SCOTUS solidifies the right to carry weapons, shall not be infringed

No I want and have what I need, the ability to protect myself no matter what. And yes I want guns out of the hands of criminals of all races.
That means criminals like you who threaten to looking forward to shooting liberals because they are liberals
There were two adults killed who also were forced to cower somewhere before they died. They had no choice or chance. If they had been armed they would have had a chance, since they were not they died. Odd that is the choice you want to give them.
Nobody cowered more than the cops. What was it an hour before they got the balls to go in there?
Imagine if the violent right was forced for decades culturally in a city
It would be the Wild West of haters
Sorry partner false equivalency and slanted as a to why that happens but if it makes you feel superior we all know you’ll go there
I don't know where you live but many cities are already the wild west of haters and Blue cities are the playground. Places where the law abiding are disarmed.
only people he wants to have guns are racist far right idiots by the sounds. Stary lynching any black or brown people.
Not at all, I want all the criminal Blacks, Hispanics and Whites disarmed and imprisoned. Do you have a serious reading comprehension issue? All you have is some racist bullschit?
Missouri has the highest rates of violent crime. And I wouldn't consider gangsters in Chicago leftists, too funny.
Why not, the mob elects who they want and have forever especially in Chicago. And they elect leftists. Yes Missouri also has large cities full of Blacks. There is a direct correlation between large Black populations and crime.
Why not, the mob elects who they want and have forever especially in Chicago. And they elect leftists. Yes Missouri also has large cities full of Blacks. There is a direct correlation between large Black populations and crime.
Ok Kyle