may surprise rippers. Most cases by the time the "realization" sets in that there up shits creek without a paddle well by then its too late and the hole's already dug sorta speak, what kids don't realize is that before this huge med cannabis movement was underway there were a shit ton of guerilla growers who did there shit and didn't share on websites just at pig roasts and stuff lol. Where I live someone(every fucken year dude) always ends up "shot" ior injured "scouting for deer" is the excuse they use up here for going plot hunting. Guess we do things different up here cause if you steal or break into a property you can expect to be shot at accordingly. Check out Vermont gun laws lmao we don't play!
Hey e you can be as gangster as you like, the truth is some gardeners protect there gardens with protections that may surprise rippers. Most cases by the time the "realization" sets in that there up shits creek without a paddle well by then its too late and the hole's already dug sorta speak, what kids don't realize is that before this huge med cannabis movement was underway there were a shit ton of guerilla growers who did there shit and didn't share on websites just at pig roasts and stuff lol. Where I live someone(every fucken year dude) always ends up "shot" ior injured "scouting for deer" is the excuse they use up here for going plot hunting. Guess we do things different up here cause if you steal or break into a property you can expect to be shot at accordingly. Check out Vermont gun laws lmao we don't play!

I'm confused? Did I not say in the beginning, ''I don't understand why people think shooting someone for stealing a plant is irrational''? People keep seeing the word ''gangster'' and getting me confused with one or something? I'm growing, I don't have a gun, and I don't gang bang lol.. I simply insisted that I would whoop someones ass if they tried to take my plant. That's it.. dunno how this turned into all this garbage lol
no one is going to grow in the open area of a park,,, in the wide open where people walk.......somone prob threw a seed down and it grew
no one is going to grow in the open area of a park,,, in the wide open where people walk.......somone prob threw a seed down and it grew

That's exactly what happened, people rolling etc and tossing seeds in the same spot...hence their tiny size and random grouping.
You mean like all the other plants in the forest??

You guys did see the land in was on in the background, right? That land is so compacted that the weeds are barely growing, same with the grass. A seed would have a hard time germinating in that with out help. Let allow multiply seeds, and then they all are female too. Doubtful.

It's a disc golf course for crying out loud. I'm sure someone germed a seed at home got paranoid and put outside.

Sad thing is someone else will take it.

Hell I bet the OP ran out and cut that bitch same day he posted.
who gives a shit if someone threw some seeds down and it grew a shitty female. if you got the stupidity to plant a seed on a disc golf course, where you know people frequent often, you deserve to have it stolen. real growers with common sense don't do dumb shit like that. take that POS plant OP and smoke it!
A friend of mine left some seeds behind a gas station once, and it grew into a huge ass sativa without any kind of care.
i saw your car just sitting on the side of the PUBLIC street and you obviously weren't using it.... so i'm going to sleep in it.
i saw your car just sitting on the side of the PUBLIC street and you obviously weren't using it.... so i'm going to sleep in it.

As soon as a car grows roots and can conduct photosynthesis, you may go right ahead. Gonna probably have to wait until the door locks rot off, the license plate falls off, and the VIN plates corrode to dust. Then your stupid comment will make a little more sense.