No, for once the Obamacare cheese eater is correct. It's not a deity, but a way of life. Events occurred before this version of consciousness and events will continue well after you're dead.
bravo bunny bra-vo!

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No, for once the Obamacare cheese eater is correct. It's not a deity, but a way of life. Events occurred before this version of consciousness and events will continue well after you're dead.
Infact the Buddha said "speculation in matters of faith is wasteful, our duty is to help those around us".bravo bunny bra-vo!
why aren't the republicans on the right side of the american people?..why do they hate america so?
Buddha was not a deist. Neither was Jesus. "I and my father are one." was heresy for the times, as it is now. It only got mashed around by John, to this claim of only son and a virgin birth, and the first catachism...."for god so loved the world."
That is the basis for all Chrtianity. The promise of life ever after. No religion has ever promised that.
Both ideas were coopted, as were the ideas of Krishna and Lau Tsu.
The Church gave us Hell fire, and the Monks gave us the hideous idea of multiple rebirth.
Buddha's thing, that he failed at, was to say that it is essentially bad karma to hold past lives karma against ourselves and especially others. We should help the unfortunate.
The culture rejected that and still does. The halt and lame have to to suffer. Even today, blind, and lame, etc kids in Tibet are not helped very much. Most feel, they must suffer.
The unique thing about the non-diest Jesus story is the essential message of Love one another. What was his thing? Helping whores, lepers, lame beggars, etc.
Of course they followed him.
Very unique in this world, even today.
To really understand the plight of birth, is the message of these god-men. We cannot but live with that, but we can change ourselves from our parent's attitudes.
That message gets plowed under as the State adopts Religion for Power. Christians were around, but Constantine made up the Religion for War.
Christians and Muslims are not even Hatfield and McCoy. We are the same family of Abraham. And we both say there is only one way to cut the Turkey at Dinner. All about dying.
Both will kill for that. They are the evil twins of Havoc.
Sorry, how much gold is in the Vatican?the israelites invented the abraham progenitor myth, for themselves. mohammed co-opted that myth for himself to explain why his new bullshit religion was better than that of the jews, he also co-opted a great deal of primitive christian tenets, and the polytheistic mummery of the arab tribes of the time to create his lame fanfiction mashup, then set about trying to force everyone to join his retarded club.
placing islam on the same stage as judaism, christianity hinduism buddhism, zoroastrianism, daoism or in fact ANY real religion does violence to the very idea of a loving deity of truth and enlightenment.
islam is scientology version 1.0, a profit making scheme, nothing more.
Don't mind Kynes too much.Sorry, how much gold is in the Vatican?
How much money and land do they own?
All religions are about control and money, singling out Islam is pathetic just cos its younger and more outwardly aggressive.
Lol, so that's why many places are systematically removing Muslims rights to justify their bullshit under freedom of religion? Many places banning the Burka for example.The Sunni Jihad is already at war with you, softly. They will freely admit that. We've had Sunni on this board and I asked them. We are to be dead in the ditch, the women in Burkka and It only takes one to Tango. You don't have to fight back.
You can convert or become a Jizya slave until you are murdered for an arbitrary crime by a Sharia court.
Read history, but don't think it is over.
Lol, so that's why many places are systematically removing Muslims rights to justify their bullshit under freedom of religion? Many places banning the Burka for example.
Islam will never take over, in 20 years secularism will be even moar supported than it already is.
In other words, when you old fucks die off we can have a world free of religious bullshit.
if you assert that the vatican is the seat of christianity, then you have deeper issues than living in a socialist theocracy with crazy gun laws.Sorry, how much gold is in the Vatican?
How much money and land do they own?
All religions are about control and money, singling out Islam is pathetic just cos its younger and more outwardly aggressive. is just because Jihad is outwardly and inwardly aggressive.
They see this as ordained. We see it as ordained as our Right to protect ourselves.
The USA was already the Great Satan, 200 years ago. They want the war and we will defend ourselves and pretend not to, generation after generation.
You all, with council of sit "back and relax" "you are a _____," etc, are not in the loop.
what part of the arab-israeli conflict has driven abu sayyif and the moro liberation front to engage in terrorism, murder, machete slaughter of whole villages of peasants, kidnapping and suicide bombings in the phillipines?I don't buy islamic extremists representing islam anymore than I buy the Tea Party representing the average American.
The very same people who have antagonized muslims to secure oil supplies now want us to double down on a war of civilizations.
No thanks.
Solve the Arab-Israeli problem and the extremists would be ignored within a decade.
The problem with selling a line of shit is that it smells.
Multicultural non judgmentalism vs human rights.... failure to compute.I don't buy islamic extremists representing islam anymore than I buy the Tea Party representing the average American.
The very same people who have antagonized muslims to secure oil supplies now want us to double down on a war of civilizations.
No thanks.
Solve the Arab-Israeli problem and the extremists would be ignored within a decade.
The problem with selling a line of shit is that it smells.
Lol, so that's why many places are systematically removing Muslims rights to justify their bullshit under freedom of religion? Many places banning the Burka for example.
Islam will never take over, in 20 years secularism will be even moar supported than it already is.
In other words, when you old fucks die off we can have a world free of religious bullshit.