See, this is the real problem here, its obvious my seeds are from an F1. Most likely, a selfied F1.
Okay let's say the F1 is fire (aka CBD Blueberry)
The breeder selfie the F1 to sell the feminized seeds.
The feminized seed "is not" gonna have the same genetic makeup as the mother, simply because the genetic makeup of the mother is not stable. A seed could inherited 40% from the father of the F1 and another seed could inherited 60% from the father. What I'm saying here is, not all seeds will have the same genetic make-up.
So therefore, with 4 phenotypes, maybe one is the real CBD Blueberry, the rests are phenotypes of the parents of F1 which are not CBD Blueberry. Worst scenario, all of them are not CBD Blueberry. Close maybe, but not as close to the F1....these seeds can be considered as F2's