Schuylaar's Sesh: The Politics of Doing What You're Told..

Huh, just noticed my neighbor's cat batting at the lid of one of our trash cans....he's almost got it open, the bastard!

Hmm? What were we talking about?

No, no; my guess = damned close, as in, both are d-bags.

Are you talking about being bummed that this got got (repeatedly) banned?

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No- he bailed owing me money, the fucker.
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im not a welder you retard much do you think i make as an accountant does what we make pertain to anything political we have talked about ? its time to ditch the t1-11 siding before it totally rots out,and about that cardio you spoke of,time for a roof on that do know owning the ugliest house in the sub is not not going to raise the value like you brag about right? chop chop,lots of work to do on that dump before the kids get a few people said,you project your own hatred on to like to tell everyone they live in a dump yet your place.....lmfao.let me know if ya need estimates on any of that ;-)


Not much, no. He didn't have the skills to rip me off for more than lunch money.

im not a welder you retard much do you think i make as an accountant does what we make pertain to anything political we have talked about ? its time to ditch the t1-11 siding before it totally rots out,and about that cardio you spoke of,time for a roof on that do know owning the ugliest house in the sub is not not going to raise the value like you brag about right? chop chop,lots of work to do on that dump before the kids get a few people said,you project your own hatred on to like to tell everyone they live in a dump yet your place.....lmfao.let me know if ya need estimates on any of that ;-)

you seem upset that i make more money than you.
He get lots of pussy though
"you cannot go to a dunkin doughnuts or a 7 eleven without having a indian accent" theres your great white hope for 2020 ,crazy uncle joe lol