Say goodby to Marijuana reform

Ya know, everyone so far has been having an intelligent, mature discussion (relatively) on this subject, and then you show up with your inane comments, and force me into saying, has anyone ever called you a pain in the ass today? No?
Your a pain in the ass
I was taking a stab at the sort of characters we have in the fake news "alt-right" crowd.

Get a tampon, sweetheart, it might work on the pain in your ass ;)

(Edited with winky smiley to imply joke)
think we have a lot more things to worry about if he is ok'ed by the senate
Jeff Sessions still lives in racial terrorist times the fuck thought it was funny to say the kkk was ok till he found out they smoked weed,
he is a racist fuck which is fine its America but not for ag or any office for that matter.
his belief Is that mj should be illegal because white girls might fuck other races lol what a dick
I do not think he will be our ag I hope the press digs up the old drit on that fuck this week before they preside over it
I think I'll hang out for another 8 years and watch the tears fall. I like smoking, but their is so much more in the world to occupy your mind with. Legal, not legal, meh. Gonna smoke and enjoy life while giggling at those who are too butt hurt to do the same.

Besides, its obvious that once the states decide its legal, its legal regardless how mad the fed gets. Now I know your champion Obama raided more pot stores than any other president, so I'm sure you are scared. But day 2 and so far so good other than the constant "the sky is falling" from the left.
I didn't think it was possible, but you are even dumber than I thought.
Your age is probably between 12 & 15. Definitely too dumb to be driving... :dunce:
think we have a lot more things to worry about if he is ok'ed by the senate
Jeff Sessions still lives in racial terrorist times the fuck thought it was funny to say the kkk was ok till he found out they smoked weed,
he is a racist fuck which is fine its America but not for ag or any office for that matter.
his belief Is that mj should be illegal because white girls might fuck other races lol what a dick
I do not think he will be our ag I hope the press digs up the old drit on that fuck this week before they preside over it
Unfortunately congress is Repulican now and all it takes is a majority to confirm Sessions, this congress is spineless and lacks integrity or dignity there was a time that Republicans had integrity and had refused to appoint Sessions to a Federal judgeship for his history of bigotry but like I said this congress is devoid of integrity.

Hopefully they'll get cojones and stand up to Trump but don't bet the farm on it happening.
Kellyanne Conway: Stop Listening To The Horrible Things Trump Says And "Look What's In His Heart"

So, you say Trump is on record for supporting MJ. But we are told not to listen to Benedict Donald but look what's in his heart. What's in his heart? I see a in his heart a vile authoritarian who would gut you as soon as look at you. He's going to go after "those drug user - law breakers" it's a useful tactic for despots.

But hey, you voted for him, its' your fault.
It's says woulda shoulda coulda . You or no one else knows this for sure yet. Keep digging you foxholes.
Obama sent a memo to the feds in his first year telling the feds to stop wasting resources and leave the cannabis clubs alone. Obama is not in office now so it seems like the cats away. Unless trump actively defends cannibis i worry. Trump seems to say let the states handle it on there own with other things maybe he will with this. It would be the smart move for him to remain hands off and let the territorys and the feds just do there thing. If the latter is the case we will see an increase in arrests and jail time for "pot crimes" from the last 8 years
That allows big pharma to come in. They are worse than Nixon. Nixon had a hard on for protesters, big pharma you won't stop.
Hi. I am interested in this situation , this subject. If pot is made a schedule 2 it can be researched by universitys and others could study it legally. I have no doubt that some good new medicine will come out of this as well as more knowledge and some bullshit drugs. This is mostly a heavy positive on the other hand i would hate to see the cannibis industry ruled by big pharma or big tobacoo. They are cruel and selfish in the way they operate. Would rescheduling leed to such a take over? Is such a takeover inevitable when leagalization comes? Or can we find a balance?
I remember 1970. Nixon caused a lot of people I know to get arrested and messed up lives. They said it wouldn't happen. I expect schedule ii no home grows and he is going to stop violence. I hope you all keep safe. The popo love him.
When 215 was going through in California. I learned that the Constitution says that the federal law can't hinder the state law... Fuck does anyone know the qoute? Anyway the same holds true here. Its already federally illegal now and leagal in certain states that would stay the same and now the law for those not under state protection would have more rights and options if it was schedule 2