Say goodby to Marijuana reform

how do you think they will go about finding & identifying 13million illegal immigrants?...they will stop & frisk everybody....looking to restore law & order

You build a wall to stop people coming in. Then you reform the business immigration laws to have an easy system to check for citizenship of potential employees. Give it a year or two to sort out and then if a business hires an illegal immigrant they get large penalties when caught.

10 million illegal immigrants will self deport if there are no jobs for them.
OMG, they are gonna get rid of merigiwana just like Boosh took it all away!

Oh shit wait, that never happened. BUT THIS TIME, OMG THE SKY IS FALLING FOR REALZ!!!
So here you are on a pot site, and you think it's funny that Trump's choice for AG want's to bring the hammer down again on marijuana? Why don't you get the fuck off if you think that way, and do most people here a favor..
how do you think they will go about finding & identifying 13million illegal immigrants?...they will stop & frisk everybody....looking to restore law & order
now I no where the term crying liberal came from,trumps army is going to stop an frisk everybody!! wow an while they do that they going to steal all your money. u need to get off the dabs
So here you are on a pot site, and you think it's funny that Trump's choice for AG want's to bring the hammer down again on marijuana? Why don't you get the fuck off if you think that way, and do most people here a favor..

What some of us want is for Congress to get off their collective asses and re-schedule the drug. Not another president who picks and choses the laws they want to enforce.

The problem is congress. They havent passed a budget in 8 years. The place is a total fucking disaster.

Lets fix the problem, not the symptom.
What some of us want is for Congress to get off their collective asses and re-schedule the drug. Not another president who picks and choses the laws they want to enforce.

The problem is congress. They havent passed a budget in 8 years. The place is a total fucking disaster.

Lets fix the problem, not the symptom.
You are a Republican, right? Well go back and look at what your brothers in Congress did for the last 8 years, which was to block, deny and object to any action by the Obama administation, leading to nothing happening. Am I wrong?
I don't think so.
You are a Republican, right? Well go back and look at what your brothers in Congress did for the last 8 years, which was to block, deny and object to any action by the Obama administation, leading to nothing happening. Am I wrong?
I don't think so.

No, I am not a republican. I havent been a registered republican for over 10 years now.

So yeah, you are wrong. The Republicans have been worse than the democrats.

I have been arguing against the establishment for over 18 months now and that includes both parties. Apparently your reading comprehension skills need some improvement.
now I no where the term crying liberal came from,trumps army is going to stop an frisk everybody!! wow an while they do that they going to steal all your money. u need to get off the dabs
Come in to my state and go through one of the heroin stop areas. It's been going on a month. Interstate. I on the other hand wouldn't get stopped. I see it every day. It's about mindset not Trump. He will allow the religious right have their way with you you druggy.
No, I am not a republican. I havent been a registered republican for over 10 years now.

So yeah, you are wrong. The Republicans have been worse than the democrats.

I have been arguing against the establishment for over 18 months now and that includes both parties. Apparently your reading comprehension skills need some improvement.

But, you're so full of shit, we don't know when to believe you:-(
You build a wall to stop people coming in. Then you reform the business immigration laws to have an easy system to check for citizenship of potential employees. Give it a year or two to sort out and then if a business hires an illegal immigrant they get large penalties when caught.

10 million illegal immigrants will self deport if there are no jobs for them.
You should change your name to "Breitbart".
So yeah, you are wrong. The Republicans have been worse than the democrats.
Need I say more, or are you really that fucking stupid?

I am an independent and registered as such so yes you are wrong.

The next statement was that the Republicans have been worse than the democrats. Which is true but doesnt make you any less wrong about your first statement.

Do I have to teach english composition with each post?
So here you are on a pot site, and you think it's funny that Trump's choice for AG want's to bring the hammer down again on marijuana? Why don't you get the fuck off if you think that way, and do most people here a favor..

I think I'll hang out for another 8 years and watch the tears fall. I like smoking, but their is so much more in the world to occupy your mind with. Legal, not legal, meh. Gonna smoke and enjoy life while giggling at those who are too butt hurt to do the same.

Besides, its obvious that once the states decide its legal, its legal regardless how mad the fed gets. Now I know your champion Obama raided more pot stores than any other president, so I'm sure you are scared. But day 2 and so far so good other than the constant "the sky is falling" from the left.
I think I'll hang out for another 8 years and watch the tears fall. I like smoking, but their is so much more in the world to occupy your mind with. Legal, not legal, meh. Gonna smoke and enjoy life while giggling at those who are too butt hurt to do the same.

Besides, its obvious that once the states decide its legal, its legal regardless how mad the fed gets. Now I know your champion Obama raided more pot stores than any other president, so I'm sure you are scared. But day 2 and so far so good other than the constant "the sky is falling" from the left.
Does that mean as as soon as Trump ends up in the shitter, your gone?
Hopefully in both circumstances, it will be sooner than later.

Oh,and by the way, federal laws pertaining to drug enforcement, are FEDERAL laws, meaning for instance if Tennessee voted to legalise meth, which a good portion of the constituents in that state either ingest or make, it would be busted as soon as they passed the amendment.

Lastly, Obama NEVER fucked with states rights. The DEA went after a FEW marijuana establishments, but, as you have witnessed, he did not enforce the laws about pot, in any state that voted it in, it was fine for Obama , but now we have a POTUS who knows nothing about anything important in government, passing the torch to Sessions who hates marijuana. Not dislikes, but HATES.

And yes, it occupies my mind, because I live in Connecticut, right next to Massachusetts which just recently passed legislation legalizing recreational use.I was hoping that would make that possible in CT,
So now I got an USAG who hates pot, running the system, so Connecticut wont even consider it anymore, and I'll bet on that.
Growing and selling is my livelihood, (I'm a bad person) and I was (am) counting on eventual national legalization, because what I do, in CT, the maximum sentence for growing (six plants) and selling is 20 years, which means if I'm good, I get out in 5 if I'm popped

Yea, so I'm concerned about who that asshole has chosen for USAG, because all the growers and smokers are going to continue to go to jail, as it stands right now, and that's fucked up

Thanks Trump, nice start, you cocksucker
