Well-Known Member
Statistically less than half, so...
Plenty of fuckups for society to use at that rate.
So you are pro life/ slave?
Statistically less than half, so...
Plenty of fuckups for society to use at that rate.
Just because you didn't have sex in high school doesn't make you responsible.
Teenagers who don't fuck and are responsible
Derp derp learn to read
http://recapp.etr.org/recapp/index.cfm?fuseaction=pages.StatisticsDetail&PageID=555Statistically less than half, so...
Plenty of fuckups for society to use at that rate.
Your losing, but keep trying, it's funny.
Cruising the streets in a car I made my wife\slave work for, laughing at liberals, making them bored.
This says 47%, but it's self-reporting. How many do you think lie about it?
It also says they make up 13% of the population. As of right now that is 41.45 million. That's 20.73 million sexually active american teenagers. Hope you saved your money because take away abortion funding and your tax dollars are going to need to be set aside for a lot of children on welfare.
You think it is easy to have an abortion? No it isn't , not for me or the women I knew that HAD to have one for a number of reasons.While i do not think that it should be illegal i do think that the rules are to lax. People have stopped taking responsibility due to the easy and often free Abortion services.
You think it is easy to have an abortion? No it isn't , not for me or the women I knew that HAD to have one for a number of reasons.
Me and my wife (we weren't married yet) where forced to choose once when we were young and had no way to support anyone else, as we were having a hard time even supporting ourselves. That decision was the hardest decision I ever had to make. Can I support this unexpected (she used birth control, but nothing is perfect, right) embryo? No I couldn't at that time. She was in college and I didn't have a real job, so we couldn't have a child that we couldn't care for, it would be unfair for the child that could not be supported.
So, after scrounging up the $500 (they ain't free) we went, and my wife had to deal with the emotions of that action, and to this day it bothers me still, but I believe we made the right choice, as hard as it was.
Wal-Mart and Mcdonalds combined employ 1.5 million. We will find all these kids
Black, no stripes.
"Oh nose" What the fuck does that mean? It's just Sandy speak I guess.Oh nose, and all you had to do was not fuck to avoid all that.
Choices...all well.
Oh nose, and all you had to do was not fuck to avoid all that.
Choices...all well.
"Hey babe, you need to come see this! I'm at the top of the stairs"Mean while coat hanger sales soar.
Link lol ive been there with girls that have had it done..... Seen it first hand. With a family friend walked into planned parent hood.......... Made her watch a movie talked to a counselor and got the pill all in 2 hours time.......... Yea..... Free BTW she was low income.
If you decide to get down and dirty with no protection then it is 100% their fault that she is pregnant and 100% your responsibility to face the consequences. I know you do not like to hear that. God forbid someone take responsibility for their actions.
About 4 million live births and 700,000 abortions in 2012.
Not 20% but definely not an accident by any means.
Mostly just people being irresponsible. Good thing for them you can dig out your mistakes and flush it away.