SCOTUS solidifies the right to carry weapons, shall not be infringed

Rob, that was statement was illogical, especially considering that most "Liberals" don't want to take away guns, they just fucking want more control over the type of gun allowed & more control over who the fuck can own them

That's it

I own a multitude of weapons that I have used for hunting & skeet shooting & I'm sure as fuck a liberal.

If I have to give up my guns to help to prevent murders, I will give them gladly.

So, you have a big gun & are good with it"


How good & what gun?

Did you ever hear the term "chasing holes"?

It means hitting a target with 3 or more rounds leaving only one hole

I've done it a few times @ 300 yards with the right conditions (little or no wind) with my favorite rifle, a Sako chambered .270 Winchester with a Leupold 12x.

I would love to go to a range with you & show you that not all Liberals hate guns.

I love them :)

Typical leftist, you are not a liberal by any means. And something is wrong with your brain. How would you giving up your guns prevent murders? Are you out killing people?
Guns are like pickup trucks. The biggest and nastiest are owned by the guys with the smallest and limpest dicks. Incels and Republitrumps the lot of them.
So you have been inspecting the dicks of people with trucks? Interesting. And you are an incel and suffer from TDS. Seek help.
We've seen time and time again law enforcement run from assailants with assault rifles. I bet you would too.
Everyone is not a coward, for instance you must be since you feel owning weapons is something too serious to contemplate. If the cops won't protect you then who is next up to bat? You going to cower exuding drool and beg for your life?
Everyone is not a coward, for instance you must be since you feel owning weapons is something too serious to contemplate. If the cops won't protect you then who is next up to bat? You going to cower exuding drool and beg for your life?

Statistically, gun owners are more likely to be the victim of gun violence. Many even use them on themselves, ironic huh?
So more gun violence to solve gun violence?

Killing off the criminals would result in less crime, so yes. Knowing most are armed would prevent a lot of crime also. Gun violence is a blanket term and means different things to different people.
Killing off the criminals would result in less crime, so yes. Knowing most are armed would prevent a lot of crime also. Gun violence is a blanket term and means different things to different people.
So by your logic with America already being the most or one of the most armed populations on earth then you would have very low crime and virtually no prisoners and not many prisons.
Hows that workin out for ya?