School Shootings in America Since Sandy Hook

I feel that gun violence in school has increased due to the zero tolerance policy of fighting. Back in middle school we had straight up group fights. We had skaters/stoners vs the bullies and we'd fight with chains, watches, rolls of dimes. Then I hit high school and it was 1 on 1 fights and no one really got caught. But then my little brother hit hs and he almost got expelled for boxing.

It is natural for animals to have conflict and part of the way you win over a good woman is by showing your strength. Take away their ability to release their anger against each other and it builds up until kids get shot.
I feel that gun violence in school has increased due to the zero tolerance policy of fighting. Back in middle school we had straight up group fights. We had skaters/stoners vs the bullies and we'd fight with chains, watches, rolls of dimes. Then I hit high school and it was 1 on 1 fights and no one really got caught. But then my little brother hit hs and he almost got expelled for boxing.

It is natural for animals to have conflict and part of the way you win over a good woman is by showing your strength. Take away their ability to release their anger against each other and it builds up until kids get shot.
ehhhhh.........violence isn't the answer. not like that. I have deep regrets over some of the heinous acts carried out and witnessed in "gang fights." if you can hit a guy with a chain, in the teeth, you can also invest in a pair of gloves an' take it to the youth club. we need to keep the beast in line.

Schools are the safest place to go to shoot someone, you are guaranteed a safe haven since no one else will have any weapons. Police take so long to arrive on scene that the no weapons policy has made schools the primary target for violence and 10 mins of fame.
ehhhhh.........violence isn't the answer. not like that. I have deep regrets over some of the heinous acts carried out and witnessed in "gang fights." if you can hit a guy with a chain, in the teeth, you can also invest in a pair of gloves an' take it to the youth club. we need to keep the beast in line.

I agree weapons don't need to be involved, I was just describing my experience. Not one kid died, no one went to the hospital and we picked each other back up and ran when the authorities came to get us. We had honor back then.
and we talk about why all the fucking time. No one ever asks wtf is wrong with white people.
Ever watch Jersey Shore, Honey Boo Boo, or housewives of X?

Fucked up white people get their own reality TV show. I know it's not fair, but it is what it is.
Ever watch Jersey Shore, Honey Boo Boo, or housewives of X?

Fucked up white people get their own reality TV show. I know it's not fair, but it is what it is.

Thank you.
I get tired of being judged because of these jack asses.

Who ever said something about it building up and then exploding, you are right.

When I was a kid I suspended for fighting.
It was in defense of a small student that no way of defending himself against a large football player and boxer. (I lost.)

My dad found out the real story and had some words with some people and I was allowed back.

Lets get one thing straight.
Kids are stupid. Kids are full of hormones.
They will fight and and break laws. We need to remove the zero tolerance and let them be kids.
Setup a boxing ring and let them have at it in a controlled environment

Oh and parents your kids have no business watching R rated violent movies and do not need to be playing Call of Duty.
I am sure that for the most part that most kids are unaffected. But come on we glamorize violence.

I own guns and I don't let my kids play with realistic toy guns. They are taught to tell an adult if they see a gun.
My kids also see what my guns do when I hunt. They help clean the animals.
My kids also do not have access to my safe.
No reset button in real life and my kids understand this.
We had a spot right off school property, dirt parking lot of an old abandoned 40's theater house. Kids formed a circle, took your hat and any watches/jewelry off, and it was one on one, no weapons, no throwing dirt in someone's eyes, period. Shit got out of control or was one sided for too long, you tackled your buddy to stop him from really hurting the other dude. It wasn't about actually beating the living shit out of someone, it was about stomping their pride enough that they didn't give you anymore shit the next day at school. Watched many guys become friends afterwards, over time of course.
They are not killing each other at the rate black American boys are?

It is probably racist or something...

whites murder other whites at the rate of about 7.2 murders per day. that's higher than the rate at which blacks kill each other.

83% of all whites are murdered by other whites.

as a white person, you are 5.7 times more likely to be killed by a white person.

but yeah, keep trotting out your racist bullshit. it's fun to shoot it down on my end.
whites murder other whites at the rate of about 7.2 murders per day. that's higher than the rate at which blacks kill each other.

83% of all whites are murdered by other whites.

as a white person, you are 5.7 times more likely to be killed by a white person.

but yeah, keep trotting out your racist bullshit. it's fun to shoot it down on my end.

Is that per capita?
Is that per capita?

you want per capita numbers?

black people kill 0.0000658 people per capita.

or, to put that in a more understandable fashion, since murders per capita is a completely retarded and useless statistic, that means about 1 out of every 15,204 black people have killed someone.

1 in 15000+.
