Schuylaar's Sesh: The Politics of Doing What You're Told..

Oh so awful!

I wanted to say lazy Jews but it's damned hard to find a Jew without a job,
unlike yourself.

sitting in a rusted out pennsylvania town, collecting a disability check, following minorities around the grocery store, monitoring your neighbors' trash fucking miserable and pathetic is your life?
he wears a fedora but i don't remember him being too much of a piece of shit.

Huh, just noticed my neighbor's cat batting at the lid of one of our trash cans....he's almost got it open, the bastard!

Hmm? What were we talking about?

Me too.

I'm bummed about what happened with him.

No, no; my guess = damned close, as in, both are d-bags.

Are you talking about being bummed that this got got (repeatedly) banned?
