Scott Walker...F##K Yeah

Scott Walker now beats Hildabeast!

The Koch brothers haven't even begun funneling the hundreds of millions of dollars into his campaign and he's already ahead.

"In addition to Clinton’s problems in Iowa, Virginia and Colorado, the new poll also shows the presumed nominee has trouble when she faces some of the leading GOP candidates. According to the new Quinnipiac poll of Iowa voters, the former secretary of state would lose by a wide margin to Jeb Bush, Scott Walker and Marco Rubio."

ahead of who?...seems like he is having a hard time beating Trump
ahead of who?...seems like he is having a hard time beating Trump

Trump is just the MSM's current diversion from the horror that is the Obama administration. I have doubts he will come within miles of the nomination. The good news is we have several candidates who are actual Conservatives and have healthy track records of giving strong Democrat contenders beat downs, let alone weak ones like Hildabeast and Sanders (lol). I love me some Kasich. You know, the economic architect who is actually responsible for the surplus of the Clinton years.

However, I'm not liking the way things are starting to look, voters are seeing through the liberal bullshit too soon. We desperately need another four to eight years of a Democrat as President so the entire cookie can crumble. I'm really liking Clinton for that slot, you people deserve a candidate that so completely represents your values and character. Come on cunt, don't go fading down the stretch on me.
I love me some Kasich. You know, the economic architect who is actually responsible for the surplus of the Clinton years.


Kasich had fuck all to do with that surplus. You could give a little credit to the tax increase in 1993, that not a single fucking republican voted for, but you can mostly thank the bubbles in the stock market, IT, and housing, that stuffed tax coffers after the recession.

Many are crediting those surpluses for destroying the fucking economy. Are you sure you want to lay that on whatever fucktard politician you think is somehow different, or special because you've anointed him as your guy?

Kasich had fuck all to do with that surplus. You could give a little credit to the tax increase in 1993, that not a single fucking republican voted for, but you can mostly thank the bubbles in the stock market, IT, and housing, that stuffed tax coffers after the recession.

Many are crediting those surpluses for destroying the fucking economy. Are you sure you want to lay that on whatever fucktard politician you think is somehow different, or special because you've anointed him as your guy?

What a load of horseshit.

Yeah, tax increases made the economy flourish, what a maroon. Even Politifact rated the 1993 legislation being responsible for the surplus half true. And that's from a gang a rabid progressives. The facts are that Kasich engineered, sponsored, negotiated and was instrumental in the balanced budget. Only a statist fucking idiot thinks a balanced budget is a bad thing. Where the fuck do they grow people that stupid?

For your reading pleasure.

"We started with "Balanced Budget." That refers to the federal Balanced Budget Act of 1997, H.R. 2015, a bipartisan agreement to balance the federal budget by the year 2002.

The 537-page bill was sponsored by Kasich, a U.S. House member representing a suburban Columbus district from 1983 through 2000 and chairman of the House Budget Committee.

The legislation also promised the first major tax cuts in 16 years, and it reduced Medicare and Medicaid payments to health care providers.

Kasich was widely recognized as the its chief architect and a key player in negotiating its passage. When President Clinton signed the agreement into law, Kasich stood beside him in the Rose Garden.

Newt Gingrich, Kasich's mentor and then-speaker of the House, called him "a historic figure. More than any single man, he is responsible for balancing the budget."

Clinton announced that surplus in September 1998, a year after the agreement was signed. It was the first U.S. budget surplus in 29 years. Federal budgets were balanced in both fiscal 1999 and fiscal 2000.

Kasich deserves credit for conceiving, sponsoring and negotiating passage of the Balanced Budget Act of 1997."
Scott Walker now beats Hildabeast!

The Koch brothers haven't even begun funneling the hundreds of millions of dollars into his campaign and he's already ahead.

"In addition to Clinton’s problems in Iowa, Virginia and Colorado, the new poll also shows the presumed nominee has trouble when she faces some of the leading GOP candidates. According to the new Quinnipiac poll of Iowa voters, the former secretary of state would lose by a wide margin to Jeb Bush, Scott Walker and Marco Rubio."


cherry picking polls again?


you had this same issue last election. no wonder you were 18 points off in your deluded alternate reality.

Trump is just the MSM's current diversion from the horror that is the Obama administration. I have doubts he will come within miles of the nomination. The good news is we have several candidates who are actual Conservatives and have healthy track records of giving strong Democrat contenders beat downs, let alone weak ones like Hildabeast and Sanders (lol). I love me some Kasich. You know, the economic architect who is actually responsible for the surplus of the Clinton years.

However, I'm not liking the way things are starting to look, voters are seeing through the liberal bullshit too soon. We desperately need another four to eight years of a Democrat as President so the entire cookie can crumble. I'm really liking Clinton for that slot, you people deserve a candidate that so completely represents your values and character. Come on cunt, don't go fading down the stretch on me.

judgig by your track record of 100% wrong predictions all the time, every time, i can safely say that i just wasted the last 20 seconds of my life reading your horse shit.

Trump is just the MSM's current diversion from the horror that is the Obama administration. I have doubts he will come within miles of the nomination. The good news is we have several candidates who are actual Conservatives and have healthy track records of giving strong Democrat contenders beat downs, let alone weak ones like Hildabeast and Sanders (lol). I love me some Kasich. You know, the economic architect who is actually responsible for the surplus of the Clinton year

However, I'm not liking the way things are starting to look, voters are seeing through the liberal bullshit too soon. We desperately need another four to eight years of a Democrat as President so the entire cookie can crumble. I'm really liking Clinton for that slot, you people deserve a candidate that so completely represents your values and character. Come on cunt, don't go fading down the stretch on me.

"Cookie crumbles" youre a real fucking word smith. you pick up that meta thinking at the creation museum?

Its plain that youre a toxic numb skull but calling an RIUera cunt while your menstrual cup is backed up and creating septic conditions all ovrer RIU Is inappropriate.

Trump 2016. This years clot of repub geniuses is nearly as brilliant as binderfull of babes 2014 loser. Are you the dude who got the job of milking rafalca w your sphincter?

Obama will be remembered in history as a winner as bush & co will be forgotten as lying imbeciles,swindlers, face shooter offers and an art therapy quality oil painter.
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44th in the Nation in Job Growth - Bureau of Labor Statistics
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Gov Walker's track record speaks for itself...
Trump has it all wrong. The real problem isn't the Mexicans, its the Canadians:

Wisconsin governor calls building northern wall along Canadian border a legitimate issue

By KEVIN FREKING Associated Press

AUGUST 30, 2015 — 10:46AM

WASHINGTON — Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker is putting a new twist on the topic of securing the border, a staple among the GOP candidates running for president, by pointing north.
Walker said in an interview that aired Sunday that building a wall along the country's northern border with Canada is a legitimate issue that merits further review.
Republican candidates for president have often taken a get-tough approach on deterring illegal immigration, but they usually focus on the border with Mexico. Walker was asked Sunday morning on NBC's "Meet the Press" whether he wanted to build a wall on the northern border, too. Walker said some people in New Hampshire have asked the campaign about the topic.
"They raised some very legitimate concerns, including some law enforcement folks that brought that up to me at one of our town hall meetings about a week and a half ago. So that is a legitimate issue for us to look at," Walker said.
The U.S.-Canada boundary is the longest international border in the world at 5,525 miles long.

Billionaire Donald Trump is riding the issue of illegal immigration to the top of the Republican presidential primary polls. He has said he would make Mexico pay for completing a permanent wall along the border. He also says he would also end automatic citizenship for those born in the United States, a right guaranteed by the 14th Amendment to the Constitution that was originally added to grant citizenship to freed slaves and their descendants after the Civil War. His positions appear to have pushed rivals to also take strong stands on immigration.

Walker, at one point, echoed Trump's call for ending birthright citizenship, but later said he's against any such repeal.

####What a freakin moron####