SayWords 1st grow, seven plants


Well-Known Member
thought id just bump this to the new page. no point having it as the last post of a page. thanks lil mafia dude i'll def hit u guys up if need be. im sure it was the fact that my light was INSIDE the dome that killed my clones. duh. i shoulda known

dude dont worry about it! that what this shit is for! so my internet and cable got shut off today cuz the bill was 45 days dilinquent or some shit. but in the meantime i decided since i only have 7 plants flowering and only 1 more female vegging to LST the flowering plants to try to get as much light to all the lil bud spots as i could. i tied all the big branches all out so they all look like they're stretching out. it looks real good. im really psyched for it. theyre a little over 1 week flowering!

heres my veg room now. four plants, only one is female the rest are all hermied out. tons-o-balls.
the female has huge pistils already even tho shes in 24hour light

heres the one female. and the cup with the kush seed in it. how long does it take for seeds to sprout? and how wet should i keep it? like dont let it dry out at all?

heres the clone experiment. theyre all still green!!



Well-Known Member
this plant was in the veg room under 24 hour lite. thought it was hermy but i think the ballsacks may have opened? it looks wierd but my cam cant get a good pic.

heres whats left of the veg room. one female and clones of males for practice. all still alive. the rest of the plants were all hermies or males.

i got tired of knocking over these cups and losing the seed inside, so i made a lil seedling spot up above the veg spot. both the cups are on a heat pad thats bein used for germinating (the tupperware on the left). is a heat pad beneficial for seedlings? or should i just not use it with those cups?

these girls are looking bangin. gettin excited to see bud!

soon to be bud



Well-Known Member
thanks man!

these bitches are growing! i walked in this morning right when the lite turned on and all the plants were perked up so fat. i got three germed seeds planted in the red cups and two of the seeds have reached the surface now. neither has sprouted above the surface tho. one is the kush seed. the water clones are looking lovely too. the only shittyness is that last night the cfls in the flower room fell and burned two of the smaller ladies for a few hours. but they'll be okay


Well-Known Member
just tied down all the flowering ones. trying to get them to look like a scrog without a screen. i just wanna fill up the whole space with branches and colas. lol.

i ordered four mix n match seeds - all feminized - from attitude:

white widow

afgan kush

wonder woman

big buddha blue cheese

if anyone has any experience or input with any of these strains let me know. ive never even smoked any of these and am really excited. hopefully i'll get my cloning techniques down to perfection by the time these are ready. ive got two clones in a cup of water and two clones in oasis cube things all in the same humidity dome. doin a side by side test to see which way works better for me. the seeds are seriously taking like 5 days to fuckin sprout!


Well-Known Member
thanks a lot man.

so im thinking that i may need to just lose the crib, put all the plants on the floor with the hps hanging over them. i dont know if they'll be able all grow big in that lil crib.

got two flicks in before the camera died

to the right:

to the left:

im havin to tie them down all the time.


Well-Known Member
thanks man.
finally got some batteries for my cam, heres flickies

2 weeks flowering

veg closet with a mother plant, couple experimental clones and seedling

window cill water cup clones


Active Member
I have just finished my first veg, the plant that turned out best, i cut the top bud after 4weeks off and i cliped and cloned the sides maybe twice a week, now its short but fills the pot and loads of buds!!! BEGINNER but interested


Well-Known Member
thanks man good to have ya.

dude the buds are gettin all thick and yummy lookin. goin on three weeks flowering day after tomorrow


Well-Known Member
great man! shit at one time i had 21 plants, out of all those i only got 8 females. thats like 33%. a lot of hermies tho


Well-Known Member
these are all bag seed. i ordered a white widow, wonder woman, blue cheese, and afgan kush from mix n match seeds which will arrive any day now.