Well-Known Member
I don't buy islamic extremists representing islam anymore than I buy the Tea Party representing the average American.
The very same people who have antagonized muslims to secure oil supplies now want us to double down on a war of civilizations.
No thanks.
Solve the Arab-Israeli problem and the extremists would be ignored within a decade.
The problem with selling a line of shit is that it smells.
Jihad loves you, then, They have extract Jizya Tax from you already with this attitude. Inner Jihad. Conquest of your mind. That is how they roll. And the problem is they roll much better than ever with modern stuff we build for them and they buy with oil money.
Of course Islam has you fooled. It is the MO.
If you will try this on any Muslim, as I have, you will see. You have to go easy, They will clam up and tap dance you into word death, if they can. But, if you can get it pinned, any and all Muslims will never say they can co-exist.
It is conquest even for the most meek and most full (seemingly) of gentle piety.
No religion on earth is allowed but Islam. They don't see this as religion.
They see it as Governance and they mean that for us all. Of course, you can't see it.
But, I have pinned down more than one Sunni Muslim on this board. Most will tap dance about it and not be pinned. They say they have the right to believe anything or "show me in the book where it say that" (all tap dance), but will never renounce conquest for Islam. A few, that Chechen guy, especially was very straight forward about it. We decided to kill each other in battle, but until then...,,

If you think you are so smart, go ask around. I sure have,
It they are honest, they will tell you they believe it is the will of Allah to have only Islam on earth. If they are honest (not so much to the infidel) they will say they cannot go against this. It is blasphemy to allow another religion to exist.
It is God's Will. That justifies it all.
Just ask them. None will renounce conquest. Even my very good Pashtun friend, citizen of the USA, will say, "but if it is God's will?"