Say goodby to Marijuana reform

Half the members in this forum don't grow anyways or are incapable as in justin case's cause. They are here only to promote a political or racist agenda .
The other half grows. I don't get the gist of your argument. Because one-half don't grow the others aren't worth a care?
Chicago is a war zone. If they can't control themselves, then help will be sent.

Not hardly. Those people aren't shooting each other in the face 10 times a day.

in case anyone was wondering, the chicago tweet was a bannon idea to rile up the klan base of the party and it worked. witness this klansman^^^^
you cannot believe a word this man his actions
He has a smug look on his face when he signs things he said he was gonna do and saying its up to the states is totally in his bag and is the smart move. Also in his bag though is defering to an expert in the field like the cia director with torture. He will allow the Attorney general and the law enforcement leaders to do what they want and if the press askes him why he is fucking with cannabis when he said he wouldn't he will just say that he is not.
Marijuana will get caught up in trumps "Stop & Frisk" "Law & Order 'Find the Mexicans" nationwide sweeps because it's against federal law.